Raw Hide!

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Raw Hide!
Raw Hide!.png
XP Cost 300
Hearth Magic, Animal Husbandry
Go to Hearth Magics page

"Bellow forth a mighty whoop to startle any horses in the vicinity, and cause them to rear for some duration of time. The closer the horse is, the longer it will be startled."

Icon keyboard.pngRite & Magic > Hearth Magic > Raw Hide!

Startles horses around the user.

Game Development

  • Liberty Shrimp (2022-09-11) >""Raw Hide!" should no longer cost experience points to activate when there are no horses around, and should also not cost 2x reported cost when there are. Adjusted the stun effect timer downward somewhat, particularly in the farther reaches of the effect."
  • Raw Trucker (2021-09-05) >""Raw Hide!" now hits targets further away harder than previously. The minimum horse dance time from being hit by "Raw Hide!" increased from 3 to 9 seconds."
  • Raw Trucker (2021-09-05) >""Raw Hide!" now empties the stamina meter of any horse (with a rider) hit by it. Wild Horses lose their "Pony Power" entirely."