Legacy talk:Edelweiß

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Found a Q21 Edelweiß, researching took from around 4:45 PM to 11:45 PM so 7 hours is confirmed, recieved about 20850 LP with 360% learning ability (I'm at work so I don't have the exact amount of LP), did the math and it came out to 4000. Found it with 1728 Per * Exp (seems rare to me, I've had above 1600 Per * Exp for a while and this is my first one after probably 4 or 5 trips to the mountains, so 1600 Per* Exp could be how much you need to find it). -Rikonman

I found an Edelweiß but when I went offscreen to travel around a cliff it disappeared. My per*exp is 4100. Therefore the Edelweiß requires more than 1025 per*exp. Phaen 17:30, 27 May 2011 (CDT)

Study Time

Seems that study time was adjusted in the Hafen. After ~8-9 hours of studying it I have completed it only for 39% (9/0.39=22 hours).