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- Simple basic, and limited, character counter. (intended for limited/manual usage)
- Count occurring cases of a given character in a given string. (returns number [0..max|<empty>])
- On missing mandatory input(either) defaults to returning an empty string.
- On hitting the max count returns blank string, or optional third parm string.
- Uses explode to get the job done. (no other method found at this moment)
- Due to using explode the count is limited to the number of explodes used. (current max-count is 9 (bugs out at 10 cases))
- Parm #1: Character to count. (intended for single character usage, but should also work for multiple character strings (not tested))
- Parm #2: String to process.
- Example: {{count|,|abc,def,ghi}}
- Limitation/pitfall: (for specific case usage) Will not strip any leading or trailing search cases from data string.
- Limitation/pitfall: Will stop counting when it hits an empty/blank-string case. (ie: {{count|,|abc,def, ,ghi}} => 1 instead of 3)