
From Ring of Brodgar
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Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Object(s) Required Almond, Beech Nuts, Carob Pod, Chestnut, Hazelnut, King's Acorn, Oak Acorn, Walnut, Withercorn
Required By (2) Squirrel's Pouch, Unbaked Nutjerky
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Nuts is a game class-type referring to one of the following 9 game-objects:

 Almond (1) Almond.png Beech Nuts (1) Beech Nuts.png Carob Pod (1) Carob Pod.png Chestnut (2) Chestnut.png Hazelnut (2) Hazelnut.png King's Acorn (1) King's Acorn.png Oak Acorn (1) Oak Acorn.png Walnut (1) Walnut.png Withercorn (1) Withercorn.png

(n): (Superscript) Number of items in that type-group.
(n): (Subscript) Number of crafts that specifically require this item.

Main "Generics" page


See Nuts Category page for related FEP table.

Game Development