Talk:Game Updates
Game Updates talk/discussion page. Use [+] to start a new talk section/topic. Last cleared: 15:20, 24 May 2018 (EDT)
SubObjects Switch
Subobject(anonymous type) switch for game patches more or less complete.
Not sure about maintaining the Remark part, as there is currently only one patch-remark.
(Still kinda misty about the usefulness of named-subobject's)
--.MvGulik. 21:53, 29 October 2018 (EDT)
Some additional, not unimportant I think, data info on the used fields.
The date field, although one might expect it to be, is not a unique data field. Although its currently just one case. One case is enough to render it none unique, and as such its better to not use the date to linkup to a particular patch-update.
The PageId field is however a unique-data field, and that will never change. So this field-data can/should be seen as the only real unique patch identifier. (although not really a human friendly identifier)
The patch title, although currently unique, has however no build-in guarantees to stay that way. As the chance of this to change is pretty low, ... I figure it ok to be used as alternative patch identifier, but expect titles (or dates for that matter) that are used as patch-identifiers to be potentially subject of being replacement by the postid (or something else) in the future.
--.MvGulik. 13:39, 30 October 2018 (EDT)
- The "none unique date field" is actually a real downer.
- Thinking of enforcing it to be unique. Taking the exception case, two patch/update related posts is probably the max. Moving one of the posts in such a case on day up or down would fix that. Not a pretty solution, but having the date as guaranteed-useable unique identifier is a big plus.
- (nts: a date-offset field could perhaps counter act the adjusted, and thereby incorrect, date (proper/useful implementation is somewhat of a big question mark).)
- Implemented an alternative solution. Ditched the "World 9" post as patch-post (ie: reclassified it as a World-reset only post).
- --.MvGulik. 14:23, 30 October 2018 (EDT)
Update Date
Nts. Date part of updates could probably use some additional thinking/checking/fine-tuning/+doc. (UTM/GMT versus potential other time zone (with potential local DST switching dates)) --.MvGulik. 01:09, 11 April 2019 (EDT)