
From Ring of Brodgar
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Name Aggro conditions Behavior Pickable Resources Image
Ants Attack and raiding its home Ant Hill Passive No None Legacy-Ants Portrait.png
Aurochs Attack and 10%+ chance on picking hairs. Herd collective aggro. Passive

Tameable Herd mentality

No Raw Hide, Intestines x4, Beef x6, Bone Material x6 Legacy-Aurochs Portrait.png
Bear Attack and proximity Agressive No Raw Bear Hide, Bear Meat x8, Intestines x4, Bear Tooth x4, Bone Material x12 Legacy-Bear Portrait.png
Boar Attack and proximity. Agressive


No Raw Hide, Intestines x2, Boar Meat x4, Bone Material x4, Boar Tusk x1-2 Legacy-Boar Portrait.png
Chicken None Passive Yes Raw Chicken Meat, Bone Material, Chicken Feather x3 Legacy-Chicken Portrait.png
Deer Attack Passive No Raw Hide, Intestines x3, Raw Deer Meat x4, Bone Material x6, Deer Antlers Legacy-Deer Portrait.png
Fox Attack Passive No Raw Fox Hide, Intestines x1, Fox Meat x2, Bone Material x2 Legacy-Fox Portrait.png
Mouflon Attack.

Herd collective aggro.


Tameable Herd mentality

No Raw Sheep Skin, Intestines x?, Raw Mutton x?, Bone Material x?. Legacy-Mouflon Portrait.png
Rabbit None Passive Yes Fresh Rabbit Fur, Rabbit Meat, Bone Material Legacy-Rabbit Portrait.png
Rat None Passive Yes Nothing Legacy-Rat Portrait.png
Toad None Passive Yes Nothing Legacy-Frog Portrait.png
Troll Attack and proximity. Suspected instant agro to responsible player for its spawn. Agressive

Possibity of misleading and tricking players for personal pleasure.

No Fresh Troll's Hide x2, Raw Troll Meat x30, Trollbone x8, Troll Skull Legacy-Troll Portrait.png
Cattle (Cow/Bull) None, cannot be agroed. Passive No Milk, Raw Hide, Intestines x4, Beef x6, Bone Material x6 N/A
Emerald Dragonfly None, cannot be agroed. Passive Yes LP N/A
Dryad None Passive No None N/A
Sheep None, cannot be agroed. Passive No Wool, Raw Sheep Skin, Intestines x2, Raw Mutton x3, Bone Material x3 - Must domesticate a Mouflon to obtain a Sheep. N/A
Silkmoth None, cannot be agroed. Passive Yes Silkworm Egg N/A


  • Herd mentality: creatures like mouflon and aurochsen will collectively aggro the player.
  • Other creatures include the character generation NPCs, dryad and barmaid.