Burrower Stalks

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Burrower Stalks
Burrower Stalks.png
Vital statistics
Size 3 x 3
Discovery Req.This(<i>discoveryreq</i>) is only for items that need to be discovered in addition to items listed in "Object(s) Required"/<i>(<i>objectsreq</i>).</i><small><br><b><i>(Temporary active on all pages, but leave empty if "None".</i></b><small> (None or Unknown)
Required By (1) Burrower Bean
Go to Objects

Burrower Stalks is a Natural Wonder, a rare type of resource that grows over time in a random location and disappears after being gathered.


Burrower Stalks randomly spawn at any land across the world, and start to grow for 24-48 RL hours, then spit out 8-12 of Burrower Beans around.

How to Use

  • Using the Inspect action on any natural wonder will tell you how many RL time needed to fully develop.
  • Right-click lying around Burrower Beans to pick them up.


  • Burrower Bean is a permanent resource and will not decay.
  • Burrower Stalks spit out Burrower Beans in 1-minute intervals once it is grown.


Game Development

  • Stalking Garden (2019-07-10) >"Added "Burrower Stalks", they pop up here and there, now and then, and drop cool beans. They need to sprout fully before dropping anything. Find one!"