Legacy talk:Raw Hide

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The quality formula

Let's gather info on how exactly the hide meat and intensities quality is calculated

base corpse Q=100
sharp tool Q survival resulting skin Q
10 27 41
10 29-30 42
10 31-32 43
22 27 44
22 29-30 45
22 31-32 46

Seems like (baseQ+sharpToolQ)/2 softcapped by survival. Or maybe baseQ softcapped by sharpToolQ and further softcapped by survival. Can a high quality sharp tool make the hide an meat quality higher than the base? Theodor 08:15, 25 March 2011 (CDT)

Okay, the tool does not rise the hide quality, but only softcaps it. Included this info in the article. Theodor 17:08, 25 March 2011 (CDT)