Rabbit Wizard's Hat

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Rabbit Wizard's Hat
Rabbit Wizard's Hat.png
Item properties
Size (item) Item (inventory)size.<br><br>xitem & yitem are both optional. Both default to 1 if not specified. 1 x 1
Slot(s) Occupied 1L
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Release date: March 6 2020, World 12

A hat to (complete me).

How to Acquire

This hat was released in the "World 12" update and could be purchased in the cash shop for 12 dollars. Receive it in game by right clicking your hearth fire after making the purchase. Ownership of cash shop items can be transferred by right clicking another character while holding the item.

Store Text

"The perennial question: Does a rabbit wizard pull rabbits, or wizards, out of his Rabbit Wizard's Hat?"