
From Ring of Brodgar
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Legacy Haven & Hearth page.
"The RoB Wiki currently hosts information for both the current Haven & Hearth world as well as the legacy server. Please be aware that information relating to legacy should be found on pages with "legacy" in the name. While our editors have done their best to get things sorted, please be aware there may be some pages that haven't been moved properly and may still be flagged that the information is legacy and may not apply to the current world."

Just in case. There is a Legacy specific discussion page.

Stamina indicates how tired your character is. This goes down as you do various activities or move on certain terrain. Moving at higher speeds drains stamina faster.

(This table is incomplete)

Stamina % Limitation(s)
< 50% Cannot run at 4th speed.
< 29% Cannot dig.
< 25% Cannot run at 3rd speed.
< 10% Can only crawl.
< 5% Cannot walk.

Legacy: Over time, your stamina will recover by taking points from the hunger bar. It can also be recovered by sitting on the chair (makes you hungry), drinking tea (does not make hungry) or water (makes hungry).