Legacy:Bear Tooth

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Legacy Haven & Hearth page.
"The RoB Wiki currently hosts information for both the current Haven & Hearth world as well as the legacy server. Please be aware that information relating to legacy should be found on pages with "legacy" in the name. While our editors have done their best to get things sorted, please be aware there may be some pages that haven't been moved properly and may still be flagged that the information is legacy and may not apply to the current world."

Just in case. There is a Legacy specific discussion page.
Bear Tooth
Legacy-Bear Tooth.png
Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Skill(s) Required Hunting
Object(s) Required Bear Skeleton
Required By (3) Bear Cape, Bear Tooth Talisman, Village Claim
Study details
Base LP 750
Study Time 28
Mental Weight 25
LP / Hour (real) 26.79
LP / Mental Weight 30
LP / Hour / Size 26.79
LP / Hour / Weight 1.07
Go to Legacy Objects

Bear Tooth is a Curiosity which can be used in the Study Interface to earn Learning Points. It also counts as bone material and is required for certain recipes.

How to Acquire

Kill a bear, then right click to collect bones on a bear skeleton after skinning and butchering the remains. You will get four teeth along with other bone materials of the same quality. Quality is bear level*20, softcapped by Survival.

Other Applications

Bear Teeth can be used as if they were a regular bone component when crafting items. This can also be a detriment if you are not careful as you can accidentally turn Bear Teeth into Bone Arrows or Bone Glue.