Legacy:Unarmed Combat

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"The RoB Wiki currently hosts information for both the current Haven & Hearth world as well as the legacy server. Please be aware that information relating to legacy should be found on pages with "legacy" in the name. While our editors have done their best to get things sorted, please be aware there may be some pages that haven't been moved properly and may still be flagged that the information is legacy and may not apply to the current world."

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Unarmed Combat
Legacy-Unarmed Combat.png
Unarmed Combat
LP Cost 200
Skill(s) Required The Will to Power
Skill(s) Enabled None
(Disabled Feature)
Required By Nothing
(Disabled Feature)
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The skill Unarmed Combat allows you to punch things. While this is a weak attack, with high strength, and many points in Unarmed Combat, it can be deadly. Since you don't need to place skills in Melee Combat to increase your chance to hit, it's a cheaper form of fighting.

A higher unarmed combat skill increases the effectiveness of your most basic defensive maneouver, "Dodge". For very new characters an unarmed combat skill of 10 or better can be a lifesaver while learning to hunt.

Enables the use of "Punch", "Slide!", "Jump!" and "Charge!"

Punch damage is 50 * sqrt(str / 10).

History and Legends

A notable character that used Unarmed Combat was Tubai. He was the first to punch a bear to death. After seeing this feat, many followed in suit.

Another epic story is when the two highly powerful characters Rift and Raephire fought. Rift was able to kill Raephire by strangling him, which is another unarmed combat attack.

In-Game Text

"Unarmed combat is the skill of fighting without crutches."

Unarmed combat is the skill of fighting without the aid of a weapon. The body can, through training, become a formidable weapon in and of its own.