Talk:Steel Crucible
"Fixed the old fuel bug and removed the work-around for it. Ovens/smelters/&c. no longer reset their progress when burning out, rather each item therein tracks the average fuel quality it has seen while burning, and uses that upon completion."
"&c" does NOT include the Steelbox. Prove me wrong.
It does not. This is a case of extremely misleading yet technically correct statement that requires some context (not provided by the automatic game update system pulling out patch note transcripts.)
Also, I don't mean to defend the general BS involved with steelmaking.
Back in Legacy, things worked the same as they do now - steelbox is the only thing where stuff being "cooked" does reset if the station goes out. Some point in "Hafen" (not sure if it was at the very start, or later) Jorb decided to make everything reset when station goes dark to eliminate "old fuel bug" (spend 11 bad coal, let smelter go out, spend 1 hq coal, only hq coal is counted. Actually reminds me that this was only changed in w10 or something because Ender used to have similar autofill option for well-mined" -ore.)
TL;DR: Steelbox is "grandfathered" to be the exception that always completely resets, but this is not specified in the Jorb note.