Talk:Fishing/Chart Old

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Archived "Fishing Research Chart"

Fishing Research Chart

Please fill in here what fish you find, what lure you used, what time and what moon phase you found it during. Once we have enough data, we can correlated and collapse this into a far more readable chart.

Note: This Charts data is from before 2016, and should not be relied on for W11 research. --.MvGulik. 13:19, 9 February 2019 (EST)

Pre 2016 Data
Fish (aprox rarity) Lure Time Moon Location
Asp Entrails 03:05 New Moon Lake Depth
Bream(100%) Tin Fly 13-14 New Moon River Shallows\Depths
Bream(100%) Poppy Wobbler 16-16:30 New Moon Lake Shallows\Depths
Bream (common) Leech 9-13 Waning Gibbous Lake Shallows
Bream Intestines 3-4 Waning Gibbous Lake Shallows
Brill Leech 9-13 Waning Gibbous Lake Depths
Brill Intestines 3-4 Waning Gibbous Lake Depths
Brill Intestines 9-10 Waxing Crescent Lake Shallows
Brill(100%) Poppy Wobbler 19:20-20 Waxing Gibbous River Shallows\Depths
Eel Leech 9-13 Waning Gibbous Lake Depths
Eel Leech 4-5 Waning Gibbous Lake Depths
Eel Entrails 23:31 Waning Crescent Lake Depth
Eel Entrails 00:57 New Moon Lake Depth
Lavaret Entrails 01:26 New Moon Lake Depth
Lavaret Entrails 03:58 New Moon Lake Depth
Perch(50%) Bloated Leech 6-7 Waxing Crescent Lake Shallows
Perch(50%) Rock Lobster 6-7 Waxing Crescent Lake Shallows
Perch(100%) Lobster Lure 3-3:30 Waxing Crescent Lake Shallows
Perch(100%) Bloated Leech\Leech 18-19:20 Waxing Gibbous River Shallows\Depths
Perch(100%) Poppy Wobbler,Earthworm,Woodfish,Rock Lobster,Pinecone Plug 12-15 New Moon River Shallows\Depths
Perch(100%) Tin Fly,Pinecone Plug,Woodfish 16-17 New Moon Lake Depths
Perch Entrails 05:36 New Moon Lake Depth
Pike (1:5) Leech 9-13 Waning Gibbous Lake Shallows
Pike Copper Comet 20-22 Waxing Crescent Lake Shallows
Pike(100%) Lobster Lure 00-3 Waxing Crescent Lake Shallows
Pike(50%) Bloated Leech 6-7 Waxing Crescent Lake Shallows
Pike(50%) Rock Lobster 6-7 Waxing Crescent Lake Shallows
Pike(100%) Tin Fly,Pinecone Plug,Woodfish 16-17 New Moon Lake Shallows
Plaice (1:20) Leech 9-10 Waning Gibbous Lake Shallows
Plaice Intestines 3-4 Waning Gibbous Lake Shallows
Roach Leech 12-13 Waning Gibbous Lake Depths
Roach Leech 4-5 Waning Gibbous Lake Depths
Roach Entrails 23:40 Waning Crescent Lake Depth
Roach Intestines 15-16 Last Quarter Lake Shallows
Roach Entrails 00:49 New Moon Lake Depth
Roach Entrails 02:28 New Moon Lake Depth
Roach Entrails 02:56 New Moon Lake Depth
Roach Entrails 03:59 New Moon Lake Depth
Roach Entrails 04:24 New Moon Lake Depth
Roach Entrails 05:24 New Moon Lake Depth
Roach Entrails 05:58 New Moon Lake Depth
Ruffe Entrails 03:24 New Moon Lake Depth
Salmon Entrails 00:16 New Moon Lake Depth
Salmon Entrails 03:15 New Moon Lake Depth
Salmon Entrails 05:06 New Moon Lake Depth
Smelt Entrails 00:05 New Moon Lake Depth
Smelt Entrails 01:09 New Moon Lake Depth
Smelt Entrails 03:50 New Moon Lake Depth