Legacy:Battering Ram

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Legacy Haven & Hearth page.
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Battering Ram
Legacy-Battering Ram.png
Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Skill(s) Required Wheelmaking
Object(s) Required Block of Wood x30, Board x20, Bone Glue x5, Branch x20, Rope x4
Repaired With Bone Glue x6 (8 hours to be usable again)
Can be Lifted No
Go to Legacy Objects

Icon keyboard.pngBuild > Construction > Carts & Cogs > Battering Ram

A battering ram can break down walls, homes, or just scare the hell out of your neighbours with your military might.

After building a battering ram, it takes 24 real life hours for the glue to dry and make it usable.

A battering ram can easy be destroyed itself - it doesn't have much soak - needs about 7 Str (STR needs to be verified.

How to use

To use the battering ram, right-click it and select "Move". Your cursor will change to the icon you get when you select the "Lift" option. You can now push the ram to where you click, so you can take it to the wall or building you wish to demolish. Simply moving it close to the target isn't enough; you have to click on the target with the weird cursor. Next, release your grip on the ram, right-click it again, and now you should also have the "Use" option available.

A battering ram can only be pushed for a small distance before breaking down (reportedly 20-25 tiles, needs verification), so make sure to build it close to the wall you wish to attack. If your strength is too low and you don't have people to help you, Boar Tusk Snuff can make for a nice boost.


The damage you deal while destroying is the square root of your strength. A ram adds a static 20 damage and allows up to 4 people to combine their damage.

Pickaxe or Sledgehammer does not help while using a battering ram, according to loftar.

Say we have 4 people attacking a palisade, one has 64 strength, the others have 124 strength. The damage you deal to the wall is calculate as follows:

  • Splash damage: When taking down a wall section, either trough ramming or bashing, the number of wall sections that might fall down is random. From the minimum of only the targeted wall section to multiple adjacent sections of the wall. (no general max known yet)