Legacy talk:Metal Saucière

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Q10/13/17 Cast Q12/18/17 Hammer/Anvil

Q10/15/17 Sauciere Wear 0/13 Satiation 16% FEP 2%

Degrade speed

Degrades faster than other metal symbel items so I guess it has a moderate degrading speed if most metal symbel items have a slow degrade speed. Compared to soft metal cutlery, metal plate, metal mug which all degraded at the same rate. --Deadguy60 18:52, 16 May 2012 (EDT)


Like Cast Iron Trivet, may be softcapped by (PSY * Smithing). The Sauciere I just made was capped:
qBar = 45
PSY = 16
Smithing = 48
Result was a q36 Sauciere. (STR was 88, so that one definitely wasn't involved.) VDZ (talk) 08:29, 25 April 2015 (EDT)

Symbel -> PSY, Symbel+Metal -> PSY+Smitting. (your current data supports this. 36.36 -> 36q)
The thing is. Only two of the metal Symbel items actually have there softcapping specified on there page. Feel free to add them to the other pages if you like. --.MvGulik. 13:18, 25 April 2015 (EDT)