Talk:Character Creation

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Points available at character creation stage

(A nitty-gritty details rundown. --.MvGulik. 07:59, 10 March 2020 (EDT) )
(Seems slightly outdated ... later. --.MvGulik. 17:44, 30 May 2023 (UTC) )
Basic pick and run:
Soil 50 Note: One needs to use crawl speed to get to shore, or you run out of energy to dig for it.
(Any clay) 50
Ball clay 50
Red-clay 50
Branch 50
Treebark 50
Tough Bark 50
(Any Bough) 100
Spruce bough 50
(Any Cone) 100
Pine Cone 50
Spruce Cone 50
(Any Berry) 50
Caprifole Berries 50
Nightshade Berries 50
Willow Catkin 50
___total___ 900
Additional crafting:
Cone Cow 100 Note: You need a lucky lore experience with points to be able to put in into your study.
Fire brand 50
Ash 100 Note: Put lite Fire brand into inventory before it burns out.
___total___ 1150
Going the extra mile:
Skill: +Foraging -25
Skill: +Pottery -125
Unfired Clay Jar(3) 50
Unfired Toy Chariot(4) 50
Unfired Earthenware Platter(4) 50
___total___ (breakeven point) 1150
Unfired Pot(5) 50
Unfired Urn(10) 50
___total___ 1250 (Little gain for a lot of work)
Possible, but really not wort the effort:
Build Kiln(45) ...
(Any brick) 50
Red brick 50
Yellow brick 50
___total___ 1400
Clay Jar 50
Toy Chariot 50
Earthenware Platter 50
___total___ 1550
Pot ? (took/taking way to long to be of any interest)
Urn ? (took/taking way to long to be of any interest)
___total___ ???


Valhalla map (1:2)
  • Upgraded local Valhalla world as of ... (unknown).
  • Word/Terrain and general terrain-objects are semi-permanent. (The Valhalla world is reset at times. Reset seems main-world season related)
  • Weapons(/items/(subset)) 'are' spawned at demand. (outside object-visibility range, area filled below some threshold it seems)
    • Player dropped weapons stick around for some time (probably until map-area is unloaded)(Branches & other stuff use there default despawn time)
    • Character-inventory stored weapons are permanent. (Divine food excluded. +Disappears in seconds when dropped on the ground)
  • General world size seems ~482tiles.
  • No kritters (including fish). Exceptions: Irrlight, and probably worms. (Ergo: no bones => no saw/boards/glue/etc)
  • No Caves.
  • No weather effects (Rain/Snow ... or glowing hot cinders) (No winter season either)
  • No general decay.
  • Experience Events: yes. (feels there triggered/enabled by one special experience Event.)
  • Study: Yes (ones you have the needed Exp points.)
  • Heartfire: Can be build, but there not character-linked. (ie:inoperable)
  • Traveling by Roadsign: Yes. But gives no waylaid.
    • Dugout can traverse High Seas without damage.
  • Dead: Resets character, and reenters Valhalla at the big fire.
  • Max points: ... Mmm, kinda tricky. As one needs to use some the gain more. (at least ~13k so far)
  • Bad feature: When entering the Valhalla temple. Hearthlings can be placed on the wrong side of the door. In the worst case without click access to the door. => Logoff & re-enter Valhalla.
Mr. "Terror of the Seas"
Mr. "Terror of the Seas"
  • Some encountered lingering character Mr. "Terror of the Seas". (Not logged in according to chat reply. Also not permanent, as it was gone some days later.)

(Dec 2022‎ - Apr 2023)