Template talk:Infobox/food

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Satiation's parms.

Currently it uses numbered satN naming. ie: sat1,sat2, Sat*. (--.MvGulik. 15:24, 28 July 2022 (UTC)based on some old game state)
The new game state uses only two distinct satiation levels. Main & secondary satiation levels. whereby the secondary level can contain multiple sat's which have no specific order. (current used max is 2 secondary sat's)
See about:
  • Ditching the numbered format.
  • Replacing it with a two named satiation system.
New names would be something like sat_main & sat_sec. Not using numbers in names to bypass potential old vs new system confusion.
Sat_sec needs to allow multiple sat's. (input & property part)
Related pages, that use sat properties/templates, that need to be checked:
Status: To be looked at.
--.MvGulik. 15:24, 28 July 2022 (UTC)