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Notes for clay node experiment: Start at roughly 12:00 local time. Node q16, checked. Dug with Sur 1 alt. end @22:30 local, total clay produced - 2600 pieces, node q checked - still q16.

Note - will use L for Local Time and G for Game time


  • try to replicate results with s10 char
  • try to replicate results with s20 char (over q)
  • check regen - 8 hourly? hourly? by the minute? - method:reduce node to a q drop point. Wait hour -> check q. wait hour-> check q. and so on. repeat many times (10? 20? 100?). If hourly change confirmed -> Do same for minutes (can it be so precise?).
    • May be less than 8 hourly or random time => fished a node at 13:20L got q11 then 10, fished again at 13:40L got q11 and 10 again. Respawned in the meantime? 13:30L?
    • It may have coincided with the in-game time of day change. Do nodes refresh on day/night switch?
    • reduced a node from 52 to 52 at 19:43, at 20:16L it was back to 52. This may have coincided with game time turning 0:00. Replenish points at 00, 06, 12, 18?
    • Did not change at 3:00G, 21:00L
    • Did not change at 6:00G, 22:00L
    • Did not change at 9:00G, 23:00L
    • Did not change at 12:00G, 00:00L
  • Fish node note - the jumping fish animation reduces when the node is reduced. Probably to match the reduced radius that fish can be caught. In a q56 node fish were jumping all over 4 map blocks. With q reduced to 15 the only jump in about 10 square radius from the centre. This did not happen instantly though (noticed it the next day).

Fish node quality dropoff

Seems that fishing in the middle of the node depletes it roughly by 0,66 point of q every fish. Got q 44-43-42-41-40-40-39-38(no double)-37-36-36-35-34-34-33-32-32-31-30-30-29-29-28-27-27-26. How it is that there are doubles, and only sometimes in regular intervals is beyond me. May be that there is a random chance involved, also somehow linked to distance. Fishing some distance from the node seems to reduce it less - got q 17,17,17,16,16,16,15,15,15. Will need a lot more research to determine how increased range influences the q dropoff. Seems somewhat consistent with my clay experiment, where harvesting far away from a center (~30 squares, will check later) and with a low sur character the node degradation was basically non-existent. 2 theories - either degradation is a floating point reduction with range and received item q as factors, or it is a chanced 1 point reduction, again based on those factors. Example - a node in the center can degrade by 0,95 points each time it is fished or it can degrade 1 point with a 95% chance, both will have the same result in the long run, but the second one should have a less even distribution of doubles (or multiples).Ashghan (talk) 10:51, 21 June 2015 (EDT)

Fishing Data

Fishing: (rod std -> q60>111>160, string fiber q200-220, bone hook q10-50)

  • Waxing Crescent 9:00, day, deep river, woodfish, => 4x Brill
  • Waxing Crescent 11:00, day, deep river, leech, =>Perch (x20-30)
  • First Quarter 12:00, day, deep river, leech => Perch (x15?)
  • Waning Crescent 23:00, night, deep river, leech+worm, => 12x perch
  • Waning Crescent 0:00, night, shallow lake, leech+worm, => 30x pike
  • Waning Crescent 1:00, night, deep lake, leech+worm, => 5x perch
  • Waning Crescent 2:00, night, shallow lake, rock lobster, => 11x Pike
  • Waning Crescent 2:00, night, deep lake, rock lobster, => 8x Roach
  • New Moon 2:00, night, shallow lake, rock lobster, => 24x Bream
  • New Moon 2:00, night, deep river, rock lobster, => 8x perch
  • New Moon 4:00, night, deep lake, rock lobster, => 3x perch
  • New Moon 4:00, night, deep lake, woodfish, => 9x brill
  • New Moon 4:00, night, deep lake, woodfish, => 7xPlaice, 23x Bream (25% plaice, 75% bream?)
  • New Moon 2:00, night, deep river, woodfish, => 6x Roach, 23x Brill (25-75 distribution?)
  • First Quarter 02:00, night, shallow lake, bloated leech => 4x Plaice
  • First Quarter 02:00, night, shallow lake, worm => 10xBream
  • First Quarter 02:00, night, deep lake, worm => 5xbrill
  • First Quarter 02:00, night, shallow lake, intestine => 1xRoach, 9xPlaice (one ranodm?)
  • First Quarter 02:00, night, deep lake, intestine => 5xBrill
  • First Quarter 02:00, night, deep river, intestine => 5xBrill
  • First Quarter 02:00, night, shallow river, intestine => 3xPlaice, 1xBream (out of intestines)
  • First Quarter 02:00, night, shallow river, worm => 7xBream
  • First Quarter 03:00, night, deep river, worm => 14xBrill, 1xPerch(one random fish?)
  • First Quarter 04:00, night, deep river, woodfish => 10x Brill
  • First Quarter 04:00-06:00, night, shallow river, woodfish => 12xPlaice
  • First Quarter 22:00-1:00, night, deep lake, rock lobster => 24xPike, 16xPerch(66%Pike, 33% Perch?)
  • First Quarter 04:30-6:00, night, deep lake, rock lobster => 13xPerch (end @globtime 651477456)
  • @globtime 651477456 First Quarter 06:00-8:15, day, deep lake, rock lobster => 29xPerch
  • @globtime 651486339 First Quarter 08:30-9:00, day, deep river, rock lobster => 10x Perch
  • @globtime 651488940 First Quarter 09:00-10:00, day, shallow river, rock lobster => 10x Pike
  • @globtime 651493020 First Quarter 10:00-11:00, day, shallow river, rock lobster => 1xPerch, 6xPike

upgrade to q160 rod

  • @globtime 656329077 Waxing Crescent 09:30-10:00, day, deep lake, intestines => 10x Perch
  • @globtime 656329893 Waxing Crescent 10:00-10:00, day, deep lake, worm => 10x Perch
  • @globtime 656330693 Waxing Crescent 10:00-10:00, day, deep river, worm => 10x Perch
  • @globtime 656331519 Waxing Crescent 10:00-10:00, day, shallow river, worm => 10x Pike
  • @globtime 656331966 Waxing Crescent 10:30-10:30, day, deep river, intestine => 10xPerch, 5xBrill (66% Perch, 33% Brill)
  • @globtime 656334144 Waxing Crescent 11:00-11:30, day, deep lake, rock lobster => 9x Pike, 4xPerch (66% Pike, 33% Perch?)
  • @globtime 656337666 Waxing Crescent 12:00-14:30, day, shallow lake, rock lobster => 24xPike
  • @globtime 656347242 Waxing Crescent 14:30-15:00, day, deep lake, rock lobster => 10xPerch
  • @globtime 656349117 Waxing Crescent 15:00-15:30, day, shallow lake, intestine => 10xPerch
  • @globtime 656349117 Waxing Crescent 15:30-15:30, day, shallow lake, worm => 5xPerch, 5xPike (50% each)
  • @globtime 656350038 Waxing Crescent 15:30-16:00, day, shallow lake, woodfish => 9xPike, 3xEel, 1xRoach (combine with the next result)
  • @globtime 656354163 Waxing Crescent 16:30-18:00, day, shallow lake, woodfish => 6xEel, 3xPike, 5xRoach
  • @globtime 656919663 Waxing Gibbous 05:00-05:30, night, deep river, Poppy wobbler => 10xBream
  • @globtime 656920827 Waxing Gibbous 05:30-06:00, night, shallow river, Poppy wobbler => 5xBream
  • @globtime 658222737 Waning Crescent 07:30-08:00, day, deep lake, leech => 19xPerch
  • @globtime 658223313 Waning Crescent 07:30-08:00, day, shallow lake, woodfish => 5xPike
  • @globtime 658225056 Waning Crescent 08:00-09:30, day, deep lake, woodfish => 2xBrill, 14xPerch (no idea why those 2 Brill appeared, they were first 2 fish caught)
  • @globtime 659500683 Waxing Gibbous 2:00-2:30, night, deep river, Woodfish => 5xBrill
  • @globtime 659500683 Waxing Gibbous 2:30-3:00, night, deep river, Rock Lobster => 5xPike, 14x Perch (this result, and the one above show that a) there is an error in the Archive_Fishing_Data, b) there was a user error with the data, c) fish type availability has change between W6 and W7 d) the random seed that was mentioned by loftar is indeed at play here. e) any/all of the above. The data shows that I should get Sturgeon on both lure types, but in fact, I got none)