Console Commands
To enter console commands, be certain that you do not currently have a chat field selected, otherwise the command will go to chat instead of being executed. If the command is being entered properly, it will display in the lower left corner of the main window as it is typed in.
The leading : on the commands is actually the way to activate the console mode. Enter to commit a command, and Esc to back out of console mode.
The console remembers the used commands (resets at character login). Browse its history with arrow-up & arrow-down.
Note: Specified hot-keys might differ based on the used custom client.
Note: Given commands take effect immediately. (they used to not do that)
Camera Control | |
:cam ortho <option> | Sets the default isometric game view. Camera follows the player character (PC) after the PC has moved a certain distance from the center of the screen. The camera can also be moved by middle click and dragging. Available options:
Left & right arrow keys rotate to next diagonal angle in that direction. |
:cam bad | Free 3D view camera. You can rotate and pitch around using middle click and dragging the mouse. Known bad-cam bug: Quest-giver marker can point in the wrong/opposite position of where they really are. One needs to look strait down (90° to ground) to view/preview its guarantied correct direction. |
:cam follow | Camera rotates around to follow the character. Note that the movement is slow and only starts rotating a second or so after a character moves. |
Lighting | |
:gl lighting simple :gl lighting zoned |
Controls/selects the game lighting mode to be used. Simple: The old 'global' lighting system. ... Zoned" The new 'zoned' lighting system. ... (This setting is also available in the client video settings) |
:gl maxlights <int> | Controls the maximum number of light sources to be processed. Use 0 to use the default number. Simple: Max light-sources, period. Zoned: Max light-sources per zone. (a zone being ... ?) The Sun/Moon lighting is probably excluded in this. ie: there always processed. (This setting is also available in the client video settings) |
Others | |
:lo | Will Log Out of current session |
:act lo | Will log out of current session only after a check for any conditions that would cause the character to remain in the world. |
:q | Will close the client |
:audiobuf <size> | Default audio buffer is 1024 and looks like ":audiobuf 1024". If you've got sound issues try to add more to buffer. Try starting by doubling it to 2048. Setting it too high will also cause issues. (Another contributor says 4096-8192 are the best options.) |
:placegrid <int> | Set the grid divisions for placement of objects with the default grid unlocked (placing while holding Ctrl). The number must be an integer between -2147483648 and 2147483647, and effectively represents the amount of snap points between each tile on both axes, centered on tile corners (as opposed to tile centers for default placement). A value of 1 would allow a single snap point (tile corners), 2 allows snap points every half tile, 3 every third of a tile, 4 every fourth of a tile, and so on.
This can be used to place objects in such a way that their hitboxes line up perfectly, saving the maximum amount of space. Numbers from 1 to 100 are the only useful settings for most purposes. The limits are simply the minimum and maximum allowable quantities for a 32-bit integer. |
:placeangle <int> | Similar to placegrid but for setting the rotation user-angle when using Ctrl+Shift+MouseWheel. Default rotation (45 degrees) uses Shift+MouseWheel. The value (N>2) determines how many steps are used for a 180 degree rotation (values 0,1,2 => default to 90 degree rotation). So: A value of 3 gives 60 degree rotation steps, value 5 gives 36 degree, etc. The user-angle mode is additive. Or doing a default +45 degree rotation first and than a +36 user-angle degree rotation give you a +76 degree's rotation. The default Shift rotation mode is not additive, it used fixed 45 degree angles relative to the grid. The default user-angle is 15 degrees, which is :placeangle 12. (Note: The "Position" and "Angle" settings in "Interface settings" can also be used for this. But they currently don't update there values when using the console to change these settings (updates on character login). |
:hz <n> | Cap max FPS to n |
:bghz <n> | Cap max background frame rate to n. Default is 5. |
:stats <on/off> | Shows some general statistics about the client; toggle "on" or "off" |
Graphics Debugging | |
:gl meshmode vao | Default rendering mode |
:gl meshmode mem | ?? |
:gl meshmode dlist | Another diagnostic mode for some users that may crash on the default rendering mode |
:gl wsurf <n> | Change deep water color from dark blue (n=1) to light blue (n=0). The latter can help performances |
Others(2) (Questionable usefulness) | |
:die | Crashes the client. (assumed to be intentional until proven otherwise) |