Talk:Crops table

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Trying to nail down the stage times for the various crops.

Barley: Stage 2:

Beets: Stage 2: ~18 hrs. No Growth Speed Bonus.

Carrots: Stage 2:

Flax: Stage 2: Complete at < 21 hrs. w/+15% GSB.

Hemp: Stage 2:

Leek: I don't have any yet...

Lettuce: Stage 2: ~14 hrs. w/+28% GSB.

Pipeweed: Stage 2: Complete at < 20 hrs. Stage 4: Complete at 53H38M w/no GSB. Stage 5 is harvest stage.

Poppy: Stage 2:

Pumpkin: Stage 2:

Red Onion: Stage 2: ~21H37M w/+28% GSB.

Turnip: Stage 2: ~24 hrs to complete. W/no GSB. Stage 3: 46H45M to complete.

Yellow Onion: Stage 2 was ~22 hrs w/+28% GSB. = ~30.5 Hrs. w/out bonus.

Wheat: Stage 2: Start @~18 Hrs w/+15% GSB. = ~21H11M w/out bonus. Complete @ ~ < 21H40M = ~ < 25H30M w/out bonus.

Trellis Crops:

Cucumber: Stage 2:

Grapes: Stage 2:

Hops: Stage 2:

Peas: Stage 2:

Peppercorn: Stage 2:

Note: I know my math is off. Not sure of the correct formula to deduce correct times when bonuses are applied. --Reyajh (talk) 10:09, 27 May 2018 (EDT)

Edit: 'The correct formula.' If a realm bonus grants +15% GSB to a crop and the crop takes 48 hours to reach a certain stage then to determine the normal growth speed: Divide 48 by .85 = 56.6 Hours would be the normal growth speed. You divide by .85 because adding it to the 15% or .15 gives the required 100%. so a realm bonus of 28% would require dividing by .72 because .72 + .28 = 1. --Reyajh (talk) 12:56, 28 May 2018 (EDT)