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- 13:44, 8 March 2025 Sandbox/Forageables Seasonality Table (hist | edit) [2,905 bytes] MvGulik (talk | contribs) (Test workout.)
- 03:05, 16 February 2025 Bar of White Metal (hist | edit) [285 bytes] Jay-Do (talk | contribs) (Added bar of white metal since it was a broken link)
- 12:54, 9 February 2025 Nugget of White Metal (hist | edit) [657 bytes] MvGulik (talk | contribs) (Create.)
- 10:20, 2 February 2025 Game Updates/Changes/2025 (hist | edit) [8,153 bytes] MvGulik (talk | contribs) (→Listed Wound: Clean initial patch notes.)
- 09:42, 1 February 2025 Wild Kale Seeds (hist | edit) [223 bytes] MvGulik (talk | contribs) (Base Item page.)
- 19:50, 11 January 2025 Wildgoat Lur (hist | edit) [632 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj | xsize = 2 | ysize = 2 | | skillreq = requires::Hunting, requires::Music | objectsreq = requires::Wildgoat Horn x1, requires::Rough Polish x1 | producedby = Nothing | | slot = 5L and 5R }} Category:Instruments Category:Equipment {{GM|$Craft|$Clothes & Equipment|$Instruments|$Wildgoat Lur}} == Lur == It's one of the musical instruments available in the world. Once equipped, right click on the item and a keyboard will appe...")
- 16:07, 4 January 2025 Spitroast Tame Reindeer (hist | edit) [410 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj | image = file:Spitroast Meat.png | | xsize = 1 | ysize = 1 | | skillreq = requires::Hunting | objectsreq = requires::Tame Reindeer | producedby = requires::Roasting Spit and requires::Fireplace | | energy = 400 | hunger = 1.2 | per2 = 2 | dex = 1 | cha = 1 | | sat1 = Meat }} {{SharedData Spitroast Meat|meat=14|boneash=3}}")
- 16:05, 4 January 2025 Tame Reindeer Hide (hist | edit) [269 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj | xsize = 2 | ysize = 2 | objectsreq = requires::Fresh Tame Reindeer Hide | producedby = requires::Drying Frame | specific = Prepared Animal Hide }} The product after hanging a Fresh Tame Reindeer Hide on a Drying Frame.")
- 16:03, 4 January 2025 Roast Tame Reindeer (hist | edit) [943 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj | image = file:Roast Meat.png | skillreq = requires::Hunting | objectsreq = requires::Raw Tame Reindeer | producedby = requires::Fire (lit) or requires::Fireplace (lit) or requires::Grid Iron (assembled) | | energy = 400 | hunger = 1 | per2 = 2 | dex = 1 | | sat1 = Meat }} Category:Roast Meat ==How to Acquire== Light a Fire or Fireplace, then use the {{K|C}}raft -> Coo{{K|k}}ing -> {{K|R}}oasted Meat function to...")
- 16:01, 4 January 2025 Fresh Tame Reindeer Hide (hist | edit) [1,100 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj |xsize = 2 |ysize = 2 |skillreq = Hunting |objectsreq = Tame ReindeerCorpse |producedby = requires::Sharp Tool }} {{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}||1}} The freshly cut hide from a Tame Reindeer. Needs to be dried to be used for crafting or tanning. ==How to Acquire== Fresh Cattle Hides are obtained by killing a Tame Reindeer and skinning it while holding a sharp object...")
- 16:00, 4 January 2025 Raw Tame Reindeer (hist | edit) [810 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj | image = file:Raw Meat.png | skillreq = requires::Hunting | objectsreq = Tame Reindeer Corpse | producedby = requires::Sharp Tool | specific = Raw Meat }} ==How to Acquire== {{PAGENAME}} meat is acquired from butchering a Tame Reindeer corpse. ==Quality== The quality of {{PAGENAME}} while butchering is determined by quality of the animal corpse and is softcapped by your sharp tool quali...")
- 13:30, 29 December 2024 Variable Material Builds List (hist | edit) [2,509 bytes] MvGulik (talk | contribs) (Create. Intended to be bot processed.)
- 05:18, 25 December 2024 Music (hist | edit) [793 bytes] PaddyPAA (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox skill | ptext1 = Dreaming rose,<br>By Hearth and Haven,<br>Sound to please the Völva's ear. | ptext2 = The sounds of the Hearth and the Spheres above it have taken from and expression within you in the form of Music, giving you the ability to craft and play instruments. | | skill_cost = 1500 | skills_required = ??? }} {{Game Development}}") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 19:04, 23 December 2024 Giant Needle (hist | edit) [1,047 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj | xsize = 1 | ysize = 3 | | producedby = requires::Rat Dungeon | | slot = 5L and 5R | | basedmg = 80 | armorpen = 15 | range = 1.6 }} {{PAGENAME}} is a two-handed weapon that can be used for melee combat and can also be thrown from a distance by using Shoot. '''Warning: {{PAGENAME}} can get randomly destroyed when it is thrown and hits something. Also you might not be able to recover it if {{PAGENAME}} hits a cliff.''' {{PAGENA...")
- 18:35, 23 December 2024 Rat Cloth (hist | edit) [403 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj | xsize = 1 | ysize = 1 | skillreq = requires::Sewing | objectsreq = requires::Rat Fibre x5 | producedby = requires::Loom | specific = Cloth }} Category:Cloth {{GM|$Craft|$Processing & Materials|Sewing & $Fabric|$Rat Cloth}} A type of Cloth. ==How to Acquire== Enter a loom by right-clicking it, then craft the recipe. {{Game Development}}")
- 18:25, 23 December 2024 Rat Fibre (hist | edit) [424 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj | xsize = 1 | ysize = 1 | skillreq = {{unknown}} | objectsreq = | producedby = requires::Rat Dungeon | specific = String }} Rat Fibre are collected by untying giant spool in Rat Dungeons. Rat Fibre are too rough to be used as Finer Plant Fibre and so can't be used to create Herbalist Table or similar things; they can only be used as string and to make Rat Cloth. {{Game Development}}")
- 18:19, 23 December 2024 Rat Chest (hist | edit) [325 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with " {{infobox metaobj | objectsreq = requires::Rat Dungeon | xsize = 1 | ysize = 1 | | xinv = 5 | yinv = 5 | }} Rat Chests are natural containers with a 5x5 inventory space which can be found in Rat Dungeon. ==Notes== * Can be used as storage. * Doesn't decay, even if left outside a claim. {{Game Development}}")
- 18:13, 23 December 2024 Rat Crown (hist | edit) [326 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{infobox metaobj | objectsreq = requires::Rat Dungeon | | slot = 1L | egildpct = egildpct:: 50%-75% | egildatt = egildatt::Strength, egildatt::Will, egildatt::Carpentry }} ==How to Acquire== Drop in Rat Dungeon from the Rat King in the end of Dungeon.")
- 17:50, 23 December 2024 Rat Dungeon (hist | edit) [5,577 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj | xsize = 0 | ysize = 0 | | animals = Caverat }} Category:Dungeon [[{{PAGENAME}}]]s are Dungeons found sometimes when entering house. They are filled with tough creatures, treasure, and a boss at the end. You cannot hearth home while inside a Dungeon, '''even if you get KOed,''' so if you do, your only choice is to wait until you get up, and then sprint for the exit. All dungeon enemies ''cannot'' Execute, but they can repeatedly KO...")
- 15:15, 23 December 2024 Yule Cracker (hist | edit) [509 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj | xsize = 1 | ysize = 1 | | skillreq = requires::Foraging | objectsreq = Tree | | perexp = 10 | | lpgain = 125 | studytime = 00:17 | mentalweight = 10 | expdrain = 2 }} Category:Forageable Plants {{PAGENAME}} is a special Christmas Curiosity which can be used in the Study Report to earn Learning Points. ==How to Acquire== {{PAGENAME}} are foraged from Trees, right-click on the tree and p...")
- 06:57, 21 December 2024 Candy Cane (hist | edit) [385 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj | xsize = 1 | ysize = 1 | | skillreq = requires::Foraging | | perexp = | terrain = | | energy = 250 | hunger = 1 | str = 0 || str2 = 0 | agi = 2.5 || agi2 = 0 | int = 0 || int2 = 0 | con = 0 || con2 = 0 | per = 0 || per2 = 0 | cha = 5 || cha2 = 0 | dex = 0 || dex2 = 0 | wil = 0 || wil2 = 0 | psy = 0 || psy2 = 0 | }} Category:Forageable Plants Category:Foraged Foods...")
- 08:49, 18 December 2024 Leg of a Boar (hist | edit) [483 bytes] Kitsuneg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{infobox metaobj | xsize = 1 | ysize = 1 | | skillreq = requires::Cooking | objectsreq = requires::Raw Boar x2, requires::Bone Material x1, requires::Fat Cuts x1, optional: requires::Spices | producedby = requires::Frying Pan and requires::Fire | | energy = 500 | hunger = 1.07 | str = 4 | cha = 4 | }} Category:Meat Dishes {{GM|$Craft|$Food|$Meat Dishes|$Leg of a Boar}} {{Game Development}}")