
From Ring of Brodgar
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Infobox sub-template.
Used by both "Hafen" and "Legacy" infobox templates.
Expects to be used inside some table.

Usage: {{Infobox/equipmentStat|desc=...|<name=...>|value=...|<extra=...>}}
desc: Short item-property description text. Used in the first column. (mandatory)
name: Name of the SMW-property to save the value in. (optional)
value: Value of the item. (mandatory)
extra: Some extra stuff to display or execute. (optional)
colspan: Columns to span for the value column. (optional)
Usually not needed. Depends on parent infobox.

Other stuff:
A value of "0" is displayed as "None" in the infobox output. (could be adjusted to "Zero" or back to just "0" if need be)
A value of "-1" is displayed as "(unknown) in the infobox output.
A value of "-2" is displayed as "Yes (value unknown) in the infobox output.

Used by templates:
Infobox bush
Infobox legmetaobj
Infobox metaobj