
From Ring of Brodgar
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Decay is a system of deterioration of game objects, commonly measured in Decay Hits (although the measure itself isn't very specific). There are four main Decay patterns that can be observed:

  • Resilient Structures: These items do not decay at all if placed on paved ground within Personal claim or Village Claim with authority. This category includes all immobile structures and most containers (Cupboard being notable exception).
  • Indoor Structures: These items are safe from decay only if placed inside buildings or caves/mines, wherein they will not take any decay hits. This category includes most moveable structures and some containers.
  • Fields and Terrain: Sometimes referred to as decaying, these actually transform into different terrains. Specifically Tree radius (and so tree-cutting and planting) and field plowing enact such changes. It happens regardless of claim coverage.
  • Carcasses: These always decay, there's no way to prevent it. All unprocessed or skinned carcasses are subject to it.

Decay Randomness

Decay Hit can happen but is not guaranteed, so for example two sections of wall that are within a Village Claim without authority will both be subject to decay but can have different levels of decay-caused damage.


Jorb November 7th, 2010: "Decay Is gone. For everything that stands on a claim, with the exception of things that need to stand on pavement (Immobile structures), which will still decay if they are placed on a non-paved tile. (A claimed kiln will decay if built on dirt for example). Portable stuff that should typically be placed indoors still decays while outdoors. For example: Anvil, Wardrobe, Cupboard, Spinning Wheel, Loom, Meat Grinder, Coinpress. That may or may not be all."