Legacy:Block of Wood

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Legacy Haven & Hearth page.
"The RoB Wiki currently hosts information for both the current Haven & Hearth world as well as the legacy server. Please be aware that information relating to legacy should be found on pages with "legacy" in the name. While our editors have done their best to get things sorted, please be aware there may be some pages that haven't been moved properly and may still be flagged that the information is legacy and may not apply to the current world."

Just in case. There is a Legacy specific discussion page.
Block of Wood
Legacy-Block of Wood.png
Vital statistics
Size 2 x 1
Skill(s) Required Lumberjacking
Object(s) Required Log or Stump
Produced By Stone Axe
Required By (53) Antler Steak Cutlery, Barter Stand, Battering Ram, Bee Hive, Cart, Cellar, Ceramic Meat Grinder, Chair, Charcoal, Chicken Coop, Clay Cauldron, Clogs, Crossroads, Feather Duster, Feather Fly, Food Trough, Golden Table Bell, Herbalist Table, Hirdsman's Helmet, Log Cabin, Loom, Metal Meat Grinder, Metal Plow, Militia Sword, Mine Hole, Mine Support, Palisade, Peppermill, Primitive Doll, Raft, Rowboat, Scythe, Shovel, Skull Pole, Sledgehammer, Soldier's Sword, Spinning Wheel, Steelbrush Plunger, Stone Mansion, Sturdy Bed, Table, Timber House, Torchpost, Vending Stand, Village Claim, Wagon, Well, Winepress, Wood Plate, Wooden Cup... further results
Go to Legacy Objects

The quality of the blocks is based on the quality of the tree. The quality of your stone axe has no effect. Blocks obtained from stumps are always q10.

How to Acquire

Blocks of wood are produced by chopping either a log or removing a stump with a stone axe.

Removing a stump provides 4 blocks and chopping a log provides 12 blocks. You can also right-click blocks and select the "Split" option in order to split the blocks into 5 branches each.


  • As blocks of wood have a vast variety of uses such as fuel and building material, a player could store them in Palisade corner-post building-signs to store 100 blocks or Mine Support building-signs to store 20 blocks as mine supports require less items to discover for new alts. Both require paved land.