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Self calling #ask table generator.
  • Specific for Satiation related categories. (Now outdated ...)

Template Switch Parts.
  • [0] (none/#default): Used/called by the #ask part itself. Takes care of processing/formatting the table rows. (called for each row separately)
  • [1] "switch=ask": The #ask part itself.
    • "(anonymous)": Name of (food related) target category. (mandatory at the moment)
  • [2] "switch=fields": Main-table initiation and setting column headers.
  • [3] "switch=header": Optional container table with adjustable class settings.
    • "(anonymous)": Container table header text. This text is the collapsed header text.
      • ToDo: Header text also used for unconditional case-count. (re-evaluate that part)
    • "class=": Table class specification. (Default: "mw-collapsible mw-collapsed")
    • "width=": Minimum distance where the "[Expand]" option is placed.
    • "minwidth=": Minimum distance where the "[Expand]" option is placed.
      • Both need to be used. Maximum value is used. (other can be 0, but not empty)
      • ToDo: re-check why both inputs are here. (seems they can be merged)
  • [4] "switch=close_table": For closing the main table. Or,
  • [4] "switch=close_header": for closing the header table.
  • [5] "CalculationInfo=": For setting, and adding additional field-data information.

Example preview.
Satiations-Berries.png Berries Satiations (21) (18, 3, 0) 
Item 1st Sat 2nd Sat 3rd Sat
Blackberry (w10) Berries
Blackcurrant (w10) Berries
Blueberry Pie (w10) Berries Sweets & Desserts
Candleberry (w10) Berries
Cherries (w10) Fruit Berries
Dog Rose Hips (w10) Berries
Elderberries (w10) Berries
Gooseberry (w10) Berries
Lingon Loaf (w10) Berries Bread
Mulberry (w10) Berries
Raspberry (w10) Berries
Redcurrant (w10) Berries
Sacrebleu (w10) Dairy Berries
Seaberries (w10) Berries
Sloan Berries (w10) Berries
Strawberry (w10) Berries
Strawberry Cake (w10) Berries
Yesteryear's Cherries (w10) Fruit Berries
Yesteryear's Mulberry (w10) Berries
Yesteryear's Raspberry (w10) Berries
Yesteryear's Seaberries (w10) Berries