Game Time Token

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Game Time Token
Game Time Token.png
Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Skill(s) RequiredSpecific needed skills.<br>The default skills every hearthling starts off with, Oral Tradition, Primitive Tools & Wilderness Survival), are ignored. (None)
Discovery Req.This(<i>discoveryreq</i>) is only for items that need to be discovered in addition to items listed in "Object(s) Required"/<i>(<i>objectsreq</i>).</i><small><br><b><i>(Temporary active on all pages, but leave empty if "None".</i></b><small> (None or Unknown)
Object(s) Required N/A
Produced By N/A
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Tokens look like hourglasses.

Subscription Tokens are provided as ingame items which can be transferred or given to other players. One Subscription Token can be consumed to add a One Month Bronze Subscription to whichever account consumed it.

Beware: As Subscription Tokens can be transferred to other players ingame, they can also be lost or stolen ingame. This is intended behavior, and they are not reimbursed, retreived, or restored, in the event that they are lost.

Like store bought hats, they can be stored in your hearthfire and will remain there if the world ends. Right click your hearthfire while holding the token to store it.