Legacy:Bar of Wrought Iron

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Wrought iron, in bar form, can be used to produce a variety of medium-grade metal goods.

How to Acquire

Craft > Metal Working > Wrought Iron

Place up to 9 bars of Cast Iron into the Finery Forge and fuel it with 2 charcoals. After a few minutes (5 or 6, about 1 tick), each of the cast iron left inside has a 50% chance of turning into either a bloom or slag.

At an anvil with a smithy's hammer equipped, one unit of bloom can be converted into a bar of wrought iron with a one-in-three chance. If the bloom does not become a bar of wrought iron, it instead becomes a bar of cast iron.

For a character who is neutral on the nature/industry slider, this means that the inputs to a finery forge can become the following with the stated chances:

  1. 1-in-2 chance of becoming slag (50%).
  2. 1-in-3 chance of becoming cast iron (33.3%).
  3. 1-in-6 chance of becoming wrought iron (16.7%).

This is after one iteration. Cast iron created this way can be used in the finery forge again with identical chances as in the first iteration.