Legacy talk:Combat Actions

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Damage formula

should be the correct formula according to Ninijutsu --Borka 15:59, 2 June 2013 (EDT)

"As for the damage formula being incorrect, I know we all figured that out awhile ago too. There were long discussions about it and everyone was trying to figure out how it actually worked but to no avail. I don't know what the current formula is based off of or how correct or incorrect it is." TeckXKnight UAC vs Deer--Borka 04:13, 8 April 2013 (EDT)

The formula (on main page, see copy below) seem not right to me. Not to sure what it really should be, as I find the above notation of the formula kinda mystifying. (math version seem also very unclear to me on which square-root the "/10" part belongs.)

Last one:

Changed one: (this one is not the same as the above one, math wise.)

Alternative possible version 1:
Alternative possible version 2:


Delta is more likely either your combat skill or the comparison of your combat skill vs target's combat defense Dataslycer 21:45, March 28, 2010 (UTC)

Moved this from the clumsy long title to a more concise and easily linked to title. Rudimental 21:03, August 6, 2010 (UTC)

Combat move speed: We're just plain missing a few; someone contributing to this would be great. Missing: Feign Flight, Consume the Flames, Fan the Flames, Invocation of Skuld, Stern Order, To Arms!, and Quell the Beast. Please understand how Combat Intensity and Agility factor into move speed before trying to gather conclusive results. Test them against someone with equal agility to yourself and preferably at combat intensity 0 when possible other calculating the time difference with some accuracy. --HunterSilver 15:11, 1 December 2011 (EST)


I've started putting all the combat move info into template boxes, but they are right-aligned and bleed down the side of the screen into other sections.

How fix? Odditys 22:03, 17 November 2012 (EST)

I think it looks better when all of them is one size. I don't fully understand what you want these to look like, so try to describe your vision of these page at greater length.
Fals89 18:04, 21 November 2012 (EST)