Legacy:Finding high quality water, clay, and soil

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Currently water, clay, and soil are the only resources with qualities that cannot be raised by the player directly and must be obtained at a source. Sources of high quality resources are scattered about the entire world and each has a centre that has the highest quality. The further from the source center a square upon which resource is collected the lower will be the quality. Keep in mind, when you're looking for a source, that each time you collect at the site the quality might decrease by one.

The source quality can increase up to its maximum value over time, provided nobody harvests in it's area for a few days. It is advised when encountering these high quality spots that you wait until they reach high quality before using these sources. This is why very good quality resources (60+) are well worth using a claim to reserve if a small community has members who aren't using their personal claim yet.

Note that all of the resources here are vital in creating a high quality tree.

As of World 7. The quality of all gathered resources is hardcapped by Survival. Make sure to increase your survival before searching for high-quality resource nodes.


Water is relatively the easiest to find. First you need a container that can hold water such as a kuksa or a bucket. The easiest way of finding a water source is by sailing in a boat. Other than that, you can prospect shallow water from the ground. Fill the container with water before moving it back to your inventory. Then hover your mouse over the container. It should display "Container with quality # water".

If the quality of the water is above 10, then a source is near. Move in one direction and fill it up with water nearby. If the quality decreases, then move in the other direction. The closer you are to the source, the higher the quality. Repeat this until it starts decreasing again. That is the area where the source is near at.

The "sweet spot" with the best quality could be on dry land, which could be inaccessible by a well. The best chances of finding a good water source are in a lake as you are more likely to get to the "sweet spot".

Another, usually less rewarding, way to obtain water is to build a well for which it may be possible the water will be of a quality higher than 10. If so, then there is a good chance that a water source is nearby.


The best way to find higher quality soil is actually through foraging. Foraged items such as Chantrelles or Spindly Taproot will have qualities directly linked to the soil that they are on top. If you find one of these items with a quality higher than 10, then there will be a source of higher quality soil nearby.

As soil quality spots aren't as rare as before, it`s no problem to find a 20-30 one. 70+ has become the standard for tradeable soil. If you find a spot with more than 50q, consider moving there, but certainly mark it so you can come back.

Dig upon the tile that you foraged to obtain the soil and check quality. Then move towards any direction and repeat the process. If the quality decreases, then move in the opposite direction. The closer you are to the source, the higher the quality. Repeat this until it starts decreasing again. Once this happens, move in a direction perpendicular to the line you are digging. Unlike water, it is almost always possible to find the "sweet spot" in which the quality of the soil peaks.

Because digging takes stamina, it is recommended to carry some tea or food if you are planning to do an incursion for soil. Also carrying some branches helps mark areas in which you tested the soil at.

While some newer players will chop trees down and build chairs at random, others will sometimes leave their own marks or chairs near high quality soil. You may be able to find a good source by digging when you see a single paved tile or chair in the middle of nowhere. It's still recommended to check around the area even if you do find a good source at such a spot.


Clay is one of the most difficult resources to find as it takes a good amount of stamina and there is no starting point in which you can begin your search. Find a shallow water tile to start, preferably relatively close to your home. Dig at the spot for a single clay. If it stops digging after the first or second attempt, then you need to move approximately 2 minimaps in one direction and try again. Keep doing this until your character digs at a location without stopping.

When you do find it, decrease the length of the tiles between search to about 5 tiles. Continue to dig in one direction while the quality increases, if it starts to decrease move in another direction.

If you are on a river, use a boat to go to the other side and do this relatively near the area where you found the high quality and repeat the process.

Because of the large amount of stamina needed to search for clay, it is recommended that you use a boat carrying food/tea to make your search easier and faster.