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The "repair-with" data is (generally) stored in the "requires" property.
In cases as, for example, Burrow this also means that Burrow is also displayed as a "required-by" case for those items (Soil & Earthworm).
Not to sure this is a good thing. As the items in question (in this case) are only needed for repairing, and don't relate to the usual creating or building of stuff.
Potential resolution: Move repair related items out of the "requires" property into there own repair-dedicated property.
implementation stuff:
The "requires" property is not set by the infobox template(s), but its set on the object pages directly. (REMOVED: changed SMW set-link to normal MW-link.)
Pro: allows for additional info to be included in the "repair-with" field.
Con: Makes potential processing of the "repair-with" data by template somewhat troublesome.
... Could potentially split the data in a items-part and info/text-part.
Relative simple solution could be to just not assign those items to the "requires" property when deemed not generally useful. (DONE)
Downside here (without additional coding) would be that a some separate "can be used to repair ..." info/data-section would not be possible (as potential future feature).
--.MvGulik. 10:32, 28 June 2023 (UTC)