Filet of Any Fish

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Filet of Any Fish
Filet of Any Fish.png
Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Discovery Req.This(<i>discoveryreq</i>) is only for items that need to be discovered in addition to items listed in "Object(s) Required"/<i>(<i>objectsreq</i>).</i><small><br><b><i>(Temporary active on all pages, but leave empty if "None".</i></b><small> (None or Unknown)
Object(s) Required Filet of Abyss Gazer, Filet of Asp, Filet of Bass, Filet of Bream, Filet of Brill, Filet of Burbot, Filet of Carp, Filet of Catfish, Filet of Cave Angler, Filet of Cave Sculpin, Filet of Cavelacanth, Filet of Chub, Filet of Cod, Filet of Eel, Filet of Grayling, Filet of Haddock, Filet of Herring, Filet of Ide, Filet of Lavaret, Filet of Mackerel, Filet of Mullet, Filet of Pale Ghostfish, Filet of Perch, Filet of Pike, Filet of Plaice, Filet of Pomfret, Filet of Roach, Filet of Rose Fish, Filet of Ruffe, Filet of Saithe, Filet of Salmon, Filet of Silver Bream, Filet of Smelt, Filet of Sturgeon, Filet of Tench, Filet of Trout, Filet of Whiting, Filet of Zander, Filet of Zope
Required By (8) Clambake, Fish in Tears, Fishballs, Fishsticks, Lemon Fish, Pan-Seared Fish, Unbaked Fishpie, Unbaked Fishwrap
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Filet of Any Fish is a game class-type referring to one of the following 39 game-objects:

 Filet of Asp (2) Meat-filet.pngOverlay Icon-Asp.png
 Filet of Bass (2) Meat-filet.pngOverlay Icon-Bass.png
 Filet of Carp (2) Meat-filet.pngOverlay Icon-Carp.png
 Filet of Chub (2) Meat-filet.pngOverlay Icon-Chub.png
 Filet of Cod (2) Meat-filet.pngOverlay Icon-Cod.png
 Filet of Eel (2) Meat-filet.pngOverlay Icon-Eel.png
 Filet of Ide (2) Meat-filet.pngOverlay Icon-Ide.png
 Filet of Pike (2) Meat-filet.pngOverlay Icon-Pike.png
 Filet of Zope (2) Meat-filet.pngOverlay Icon-Zope.png

(n): (Superscript) Number of items in that type-group.
(n): (Subscript) Number of crafts that specifically require this item.

Main "Generics" page