Talk:Fishing Net

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Fishing Net Quality

Perhaps we should talk about whether or not quality of fishing net matters. Many people in game world has asked this, including me, and I don't really know either since I'm still kinda new. Perphaps we can have a disucssion about this from someone who is more knowledgable so that we can confirm for the wiki? Quality is important for many items so people will always look out for that information for the vast majority of items in the wiki.--Rexz (talk) 09:33, 26 November 2019 (EST)

Fishing net quality is probably used as some soft- or hard-cap on the fish quality. It could 'potentially' also affect the fishing net efficiency. Efficiency could relate to catching fish and/or retaining fish. Fishing nets probably also have a max catch limit too. --.MvGulik. 17:44, 8 February 2021 (UTC)

Couple things

added in patch "Wood Grease"

Can trigger xp event called "Catch In The Net" when raised and yields fish. (listed at experience points page.)

--Vatas (talk) 14:24, 4 March 2022 (UTC)