Legacy talk:Rennet

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Q3/2/3 Maw Q14/11/13 Vinegar (0.3L) Q65/36/42 Water Q16/20/17 Cauldron

Q16/11/13 Rennet (1L)


I'm going to record a few results of my rennet making here so we can nail down the quality.
  • q13 vinegar + q10 water + q100 intestine = q51 rennet. Perception of 79 at the time.
--Lando242 06:36, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
Might be easier to just use a code block for that data dump. (easy spreadsheet copy/past)
(Vin=vinegar, W=water, I=intestine, COO=Cooking, PER=Perception)

V	W	I	COO	PER	Rennet(out) Cauldron(Metal)
---	---	---	---	---	---          ------
13	10	100	-?-	79	51             -?-
26      10      56      78      56      34              35 
26      10      56      78      56      31              ~17 

Vinegar	Water	Intestine	Cooking	Perception	Rennet	(alternative spreadsheet header line)
('TAB' editing in wiki need to be done with 'copy and paste). (or: have not found a other(easier) way.)
(... edit how you like to.)
PS: not sure about Cauldron Q making a difference here. But Cauldron type (Clay or Metal) is. Type?)
--MvGulik 12:27, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
Cauldron quality is making a difference, used my old lower quality cauldron with the same materials and rennet quality lowered
Heres what I've fitted so far, please confirm if you can.
(Vinegar*2 + Water + Intestine*2 + Cauldron ) /6
No idea about cooking or perception soft-capping my stats are to high above my material quality.
--Valakas46 xx:xx, 20 Juni 2012 (xxx)
Can confirm that cooking at least does effect softcap. Me and our town cook made rennet with same quality ingredients, mine was much lower with 1 cooking. --Smurfsrule xx:xx, 1 Juli 2013 (xxx)

"I can confirm the rennet formula on the Rennet talk page. Also i can confirm that cooking and perception softcaps this: I was making some q89 rennet, but the formula gave me q96, so i bought a monocle from Ramones to improve my perception and than I've got the q96 rennet." By Lennertxxx(HnH Forum) 14:51, 11 September 2013 (EDT)

Updating main page with the formula(A) and softcapping data:
Assuming metal cauldron. In case of any in-game mismatches. Report with all relative data (VinegarQ, WaterQ, IntestineQ, CauldronType, CauldronQ, Cooking level, Perception level, RennetQ) (nts:DataTable,Cleanup) --.MvGulik. 14:51, 11 September 2013 (EDT)