Whiff of Rummaging

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Whiff of Rummaging
Whiff of Rummaging.png
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Whiff of Rummaging a foul Scent left behind by the perpetrator of a crime. It can be used to track down the criminal responsible.

Whiff of Rummaging is a minor crime committed when rummaging through another person's storage containers on a claim. Taking any items would constitute an act of Theft

How to Acquire

To leave Scents behind, you must have Criminal Acts toggled on in the Toggles Menu.
To discover Scents, you must have Tracking toggled on in the Toggles Menu.

To Acquire Scents, first have tracking turned on and then Right-click on the smoking footprint (specifically, the footprint itself) and select track to collect a limited number of scents.
You will only to be able to detect Scents if your Perception * Exploration is higher than the criminal's Stealth * Intelligence

Game Development

  • Another Touch of Fix (2017-03-08) >"Differentiated a new crime: Rummaging. Rummaging becomes possible with the Trespassing skill, and covers minor offensive acts somewhere in between vandalism and trespassing, such as moving objects, opening gates, or lighting fires. Rummaging is not considered a griveous crime, and does not prevent logout. The idea being to give you better permission control."