Legacy Haven & Hearth page.
"The RoB Wiki currently hosts information for both the current Haven & Hearth world as well as the legacy server. Please be aware that information relating to legacy should be found on pages with "legacy" in the name. While our editors have done their best to get things sorted, please be aware there may be some pages that haven't been moved properly and may still be flagged that the information is legacy and may not apply to the current world."
- Just in case. There is a Legacy specific discussion page.
Your character dies when its Hard HP reaches 0. The finishing blow can be caused by A Thorn in the Foot, players with Murder, Creatures, Leeches, or Swimming.
After your character dies, it's dead for good; it cannot be revived. It will turn into a Skeleton. However, you can make a new character as the deceased one's descendant.
What happens
A simplification of death:
- Learned skills are refunded as learning points
- Attributes and Quality skills are reduced based on your Tradition/Change slider.
- Refunded and unspent learning points are reduced based on your Tradition/Change slider.
- Personal beliefs are retained without change, except your Tradition/Change slider. which is reset to the Center
- Corpses are left behind which can be looted but require the theft skill unless you are the reincarnated character of them,.
- Corpses will eventually turn into skeletons which will cause a drop of all carried items, which does not reguire the skill theft (Unless on a claim, not mattering if it is not their claim, except if you have the ability to steal on that claim), or you being the ancestor (Unless on a claim without you having the ability to steal, which then will need the skill theft) to take.
- When your new character enters the fire in the creation screen, they will be returned to the dead character's hearth fire.
- To inherit anything from dead characters, new characters must read their Rune Stone in the character creation room.
NOTE: When you reincarnate it will show you that you have 0 learning points unspent. If you log out and back in or purchase a skill it will show your actual refunded learning points.
- Full Tradition: 25% loss of Attributes, Skills, and Learning Points.
- Even Tradition/Change: 50% loss of Attributes, Skills, and Learning Points.
- Full Change: 75% loss of Attributes, Skills, and Learning Points.
The sum of points spent (FEP or LP*100) per certain skill is:
where n is the skill level
The proportion of after-death skill value in points to before-death one is:
where n is the before-death skill level and x is the remaining percentage
For n → +∞ :
So a 75% loss of attributes and skills at hight levels is approximate to a 93.75% loss of Learning Points and Food Event Points.
Using the same calculation we find that a 50% loss of attributes and skills is approximate to a 75% loss of LP and FEP and a 25% loss of attributes and skills is approximate to a 43.75% loss of LP and FEP.
As an example let's say you die with a neutral tradition/change slider. Your exploration goes down from 100 to 50. Those lost 50 points cost a lot more LP than the 50 points you still have. In other words going from 1 to 50 is a lot cheaper in LP than going from 50 to 100. This explains how a 50% loss in attributes and skills is equivalent to a bigger loss in LP and FEP. However, to find exactly how much more is lost, one needs to do the maths above.
You can also aid your character with their ancestor by practicing Ancestral Worship
Reincarnation details
As quoted from Jorb, death involves the following:
1) Attribute and skill values are reduced by the appropriate percentage.
- Exploration 40 at tradition/change +-0 (50% reincarnation value) = Exploration 20
- Strength 40 at tradition/change +-0 (50% reincarnation value) = Strength 20
2) LP spent purchasing learning skills is always refunded, reduced by the appropriate percentage, in the form of unused LP.
- Murder costs 100k LP. Reincarnation at neutral tradition/change value means your character will start the game with 50k unused LP if it had Murder skill.
3) Unused LP (I.e. LP your character had in his pool when he died) is reduced by the appropriate percentage.
- 5000 unused LP is reduced to 2500 unused LP at tradition/change +-0.
4) Claims are inherited, quite simply. Unreduced, that is.