Category talk:Objects

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Object Categories

- On hold: Renaming category "Objects-Legacy" to "Legacy Objects" (to go in line with most other legacy categories).
-- Pondering about options for the other "Object" Categories. ...
--.MvGulik. 09:49, 1 February 2018 (EST)
Totally forgot about this one, until I saw it again.
- Changed the usage of "Objects-Legacy" category to "Legacy Objects", to go in line with other Legacy categories.
- Ditch the mixed Hafen and Legacy objects nature of the "Objects" category, making it Hafen only. (ie: category "Objects-Hafen" => "Objects")
- (note: RoB-wiki might take a bit of time fully process the change.)(finished)
--.MvGulik. 17:58, 25 May 2018 (EDT)