Legacy talk:Goldbeater's Skin

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seems to work.--SpakyPD (talk) 04:11, 27 October 2015 (EDT)

Q6/6/4 Maw Q23/29/32 Vinegar

Q20/19/20 Skin

Q3/6/3 Maw Q10/11/11 Vinegar Q16/20/17 Cauldron

Q14/12/12 Skin

Q4/5/4 Maw Q14/11/13 Vinegar

Q16/12/13 Skin

Q3/3/3 Suckling's Maw Q10/7/8 Vinegar Q65/36/42 Water Q12/18/17 Cauldron Q14/10/11 Skins

Uses 1L of water.


Just putting this here for anyone trying to decipher the equation.
--ApocalypsePlease 11:36, 15 April 2012 (EDT)

The approximate formula is. Goldbeater = ( intest * 10 + vinegar * 5 + ( (caldron + water)/2 ) * 3)/18 The formula might be wrong but there is a strong likelihood the game does strange rounding errors trying to calculate the goldbeater. Because of this this formula is sometimes 1Q higher then the real value.