Talk:Embankment Scaffold

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Cliff Pillar (how to)

Cliff Pillar.jpg

How to build a cliff pillar:

Stuff needed: 160 soil(stones/mulch/worms) for the pillar itself. 240 soil + 48 boards + 24 cloth for the scaffolds.

  • First raise the target tile to its highest normal level. (best done on a flat 3x3 area. As the outside points of those tiles determine the maximum height of the cliff-tile corners)
  • Build 11 of the 12 scaffolds (in total a cliff pillar needs 3 on each side). Leaving an entry gap open by not building the center scaffold on the East OR South side. (Reason: The NW corner is always directly re-adjustable ones its cliff'ed. This is not the case with the 3 other corners.)
  • Raise the NW tile corner to the desired cliff height. (Vertex/Corner-mode)
  • Now before building the last Scaffold (ie: closing the entry gap), make sure you carry all the soil needed to raise the other corners.
    • Either let a second character build the last Scaffold from the outside (ie: the easy way). Or make sure you also carry the needed resources for that last closing Scaffold (+20 soil) before building the last Scaffold from the inside.
  • Build that last Scaffold.
  • Raise the remaining cliff-tile corners by using the Tile-mode(SHIFT+CTRL)
  • Remove all the Scaffolds, and your done.

--.MvGulik. 12:24, 4 May 2024 (UTC)