Legacy talk:Metal Meat Grinder

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Grinder formula (old)

"... this may have changed if the formula for sausage is correct then from experiments (25/02/2012) GrinderQ = Average MetalQ + Average BoardQ + Average WoodQ /3 needs confirmation"

There should be no reason for there to have been a change in the formula for meat grinder quality. Please verify you are not softcapping the created sausages causing inaccurate measurings.

A way to verify for anyone willing: Create a meat grinder with Q10 metal and boards/blocks which are higher. Make some cow chorizo using Q10 intestines and beef. As long as your cooking is above 10, you should get Q10 product, only above that if the formula has changed. --ApocalypsePlease 23:51, 25 February 2012 (EST)

I strongly believe that Meat Grinders are now affected by wood quality too. I've produced a grinder using q95 bars, q95 boards, and q63 blocks. Using only q10 ingredients produces q31 sausages, which suggests a grinder quality of q84 according to the formula. Using those ingredients, a q84 grinder would be the result of (barQ + boardQ + blockQ)/3. There were no relevant softcaps in either the building or the cooking. -Madoc 23 April 2014

^^^ This seems out of date. Meat grinder created with q33 bronze, q55 board, q66 block. if the all/3 formula was at work, it'd be meat grinder of q51. Made some chicken chorizo, intestine q23 and meat q24, 50 cooking. Result - q26 chorizo. Seems true that only metal affects the grinder since (int23+meat24+grn33)/3 = 26.6. It'd have to be 32 if grinder q was affected by wood. Ashghan (talk) 14:22, 16 February 2015 (EST)

I can't test this (aka: build a grinder). But as I have not seen any repeating complaints about the Metal Meat Grinder build-formula. I figure the one on the main page is still correct. (Will clear this section in a week or so, if I can't find anything suggesting otherwise.) --.MvGulik. 12:15, 18 February 2015 (EST)