Talk:Turnip Crop

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Infobox/Crop-stages Image

Used this page as testpage for future crop update.
I gathered screens for all crop stages so what's better: leave it on pagepic as now, or make pagepic only last stage and leave other stages with description in Stages part?

Any additions, thoughts?

--.Kitsuneg . 11 January 2018 (EST)

Looks nice.
For the Infobox image, there is the general width limit. Which turns relative wide images in to relative small-height images.
Instead of a 1x4 crop-display style one could use a 2x2 style to display the different crop stages, but that would make for a tricky/messy caption.
Alternatively. Just using the last crop stage for the infobox image, and add an additional crops-stages image as separate in-page image seems less troublesome to me.
--.MvGulik. 19:33, 11 January 2019 (EST)

You might consider a 200x200 image of a field of turnips as the pagepic, and add the 1>2>3>4 progression as a gallery pic.
--Ricky (talk) 22:41, 11 January 2019 (EST)

"turnips" Think using just one crop-instant per stage image is more cleaner. (less work too) --.MvGulik. 00:11, 12 January 2019 (EST)


I'm seeing 3 stages, with the Ender client, and at stage 2/3 I get 2 turnips, where I'd normally get 3. I suspect it's not possible to get seeds at all currently.
Xyzzy (talk)

Ender is not counting the initial first stage(kinda). Ergo: The first stage is displayed as "0/3", and stage 2 (for seeds) is displayed as "1/3", etc. A bit confusing at first, but generally not for long. --.MvGulik. 10:53, 20 December 2021 (UTC)