Game Updates/Graphics
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- List of general graphics updates.
Game Development
- Duckbilled Leg of Table (2024-12-17)◎ >"Added variable materials to "Herbalist Table"."
- Tansy Ridge (2024-11-30)◎ >""Stone Kist"s and "Jotun Clam"s can now be extended with Sketches."
- Tansy Ridge (2024-11-30)◎ >"Added variable materials to "Chest". This may be performance controversial, but I felt compelled for the mad ÆSTETHICS."
- Tansy Ridge (2024-11-30)◎ >"Added some visual light and smoke on the "Miniature Volcano" curiosity."
- Tansy Ridge (2024-11-30)◎ >"Added some visual light and sound on the "Smelter", building. The fire sound only plays if the hatch is open. Cute, huh?"
- Tansy Ridge (2024-11-30)◎ >"Added a sound when retrieving carryable pottery from "Kiln"s."
- Tansy Ridge (2024-11-30)◎ >"Added a visual lining to the top of ridges to make them apparent when approached from the "behind" side. May need some more art:ing, but on the whole I didn't hate the new look, and it serves a practical purpose."
- Swinish Alchemy (2024-11-24)◎ >"Added light sources and/or polished up Casting Molds, Stack Furnace, Alchemy Table/Tripod Burner, Crucible and Firebrands. Also added some fire/pumping bellows sound."
- Swinish Alchemy (2024-11-24)◎ >"Character uses the "blow-start-fire"-animation when lighting "Bough Pyre"s."
- Swinish Alchemy (2024-11-24)◎ >"Snakes now lean visually with the ground they are on, which should make them look slightly better when crawling up a hillside."
- Leaning Tooltip (2024-11-16)◎ >"Redrew "Wall Shelf", "Frying Pan", "Retort", "Mortar & Pestle", "Alchemy" and "Clothes & Equipment" icons in 4x resolution."
- Leaning Tooltip (2024-11-16)◎ >"Added/extended support for allowing items held on the cursor to affect the character model, thus, when holding "Branding Irons" or "Firebrands" on the cursor, the character will now visually appear to hold those. Likewise, holding a "Torch" or "Lantern" on your cursor will make those visually appear, or remain, equipped on the player model."
- Stonedolly & Cornpouch (2024-11-07)◎ >"(W16) Redrew "Straw" icon in new, hot, 4x resolution."
- Color Wheel (2024-05-27)◎ >"Opening and closing UI windows are now gently animated."
- Color Wheel (2024-05-27)◎ >"Redrew several icons, primarily under the "Workstations & Utilities" submenu, in 4x resolution, thereby completing the redrawing of the entire "Build" submenu. Yay!"
- Pickling Brine (2024-03-15)◎ >"All list-widgets are now smooth-scrolling."
- Pickling Brine (2024-03-15)◎ >"Redrew several icons, primarily under the "Production & Processing" and "Siege Equipment" build submenus, in 4x resolution."
- Pickling Brine (2024-03-15)◎ >"Minimap icons for most animals now reflect their being alive or dead, and display and notification settings can be configured for either such state of being. (Requires an up-to-date client.)"
- Pickling Brine (2024-03-15)◎ >"The status of toggles are reflected in their icons, both in the action menu and if put on the hotbelt. (Requires an up-to-date client.)"
- Pickling Brine (2024-03-15)◎ >"Construction object outlines now reflect the shape of the object being built more accurately."
- Misty Badger (2023-11-26)◎ >"Added some misty particles at the foot of waterfalls. Much immersion!"
- Bullfinch Falls (2023-11-14)◎ >"Added an effect to flowing/leaning water tiles, aka waterfalls. Note that this is a pretty WIP effect, but one that we felt pretty hyped about nonetheless. Do note that you need to update your client to see the effect."
- Realm of Toads (2023-05-28)◎ >"Redrew various icons under the "Furniture" build menu in higher resolution."
- Stack of Stacks (2023-03-07)◎ >"Redrew a whole bunch of icons in higher resolution, notably the ones under the "Buildings & Construction" submenu of the "Build" menu."
- Colorful Troll (2016-03-10)◎ >"Horses should now have an animation indicating when they are ready to be tamed. Reported several places, but among others here."