Legacy talk:Fir Tree

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The stages on this page were originally ordered 1-5, excluding the 6th stage which would be the tree's final growth, or possibly excluding the first stage which would be the sapling. I'm not sure which. As a result, the stage actions (that can be performed on each stage of the tree in its growth cycle) are now incorrect. But there are seven stages in total for the Fir Tree (possibly all, I haven't checked.) The first five are growing stages, the sixth is its final growth stage at which it becomes a full-fledged tree, and the seventh is a stump, after it has been chopped down. I just need a verification on the growth stage actions. Foetuses 23:51, 15 April 2012 (EDT)

Not sure if the stump part should be included as additional stage to the tree stages (Data wise. Stump in image excluded) --MvGulik 18:28, 10 July 2012 (EDT)

Tree stages table (concept)

Per tree, stage table.

Stage Chop/Remove Take Branch Take Bough Pick Cone Take Bark
1 (Sapling) ?(Nothing) --- --- --- ---
2 Branch x? ?? ?? ?? ---
3 Yields ? ? ?? ?? ---
4 Block of Wood x4 4 1 2 ---
5 Log x1, +Stump ? ? 2 ??
6 (Fully grown) Log x2, +Stump 7 5 2 3
7 (Stump) Block of Wood x4 --- --- --- ---
Version:B (intentional cell ditching)
Stage Chop/Remove Take Branch Take Bough Pick Cone Take Bark
1 (Sapling) ?(Nothing)
2 Branch x? ?? ?? ??
3 Yields ? ? ?? ??
4 Block of Wood x4 4 1 2
5 Log x1, +Stump ? ? 2 ??
6 (Fully grown) Log x2, +Stump 7 5 2 3
7 (Stump) Block of Wood x4
Comments? --MvGulik