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- Property:AbsorbX
- Property:AbsorbY
- Property:Agi
- Property:Agi2
- Property:Agipertotalfep
- Property:Allows pattern
- Property:Allows value
- Property:Allows value list
- Property:Armorhp
- Property:Armorpen
- Property:Attachment link
- Property:Barkpertree
- Property:Baseclass
- Property:Basedmg
- Property:Bfruit
- Property:Bfruitqt
- Property:Blockperbush
- Property:Blockperlog
- Property:Blockperlog m
- Property:Boardperlog
- Property:Boardperlog m
- Property:Boardperlog sawmill
- Property:Bother
- Property:Botherqt
- Property:Branchperbush
- Property:Branchpertree
- Property:Bush terrains
- Property:Category exists
- Property:Ccrafted
- Property:Cha
- Property:Cha2
- Property:Change propagation
- Property:Chapertotalfep
- Property:Con
- Property:Con2
- Property:Conpertotalfep
- Property:Constraint schema
- Property:Corresponds to
- Property:Creation date
- Property:Crt-armor
- Property:Crt-basequality
- Property:Crt-basequality-txt
- Property:Crt-fleeinghitpoints
- Property:Crt-fleeinghitpoints-txt
- Property:Crt-hitpoints
- Property:Crt-hitpoints-txt
- Property:Crt-isdeadly
- Property:Dex
- Property:Dex2
- Property:Dexpertotalfep
- Property:Display precision of
- Property:Display title of
- Property:Display units
- Property:Dpt credo chl
- Property:Dpt credo prt
- Property:Dpt skill chl
- Property:Dpt skill prt
- Property:Egildatt
- Property:Egildpct
- Property:Energy
- Property:Energyperhunger
- Property:Equivalent URI
- Property:Expdrain
- Property:Experience/img
- Property:Experience/name
- Property:Experience/points
- Property:Experience/trigger
- Property:External formatter URI
- Property:External identifier
- Property:Fepperhunger
- Property:Foaf:homepage
- Property:Foaf:knows
- Property:Foaf:name
- Property:Foodgroup drink
- Property:Foodgroup name
- Property:GM child
- Property:GM parent
- Property:Gild1
- Property:Gild2
- Property:Gild3
- Property:Gild4
- Property:Gildatt
- Property:Gildpct
- Property:Grown from
- Property:Has fields
- Property:Has image
- Property:Has improper value for
- Property:Has query
- Property:Has subobject
- Property:Has type
- Property:Has uniqueness constraint
- Property:Hearthmagicunlocked
- Property:Hunger
- Property:Hungerpertotalfep
- Property:Hungerpertotalfep txt
- Property:Imported from
- Property:Int
- Property:Int2
- Property:Intpertotalfep
- Property:Is a new page
- Property:Is edit protected
- Property:Is property group
- Property:Language code
- Property:Last editor is
- Property:Legacy-absorbX
- Property:Legacy-absorbY
- Property:Legacy-agi
- Property:Legacy-agipertotalfep
- Property:Legacy-basedmg
- Property:Legacy-ccrafted
- Property:Legacy-cha
- Property:Legacy-chapertotalfep
- Property:Legacy-con
- Property:Legacy-conpertotalfep
- Property:Legacy-dex
- Property:Legacy-dexpertotalfep
- Property:Legacy-expdrain
- Property:Legacy-fepperhunger
- Property:Legacy-grown from
- Property:Legacy-hunger
- Property:Legacy-hungerpertotalfep
- Property:Legacy-hurt
- Property:Legacy-hurtpertotalfep
- Property:Legacy-int
- Property:Legacy-intpertotalfep
- Property:Legacy-lift
- Property:Legacy-lpefficiency
- Property:Legacy-lpgain
- Property:Legacy-lpgainspeedpersize
- Property:Legacy-lpgainspeedperweight
- Property:Legacy-lpratio
- Property:Legacy-mentalweight
- Property:Legacy-per
- Property:Legacy-perexp
- Property:Legacy-perexp base
- Property:Legacy-perexp quad
- Property:Legacy-perpertotalfep
- Property:Legacy-psy
- Property:Legacy-psypertotalfep
- Property:Legacy-requires
- Property:Legacy-seed of
- Property:Legacy-skillreq
- Property:Legacy-slot
- Property:Legacy-soak
- Property:Legacy-specific
- Property:Legacy-statAGI
- Property:Legacy-statCHA
- Property:Legacy-statDEX
- Property:Legacy-statINT
- Property:Legacy-statPER
- Property:Legacy-statSTR
- Property:Legacy-sthp
- Property:Legacy-str
- Property:Legacy-strpertotalfep
- Property:Legacy-studytime
- Property:Legacy-terrain
- Property:Legacy-totalfep
- Property:Legacy-vsize
- Property:Legacy-xsize
- Property:Legacy-ysize
- Property:Legacy Menu Usage
- Property:Lift
- Property:Lockable
- Property:Logpertree
- Property:Lpcost
- Property:Lpefficiency
- Property:Lpgain
- Property:Lpgainperweightedexp
- Property:Lpgainspeedperexp
- Property:Lpgainspeedpersize
- Property:Lpgainspeedpersizedexp
- Property:Lpgainspeedperweight
- Property:Lpratio
- Property:Lpratioexp
- Property:Lsize
- Property:MIME type
- Property:Media type
- Property:Mentalweight
- Property:Menu Usage
- Property:Menu usage last
- Property:Menu usage raw
- Property:Missing data rem
- Property:Modification date
- Property:Object type
- Property:Overlay base
- Property:Owl:differentFrom
- Property:Pagenotice remark
- Property:Paginae
- Property:Paginae/text1
- Property:Paginae/text2
- Property:Paginae/text3
- Property:Patch changes/change
- Property:Patch changes/date
- Property:Patch changes/pages
- Property:Patch changes/patch
- Property:Patch date
- Property:Patch pages
- Property:Patch postid
- Property:Patch remark
- Property:Patch title
- Property:Per
- Property:Per2
- Property:Perexp
- Property:Perexp base
- Property:Perexp quad
- Property:Perpertotalfep
- Property:Preferred property label
- Property:Processing error
- Property:Processing error message
- Property:Processing error type
- Property:Producedby raw
- Property:Profile schema
- Property:Prop cat
- Property:Prop key
- Property:Prop name
- Property:Property description
- Property:Provides service
- Property:Psy
- Property:Psy2
- Property:Psypertotalfep
- Property:Query depth
- Property:Query duration
- Property:Query format
- Property:Query parameters
- Property:Query size
- Property:Query source
- Property:Query state
- Property:Query string
- Property:Range
- Property:Repwith
- Property:Requires
- Property:Resource types
- Property:Sat1
- Property:Sat2
- Property:Sat3
- Property:Sat4
- Property:Schema definition
- Property:Schema description
- Property:Schema link
- Property:Schema tag
- Property:Schema type
- Property:Seed of
- Property:Skillreq
- Property:Slot
- Property:Soak
- Property:Specific
- Property:Stack alttxt
- Property:Stack capacity
- Property:Stack icount
- Property:Stack item
- Property:Stack name
- Property:StatAGI
- Property:StatCHA
- Property:StatCMC
- Property:StatCMM
- Property:StatCOK
- Property:StatCON
- Property:StatCRP
- Property:StatCUA
- Property:StatDEX
- Property:StatEXP
- Property:StatFRM
- Property:StatINT
- Property:StatLRE
- Property:StatMAS
- Property:StatPER
- Property:StatPSY
- Property:StatSEW
- Property:StatSMT
- Property:StatSRV
- Property:StatSTL
- Property:StatSTR
- Property:StatSwim
- Property:StatWIL
- Property:Sthp
- Property:Stockpile Xsize
- Property:Stockpile Xsize txt
- Property:Stockpile Ysize
- Property:Stockpile Ysize txt
- Property:Stockpile alttxt
- Property:Stockpile capacity
- Property:Stockpile item
- Property:Stockpile name
- Property:Str
- Property:Str2
- Property:Strpertotalfep
- Property:Studytime
- Property:Studytime/verification
- Property:Studytime hm
- Property:Subcategory of
- Property:Subproperty of
- Property:Symbelfep
- Property:Symbelhun
- Property:Symbelwear
- Property:Terrain
- Property:Terrain fauna
- Property:Terrain flora
- Property:Terrain forage
- Property:Terrain maxspeed
- Property:Test Boolean 1
- Property:Test Date 1
- Property:Test Keyword 1
- Property:Test Keyword 2
- Property:Test Keyword 3
- Property:Test Number
- Property:Test Number 1
- Property:Test Number 2
- Property:Test Number 3
- Property:Test Page 1
- Property:Test Page 2
- Property:Test Page 3
- Property:Test Record
- Property:Test Record 1
- Property:Test Text 1
- Property:Test Text 2
- Property:Test Text 3
- Property:Text
- Property:Tfruit
- Property:Tfruitqt
- Property:Totalfep
- Property:Totalfep1
- Property:Totalfep2
- Property:Totalfep3
- Property:Totalfep txt
- Property:Tother
- Property:Totherqt
- Property:Tree/logs
- Property:Tree/name
- Property:Tree/trv
- Property:Tree terrains
- Property:Treelog/bonesaw
- Property:Treelog/img
- Property:Treelog/metalaxe
- Property:Treelog/metalsaw
- Property:Treelog/sawmill
- Property:Treelog/stoneaxe
- Property:Treelog/tools/name
- Property:Treelog/tools/value
- Property:Trees barktype
- Property:Trees branchtype
- Property:Verify remark
- Property:Vinv
- Property:Vsize
- Property:Wil
- Property:Wil2