Legacy talk:Tanning Tub

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if you acquired a tub and wish to find the Q of the tub, put in a Q10 pelt (rabbit), q10 water, and q10 bark.

then use this formula to figure out the Q of tub.

Qtub= (6*Qleather produced)-50

Note: this is could be rounded down, the quality of the tub can be up to 5 quality higher than what is listed here

--ApocalypsePlease 18:35, 22 November 2011 (EST)

tub quality

I tested it with q10 rabbit fur, water and bark the leather i received was q11 so the tub must be q15 does anyone know what also influences tub quality ?

(10*3+10+10+20)/6 = 11.67 Quality always rounds down, the formula still holds true. It would be Q12 if the tub was Q22. (The quality you're seeing was rounded down, Q11 leather will be produced if everything is Q10, and the tub is Q16-21) --ApocalypsePlease 18:35, 22 November 2011 (EST)