Legacy talk:Terraforming

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Terraforming talk/discussion page. Use [+] to start a new talk section/topic. Last cleared: 03:18, 20 February 2015 (EST)


The Universe of Haven - by Xcom » Mon Feb 10, 2014


  • Mudflat tiles seems to be immune to direct and indirect terraforming by trees. (makes sense)

Tree related terraforming

(Rundown of general and other tree related terraforming stuff)

  • Not all terrain types are susceptible to auto-terraforming by trees. (Assuming the same for both of the two tree terraforming features)
    • Susceptible: Broadleaf Forest, Conifer Forest, Grassland, Heath, Moor.
    • Not Susceptible: Mudflat, Deep Water, Shallow Water. (Presumed: Beach, Cave, Mountain, Swamp, Thicket)
  • When a tree grows to its next growth level it tries to convert one tile to the trees native ground. (known exceptions: Mulberry)
    • The growth related terraformed tile gravitates to the source tree location. (unknown: maximum range)
    • Tree growth related terraforming seems not bound/limited to the server-grid the tree is growing on. (test case suggests it, but its also not conclusive)
      • Tree growth related terraforming are not bound to a minimap area. (Kinda suggesting the "none bound to server-grid" is conclusive. But so far its limited to tiles on the server-grid border. With the exception of observed single tile on a neighboring minimap. Diagonal server-grid crossing in this case.)
    • There is a small chance that no tile gets terraformed. (Observed on some trees(fir) growing from level 1 to level 2 with some missing terraformed tiles. With dual terraforming of the same tile being at a very really low probability in this case.)
  • Confirmed that the center server-grid becomes a active forest type, with (at least): 9 trees, planted in a [3x3] server-grids area, one tree per server-grid, and two tree types (Fir(8)+Yew(1)). Not sure about the needed tree level. Seems to be L2 or L3 (L1(sapling)..L6(mature)).

--.MvGulik. 17:32, 24 March 2015 (EDT)