
From Ring of Brodgar
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Legacy Haven & Hearth page.
"The RoB Wiki currently hosts information for both the current Haven & Hearth world as well as the legacy server. Please be aware that information relating to legacy should be found on pages with "legacy" in the name. While our editors have done their best to get things sorted, please be aware there may be some pages that haven't been moved properly and may still be flagged that the information is legacy and may not apply to the current world."

Just in case. There is a Legacy specific discussion page.
Vital statistics
Size 1 x 3
Skill(s) Required Metal Working
Object(s) Required Bar of Hard Metal or Bar of Wrought Iron, Block of Wood x3
Produced By Smithy's Hammer, Anvil
Slot(s) Occupied 4L and 4R
Go to Legacy Objects

Icon keyboard.pngCraft > Metal Working > Scythe

Quoting Jorb, "You harvest faster while having the scythe equipped, obviously."

How to Acquire

You need to equip a smithy's hammer and you need an anvil to make a scythe.

Scythe Quality

The quality of the scythe does not affect its main job of harvesting crops. However, the scythe can be used as a sharp tool for butchering and for that the quality will affect the results.


The scythe seems to have a shining animation when you walk with your character facing southeast or southwest while equipped.