Game Updates/Changes/2016

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Fun Allowed (2016-01-04)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Fun Allowed 2016-01-04 Charter Stone -- (New Implementations)
Added Charter Stones. You can build one Charter Stone per village. A Charter Stone can be given a (unique) name, much the same as a Hearth Secret. From a Charter Stone you can travel to any other Charter Stone you know the name of. You can spawn new characters by Charter Stones by giving the Charter Stone name to the skull pole in the character creation room. You cannot use Charter Stones for travel if you are Outlawed.
Fun Allowed 2016-01-04 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
This, obviously, is complete madness, but it seemed like it could be an interesting madness to try out, if nothing else as a counterpoint experiment to the "roads only"-regime. We, along with many of you, have been disappointed with how roads have actually turned out to work in terms of allowing for player interaction. When we implemented roads we did so primarily in order to remove some of the exploity and locality-negating effects we felt that Crossroads had -- and because we thought it could be cleaner -- and not per se to create ridiculous hurdles for trade and simple hanging out. I'd like to stress that we -- at least presently -- don't really think of this as a permanent end solution to fast travel, as much as, indeed, an experiment, but it should at least prove a fun one to watch!
Fun Allowed 2016-01-04 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Buffed decay time for yellow onion as suggested here.
Fun Allowed 2016-01-04 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a small problem with uncleared error messages, reported here.
Fun Allowed 2016-01-04 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Set building resources required for village idol closer to Legacy values.

A Touch of Death (2016-01-07)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
A Touch of Death 2016-01-07 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added a Death Screen.
A Touch of Death 2016-01-07 Stockpile, Grapes -- (New Implementations)
Added Grape stockpile.
A Touch of Death 2016-01-07 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
You can now allow or disallow spawning by Charter Stones.
A Touch of Death 2016-01-07 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
You can now carry an object while traveling by Charter Stones.
A Touch of Death 2016-01-07 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added an error message to Charter Stones when interacting with them while they are inactive (Village is low on authority, village is destroyed, charter stone is not under village claim, &c).
A Touch of Death 2016-01-07 Stockpile -- (Small Fixes)
Shift+Right-Clicking a stockpile now draws items from the stockpile until the player inventory is full, rather than just drawing one unit.
A Touch of Death 2016-01-07 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed the bad table manners bug.
A Touch of Death 2016-01-07 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now dismount when knocked out while on horseback, as reported here.

A Touch of Vengeance (2016-01-13)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 Nidbane -- (Nidbanes)
Added Nidbanes. Nidbanes are vengeful spirits which can be sent against criminals in attempts to kill them. Craft and place a Nidbane Fetter on a Runed Dolmen, using a scent -- Vandalism, Battery, Murder and Theft are applicable -- left by the criminal you wish to target, and a Nidbane will appear and begin seeking out said target. The Nidbanes move slowly at first, but pick up speed gradually. As soon as the spirit overtakes its quarry, it will initiate combat. If the target is not logged in when the Nidbane reaches it, the spirit will lie in waiting for when the target does log in (or until it has waited for 24 RL hours, whichever occurs the sooner), and then attack. The Nidbane will try to kill its target.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Nidbanes)
You craft Fetters using crime scents.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Nidbanes)
At any given time there can be one Nidbane per crime scent.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Nidbanes)
A Nidbane persists even if the scent it is tracking expires. Once let loose the Nidbane always needs to be either destroyed in combat, or undone at the Runed Dolmen, by removing the Fetter from the Dolmen.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Nidbanes)
Nidbanes scale in power with their target, the quality of their fetter, and the severity of the crime. The Nidbane has the target's stats, times a factor per crime -- 0.3 for theft, 0.5 for vandalism, 0.6 for battery, and 1.2 for murder -- softcapped by the Fetter's qualities.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Nidbanes)
If a Nidbane is destroyed, its Fetter will shatter to indicate this.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Nidbanes)
If a Nidbane kills its target, it will instantly return the skull of its target to the Runed Dolmen.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Nidbanes)
Nidbanes are never blocked by objects, but rather move relentlessly toward their target until they reach it.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Nidbanes)
Nidbane attacks ignore armor.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Nidbanes)
Anyone may attack a Nidbane as it moves across the map, but perhaps best be careful with that, what with Nidbanes being of unknown power and lethal, and whatnot. Nidbanes will themselves only attack their intended target.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Nidbanes)
The basic idea here is that crime victims can send little cruise missiles against their offenders to try to get back at them, and the broader ambition is an attempt to somewhat untangle the issues of justice and siege from one another. From a design perspective it has for some time bothered us how the enforcement of law against crime has become entirely dependent upon siegeing and gaining entrance to the brickwalled compound of an offender, and while that task is more or less impossible, crime is proportionately more or less risk free. We feel that his situation has made siege mechanics more necessary to crime enforcement than they reasonably should be, and if this system turns out to be interesting it hopefully also allows us to design a siege system without relying on it for the enforcement of simple crimes, which I suspect makes the task significantly easier.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Nidbanes)
There are a lot of moving parts and points of balance in this. The ideal stats, general ferocity, and precise mechanics of the Nidbanes can certainly be debated, and some strategies may well be overpowered -- spamming Nidbanes from a Dolmen close to the target, or sending Nidbanes against oneself to block scents, &c --, Nidbanes may be too tame or too powerful, or both, but all of that has to be playtested. At the very least crime should no longer be entirely risk free. Do report your findings after trying it out.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Nidbanes)
In light of our unparallelled magnanimity, Nidbane fetters can only be crafted using scents left after this patch.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 Bouquet of Flowers -- (New Implementations)
Added "Bouquet of Flowers", curio. Recently suggested here.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 Elk Dog -- (New Implementations)
Added "Elk Dog", sausage.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 Butter Scones -- (New Implementations)
Added "Butter Scones", baked good.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Völva's Wand can be hung on walls.
A Touch of Vengeance 2016-01-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added some armor penetration to Ants.

The Danger Zone (2016-01-19)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
All things dropped in the water are now saved. Sometimes these goods wash up on beaches, and sometimes you can catch them while fishing.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Battering rams can not be destroyed until 18 hours after build completion, i.e. 6 hours before they can be used.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Battering rams now have a repair time of 8 hours, as in Legacy, rather than 24 hours as we had accidentally made it.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Battering rams can be destroyed 2 hours after repair, i.e. 6 hours before they can be used again.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Thus: Battering rams can always be destroyed 6 hours before they can be used, and never before.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
All livestock animals now have three lives each. If you "kill" a domestic animal in combat, it will instead become knocked out and lose one life. Knocked out livestock get back up again after 12 hours, with one life less. Livestock animals die permanently once the third life is lost.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Leashing and shooing livestock now follow the same rules as slaughtering, i.e. they can only be performed with vandalism permissions.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Nidbanes now use the highest value of their target's Unarmed, Melee or Ranged values.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
A maximum of five Nidbanes can be dispatched against any given player. If you attempt to craft a new Nidbane Fetter against a player who already has five Nidbanes after him, a new Nidbane will only be added if the new Nidbane has better average stats than one of the five already aimed at the target, that same lower quality fetter being replaced and shattering.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed Nidbane armor penetration.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed the disappearing currency bug.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a Charter stone visitor bug.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Livestock conceived after this patch now present the names of their parents.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Smithy's Hammer, and Frying Pan are now a wall items, partly as suggested here.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a small update bug with poultice debuffs not clearing until character is recalculated.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed the scent pickup bug.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Supplement patch) SKIPPED: Related patch information fix.
We did something small.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 Rocking Chair -- (Supplement patch) (New Implementations)
Added a Rocking Chair.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Supplement patch) ("Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Runed Dolmen can be destroyed.
The Danger Zone 2016-01-19 <No Pages> -- (Supplement patch) ("Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed the broken livestock bug.

Death (2016-01-26)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Death 2016-01-26 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added inheritance of character values. You now inherit 30% of your immediate ancestor's stats when inheriting him.
Death 2016-01-26 Grave Cairn -- (New Implementations)
Added Grave Cairn. You may bury your ancestor's skeleton and skull, together or separately. Burying the skeleton returns 20% of the ancestor's stats, and burying the skull gives another 10%.
Death 2016-01-26 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Thus: If you have buried your ancestor entirely you inherit up to 60% of his stats total. Known skills are converted to their LP cost and inherited as LP. If you have already leveled beyond your ancestor when burying him, you receive no immediate benefit from the burial. Anyone can bury a skeleton, and the heir will receive the benefit regardless of who buried the ancestor. Smashing an occupied cairn will destroy the skeleton.
Death 2016-01-26 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
You may put flowers on the grave.
Death 2016-01-26 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Doubled the time it takes to Hearth home or log out, in an attempt to address this problem.

Slingshot (2016-01-27)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Slingshot 2016-01-27 Sling -- (New Implementations)
Added Sling. Fires a stone projectile. Firing only reduces the aim meter by 30%.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations) ... unspecified.
Added an experience.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Damage from ranged weapons is now determined by the weapons' Substance, as previously, but also by your character's Perception.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Range on ranged weapons is now determined by the weapons' Essence, used to be Vitality.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Vitality and Marksmanship have always determined aim speed on ranged weapons, and still do.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with barter stands whereby; if both hands from one slot were in the same container, bad things would happen.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Nidbanes now wait until they've seen their target taking an action (walking, or whatever) before they attack.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Nidbanes now, when they are the aggressor, attack one-by-one.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
If you attack a Nidbane who is waiting for a particular target, and there are other Nidbanes in the area, waiting for that same target, all Nidbanes waiting for the target will attack you.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Thus: The idea is that if the target fights the Nidbanes by being attacked by them, he only has to fight them in sequence, but if you instead try to pick them off one by one by attacking them, they will all aggro.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Nidbanes sent to avenge a murder are now weaker the more proper a burial the victim has received, as suggested here.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You can now read Grave Cairns from a distance.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Grave Cairns are now far more allowing in terms of what tiles you can build them on.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
The owner of a barter stand can right-click an asked good in the stand to clear it.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You can now inherit barter stands, fixing this report.
Slingshot 2016-01-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Cheese now becomes Generic Gouda in 72RL hours, rather than 48, fixing this.

World 9 (2016-02-18)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Map Generator)
Rivers should now connect various bodies of water.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Map Generator)
Rivers should generally be larger.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Map Generator)
There should now be bodies of water on the cave levels.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Map Generator)
There should now be large, open, areas in caves.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Map Generator) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which some caves bugged out and placed entrances in the middle of empty space.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Map Generator)
There should now be boulders and stalagmites in caves.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Map Generator)
The map will initially be generated at a size of 250x250 minimaps (the same as worlds 3-7). We may/most likely will extend the map soonish, but the intention is to make and keep a significantly smaller world.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Map Generator)
New characters will spawn all over the initial 250x250 minimaps, rather than the central 50x50 as they presently do.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Metals)
Copper & Tin ores should be more common.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Metals)
Gold & Silver ores should be less common.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Quality Nodes)
We considered removing the tri-quality system entirely, and we still may in the future, but in the end decided to simply generate more coherent quality nodes instead. Quality nodes you find should now generally/more often have some amount of quality in all dimensions, albeit with some distribution.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Fate Forage)
Fate forageables have been significantly reworked, and should now appear more reliably.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Fast Travel)
Charter stones cannot be built on the cave levels.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Fast Travel)
You may only travel to charter stones you have visited once. I.e. the first time you'll have to hike it there to get to know the stone.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Fast Travel)
You get travel weariness when traveling using a charter stone. This can be recouped by sleeping in a Sturdy Bed, and in one other way, which you can discover for yourselves.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Fast Travel)
Charter stones and Village Idols now require a new resource for their construction.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Localized Resources)
In exploring the world you will find several new localized resources, all using some new and hopefully interesting mechanics. We may reveal more details as these are discovered, but generally speaking they all have in common that their regeneration rates are globally limited.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Localized Resources)
The boulder distribution should now be more even, so hopefully we can avoid completely stone empty areas this time.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Localized Resources)
Gold & Silver boulders should be rarer.
World 9 2016-02-18 Catapult -- (Siege & PvP)
Added catapults. Catapults have 750HP, and can be used while they have more than 150HP. Catapults take 3HP damage per map pixel they move, and 200HP damage each time they fire. A catapult can be used six hours after it is built, and one hour after each repair. Catapults have a soak value of 3. Catapult shots deal, randomly, from 600HP and upwards. Catapults have a range of 200 map pixels, i.e. circa 18 tiles. It is not possible to launch Hearthlings yet.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Siege & PvP)
Added a Shield to all claims. In order to attack a claim using a Siege Engine you will first have to break the Shield. While the shield is up, all damage dealt by Siege Engines to structures under the claim will be diverted to the shield. The Shield has 60000 HP, but can only take a maximum of 4000HP damage per hour. The shield's damage resistance increases with damage it takes, but is reset every hour. The shield regenerates 1000HP each hour. Once a shield reaches zero HP left it will break. A broken shield comes back online once it reaches 8000HP. You can find out the status of a claim's shield by inspecting the ground.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Siege & PvP)
Overlapping Claim Shields have a symmetrical relationship in that: If either is down, the other is also down. Thus: If the Village Shield is down, underlying Private Claim Shields are also down, and if the Private Claim Shield is down, then the Village Shield does not apply. If you fire at an object covered by a Private Claim and a Village Claim, you will target the private Claim's Shield. A Claim without Authority/Presence is disregarded, so if the Private claim lacks Presence the Village Shield applies, and if the Village lacks Authority, the Private Claim Shield applies.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Siege & PvP)
Charter Stones shut down if the Shield of their Village claim goes below 48000HP.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Siege & PvP)
Log Cabins have 5 soak and 5000HP. Timber Houses have 7 soak and 7000HP. Stone Steads have 10 soak and 10000HP. Stone Mansions have 12 soak and 12000HP. Great Halls have 25 soak and 25000HP. Stone Towers have 30soak and 30000HP. Palisades have 30 soak and 2500HP. Brick Walls have 50 soak and 3000HP. Statues of the Chieftain have 20 soak and 2000HP. Village Banners have 15 soak and 3000HP. Village Idols have 30 soak and 30000HP. Claim Poles have 15 soak and 15000HP. Charter Stones have 20 soak and 30000HP. Field Cairns have 5 soak and 1000HP.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Siege & PvP)
Thus: By adding more catapults/battering rams to a siege you can break a claim shield faster, asymptotically approaching a theoretical maximum of 3000 damage per hour (4000HP damage minus 1000HP healed), meaning that the fastest speed in which you can break a claim is 20 hours from the first siege engine hit, which gives 26 hours if you count the initial drying time on catapults. Once a shield breaks, siege engines will deal damage to objects as normal.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Siege & PvP)
Do note that destruction by hand is unaffected by the shield.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Siege & PvP)
Siege Engines are themselves never protected by claim shields.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Siege & PvP)
We intend to align the battering ram more with this system as well, but for now it works as it always has until we've had time to implement a more civilian wrecking ball for peaceful purposes.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Siege & PvP)
Construction and repair of Siege Engines are all limited by a new resource.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Siege & PvP)
Nidbanes are now limited by a new resource.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea)
The base inventory size has been increased by one row and one column to 5x5.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea)
The energy meter has been extended to hold 10000 energy, rather than 5000. New characters start at 5000 energy. Starvation occurs below 2000 energy. Healing occurs above 8000 energy. Hard labour -- soil digging & mining -- is only possible above 5000 energy. We realize that levling soil sucks, and we want to improve that significantly, but for now we just hate your slave alts. Fuck 'em.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea)
Halved the stamina costs for digging soil.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea)
You now need relevant skills to build objects. I.e. you need to have Stone Working both to place and to build on, a Stone Tower.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea) ... unspecified wound.
You will now receive a special Wound when knocked out.
World 9 2016-02-18 Wilderness Beacon -- (Miscellanea)
Added Wilderness Beacon. Build it. Give it a name and it starts burning. A person may spawn by the beacon by providing its name in the Character Creation room. It lasts for an hour before it is destroyed. If someone spawns by it it is destroyed.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea) SKIPPED: for now - no related page available.
The Altar of Ruin has been removed for now.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea)
If you get hit by a cave-in you receive serious damage. The Miner's Helm negates such damage, but is consumed in the process.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea)
Snow now melts.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Payment Model & Level Caps)
We have tried to listen to the feedback you gave us on our first announcement, and thus we have altered the ideas we presented there.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Payment Model & Level Caps)
There are no time limits in the game. Anyone may play as much as they like.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Payment Model & Level Caps)
There is a level cap on Attributes & Abilities of 300 points. You can go higher than that using equipment and other stat bonuses.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Payment Model & Level Caps)
Verified Accounts level up 10% faster (gain 10% more LP and FEPs) than Free Accounts, and can gain 10 more levels than Free Accounts (e.g. 310 total).
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Payment Model & Level Caps)
Subscribed Accounts level up 30% faster than Free Accounts, and can gain 30 levels more than Free Accounts (e.g. 330 total).
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Payment Model & Level Caps)
You are always capped according to your present account status, so if you level up to 330, and then stop subscribing, you will play at level 300 until you resubscribe.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Payment Model & Level Caps)
Do note that we still consider level caps an experiment. Our intention is to evaluate them, not necessarily to implement them permanently.
World 9 2016-02-18 Painting -- (Payment Model & Level Caps)
There is a new skill called Painting which allows access to Sketch and Pigment crafting, which are available to anyone. Sketch Pages from the store can instead be used to craft any pattern, irrespective of complexity, without the need for pigments or other inputs.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Payment Model & Level Caps) SKIPPED: General developers/new-world note.
All previously bought Sketch Pages & Snowballs have been redistributed to their buyers for the new world.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Payment Model & Level Caps) ...
All subscription prices have been reconsidered, and are now starting at $7.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Payment Model & Level Caps) SKIPPED: General developers/new-world note.
The store page has been updated to reflect new realities.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Payment Model & Level Caps) SKIPPED: General developers/new-world note.
We're hoping you'll find this a more equitable payment model.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Customer Rewards)
The server uptime counter has been set back one month, meaning that whatever subscriptions were active then will have been reactivated. If you bought a subscription today, on the other hand, you will effectively have bought two months. Basically the subscription time counts as if it were one month ago.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Customer Rewards)
All Sketchbook Pages bought last world have been redistributed to their buyer's for this world.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Customer Rewards)
Anyone who has bought anything from the store has received a Sombrero.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Customer Rewards)
Anyone who has bought for more than $30 has received a Leprechaun's Hat.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Customer Rewards)
Anyone who has bought for more than $50 has received a Subscription Token.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Customer Rewards)
Anyone who has bought for more than $100 has received a Pharao's Crown.
World 9 2016-02-18 <No Pages> -- (Customer Rewards)
The rewards are accumulating, so if you have received a Pharao's Crown you have also received the other rewards.

Riff-Rafts (2016-02-23)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Riff-Rafts 2016-02-23 Raft -- (New Implementations)
Re-implemented Rafts. Build, load objects onto them, ferry across waters. Rafts are built in two segments, rather than four as in legacy, which are built on land and combined in the water to get a functioning raft. Right-click the raft while mounted on it to get a load cursor, and then click objects to load them aboard.
Riff-Rafts 2016-02-23 Chives -- (New Implementations)
Added Chives to one forest terrain -- Sombrebramble -- as a first step in an ongoing campaign to give each terrain unique stuff.
Riff-Rafts 2016-02-23 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Castle Doctrine now only applies to active Personal Claims.
Riff-Rafts 2016-02-23 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Should now properly get LP for skills on death, as reported here.
Riff-Rafts 2016-02-23 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Ring of Brodgar and Pearl Necklace now increase LP gain.
Riff-Rafts 2016-02-23 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
The repair cost for personal claims and villages should now be reasonable, reported here.
Riff-Rafts 2016-02-23 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Mining when low on energy should properly give error message. Reported here.
Riff-Rafts 2016-02-23 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Hopefully fixed a bug which caused strangeness in the Red Handed debuff.
Riff-Rafts 2016-02-23 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Itsy Bitsy's web should now have Q10 when harvested from Beach Salvage.

Mandrake Weather (2016-02-25)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 Mandrake Root, Spirited Mandrake Root, Nidbane -- (New Implementations)
Added Mandrake Roots. Nidbanes now require Mandrake Roots instead of "Deep Fouls". Mandrake Roots are relatively common, and can be found on two forest terrains, one grass terrain, and near graves.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Shovels now dig multiple units of soil per dig action when using Surveys. Wood shovels dig a base value of 2 units of soil per action, and metal shovels dig a base value of 4 units, and both are modified by quality. Do note that a single tile will never be dug for more units of soil than to the height level you're aiming for. You're welcome.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Re-added Horizon meter. It's not really necessary, but I missed the ambience.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
If your Nicks & Knacks wound grows too big, it might split off to some Scrapes & Cuts instead, which heal slower.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 Yarrow -- (New Implementations)
Added Yarrow. Yarrow can be applied to Nicks & Knacks and Scrapes & Cuts to heal them for some amount. Yarrow can be found on four grass terrains.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 Cold Compress -- (New Implementations)
Added Cold Compress. Cold Compress' can be applied to Swollen Bumps and Concussions to heal them over time for some amount.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
You can no longer build walls on the claims of others -- without permission -- not even as a crime. We couldn't think of a single interesting interaction that results from being able to perform this particular act of vandalism, so out it goes.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Soak on walls now increases linerarly from zero to full over the course of 48RL hours.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Villages no longer require Brimstone.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Private claims without presence are now significantly easier to bash.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
The Owner has to see a personal claim in order for it to become activated after its initial loadup phase. This to prevent "fire and forget" private claims.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Resource nodes can no longer be claimed using Private Claims. This does nothing for already claimed resources.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced cost of Display Sign, as suggested here.
Mandrake Weather 2016-02-25 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Increased base LP on Edelweiß from 4000 to 8000.

My Horse is Amazing (2016-03-02)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 Knarr -- (New Implementations)
Added a Knarr. The Knarr is a large transport ship, capable of carrying 10 people and 64 units of cargo. The Knarr has a base speed of four (which is the same as the rowboat), which increases asymptotically toward 8 with increased quality.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Horses can now be domesticated. Horses have three unique values which can be bred: Endurance, Stamina, and Metabolism. Endurance determines how much pony power the horse has. Stamina determines how fast the horse regenerates pony power from its food meter. Metabolism determines how much pony power each unit of food is converted to. You can hearth home with a horse, while mounted. The horse tracks its last rider, so if you dismount while visiting someone's claim, you can still remount without losing the horse, much the same as with boats.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Made it so that you, if you hold shift while right-clicking a portal, get a preview before crossing said world portal/door/staircase/teleport/road. When you move to a new area you first get to see it, with a magnifying glass cursor to indicate the preview mode. Left-click to proceed, and right-click to cancel. Charter stones and roads always show previews. Let us know what you think.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
There is now a cosmetic equipment slot for store-bought hats! The cosmetic hat slot allows you to override your otherwise functional headgear with some suave threads and bling. The slot is invisible as such, but whenever you equip a store hat, the hat will place itself to the right of the ordinary hat slot, and appear visually on your character in place of your normal hat, quite simply. Previously equipped store hats will unequip as a result of this.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
You may now gift your store-bought hats to others. Hold the hat you wish to give away, and right-click the Hearthling you wish to give it to, and "Transfer Ownership". The hat will permanently transfer to the account of whomever you gave it to.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 Stockpile, Treebark -- (New Implementations)
Added Bark Stockpile
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 Parasol Mushroom -- (New Implementations)
Added Parasol Mushroom to three forest terrains, and one grass.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 First Aid -- (New Implementations)
Added "First Aid" skill and moved all medicaments to a crafting submenu of their own, "Medicine & First Aid".
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Made it so that interactions requiring following -- such as homing toward a fight target -- check the target's bounding box, rather than center coordinate, which should fix the problem, for example, of retardedly bouncing against animals with large bounding boxes (Aurochsen, &c). Should also imply that you more meaningfully can use the follow command against boats and riders, &c. Cart should now also follow horses better. This should fix this.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Food Satiations no longer reduce energy gain. That they did so was never intentional.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Should now be able to fire ranged weapons from horses, boats, and other mounts. This might be too overpowered, but if it is then the solution isn't to prevent firing from mounts, but rather to adjust elsewhere. We'll see!
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug causing LP boosting items to not work.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Scents should no longer count as a Q0 input for Nidbane fetters, as reported here. One thing to note is that the quality of the Runed Dolmen matters. A separate problem was that the quality was never set on Runed Dolmens upon build completion, and this should also now be fixed. Existing Dolmens effectively have Q0, so you might want to build new ones.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added unique sound when moving on snow. Suggested here.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Removed a number indicator from ground pipeweed output to hopefully clear up this confusion. How much pipestuff you get when grinding is slightly randomized.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Invite mechanics (party, spar, &c) should now be properly integrated with the general action system, preventing things like sparring with dead people, and whatnot. Reported here.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Cutting up old logs should now scatter the content, rather than destroy it, as reported here.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You now get a message when buddies come online. Suggested here. Also added a message sound.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now get an error message when trying to pickup scents you already have an instance of in your inventory.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now get an error message when you try to create a fighting relation -- attack someone -- but fail for some reason, for example a lack of skills, permissions &c.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You now get a system message when triggering a level up by eating.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You now get an error message when mining too close to a cave entrance.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Horses now ride down small animals.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You now get a different error message when unable to jump using a charter stone due to too long distance. Reported here.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Siege machines can no longer traverse ridges.
My Horse is Amazing 2016-03-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added a tooltip to the Presence meter in claims to indicate the time until the claim goes active.

Colorful Troll (2016-03-10)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations) SKIPPED: General gfx update.
The big thing this week is that we -- and I realize that this may or may not be the most exciting thing in the world for an end-user -- finally took the time to add support for multitexturing, as well as systems to support combinations of variable materials and toggleable mesh-IDs. I have mentioned it several times in several places, but previously we have not been able to use these techniques together, for which reason, for example, the Runestone runes have always been displayed -- even before you have actually written on the stone -- and this in order to support variable stone materials on the runestones instead. After today we can (almost) combine these to both toggle the runes on and off, and have variable materials -- look determined by stone type used, that is -- on the stone. There is still a small crux to iron out before we actually begin using this, but the technology will allow us to potentially use variable materials on a whole bunch of things that up until now haven't been able to have them, with notable candidates being, for example, boats, siege machines, carts, and wagons, but potentially even things like crates and chests could be on the menu, although we want to be a little bit conservative with it until we know what it does for performance.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations) SKIPPED: General gfx update.
We now also support multitexturing, meaning that several objects -- houses notably -- now use an additional texture to create shadows and highlights on their variable materials, which have previously looked horribly flat, thereby hopefully raising their looks a fair bit. I realize that a lot of you may never notice that anything ever changed, so for posterity's sake I've taken some before and after pictures. Another example of before and after. It strikes me as a major improvement. This took the better part of two nights to fix, so if it strikes you as useless larping, you can at least console yourselves with the fact that we won't have to do it again. Please count to ten before complaining that your house now looks different, #dealwithit.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 Troll -- (New Implementations)
Re-implemented Trolls. Trolls kill players without asking questions. All Trolls have a randomized collection of parts to determine their looks, and the looks correspond to loot from them. Otherwise it is mostly as in Legacy.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 Butter-Chived Trout -- (New Implementations)
Added "Butter-Chived Trout", food
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 Stockpile, Wool -- (New Implementations)
Added Wool stockpile
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 (GFX) -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General gfx update.
Horses should now have an animation indicating when they are ready to be tamed. Reported several places, but among others here.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 Wild Horse -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Wild Horses should no longer be alerted by their rider firing close to them. Reported here.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Parry and Feigned dodge should now be working as intended again, as reported here.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix. (potential split case)
Holding an object aloft no longer blocks arrows from hitting you, and you should also now be able to fire through open gates. Reported here.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
You can no longer fight or aim a bow while carrying things aloft. Suggested here.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 Horse -- (Key Fixes)
Inspecting, slaughtering and shooing horses should only be possible when the animal is leashable, i.e. not when it has a rider on it.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 Mine Support, Stone Column, Mine Beam, Towercap -- (Key Fixes)
Removing mine supports now only causes caveins if the removed minesupport had at some point prevented a cavein.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
The new soak and HP values we reported for houses in the launch patch had not been implemented. They now have been. Reported here.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 Pearl Necklace -- (Small Fixes)
Pearl Necklace now requires the Jewelry skill
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Herbs should no longer be destroyed when picking them fails due to open flower menu. Fixing this.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Some adjustments made to animal attack range which can hopefully fix this problem.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 Wild Horse -- (Small Fixes)
Wild Horses should now ride down small animals.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Tanning tubs should now draw tanning fluids for all hides, and not just small ones. Reported here and here.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Spears should no longer fly out into nil (black) tiles. Reported here.
Colorful Troll 2016-03-10 Horse, Wild Horse -- (Small Fixes)
Horses can now be knocked out.

Convenient Salve (2016-03-15)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added Convenience. Subscribers now get a 100% Convenience speed bonus, and verified accounts get 25%, when: Crafting, Building, Chopping trees, Sawing Boards, Chopping Blocks, Fishing, Butchering, and Chipping Stone. The incentives to subscribe have seemed low, so we thought this could be an OK way to increase them. Feel free to opine.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Fixed the final little crux for variable materials mentioned last patch. Runestones now display runes only after they have been carved upon, and signs their text only after they have been written upon. The water and straw meshes on the Chicken Coop should now display only when the Coop is more than half-full of swill and water respectively. Food Troughs now use variable materials. Wells now have animation. Carts now use variable materials.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added overlay textures to: Palisade, Mine support, Stone Column, Food Trough, Well, Cottage Throne, Cottage Table, Rustic Chair, Rustic Table
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Re-added the old food level-up effect from Legacy.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 Hartshorn Salve -- (New Implementations)
Added "Hartshorn Salve", medicine. Boil horns, treat Severe Maulings and Blunt Trauma. Requested here.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which it was possible to be swimming (and drowning) while in a boat after having jumped off a ridge. Reported here, here, and here. Sorry for your losses.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Looked at animal hit ranges, and they should hopefully be better. A persistent bug still makes it possible for animals to aggro over walls under some circumstances, but the fix is not obvious.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Kiting Nidbanes should now be harder. Attacking a Nidbane causes it to attack its target if the target is present. Attacking a Nidbane requires the Rage skill.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Trolls now wait and thump their chest for a while before attacking after spawning.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now see village icon on all villagers, not just the ones you have kinned. Reported here.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which Miner's Helmets were lightable even without a candle in them. Reported here.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Horses should now -- by God -- have an animation when in combat/when ready to tame. Reported here.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Prospecting should now reveal caverns and mined out areas instead of reporting the mineral that would have been there were it not already mined out. Reported here.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Paved tiles should no longer prevent the propagation of caveins. Reported in PM.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be able to dump i.e. coal from wheelbarrows to fuel meters. Reported here.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added some Rats to caves, as suggested here.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Previously, right-clicking on objects was forbidden while you were unable to leave a trespass scent, for example when you had a visitor debuff, criminal actions turned off, or lacked the trespassing skill. You are now instead allowed to at least right-click objects whenever criminal actions are turned on, even though you may still fail to actually commit a crime against them, due to, for example, a visitor debuff. Minor thing.
Convenient Salve 2016-03-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Roads should no longer place you in the deep while swimming is turned off. Reported here.

Mammoth (2016-03-24)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Mammoth 2016-03-24 Mammoth -- (New Implementations)
Added Mammoths. Mammoths are big, rare, and dangerous. They may kill you, but only seldom attack.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 Rowboat, Wilderness Beacon -- (New Implementations)
Added variable materials to Rowboat and Wilderness Beacon.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which you could steal with a visitor debuff by leaving the claim through a minehole or the like.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which it was possible to scatter past the visitor debuff by using roads outside of gates. Reported in PM, cape awarded.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Whenever someone looks at a preview through a road, the end-post being looked at will display a fishy eyeball hovering above it to indicate this. Not sure if this alone is sufficient to improve road functionality, but if it isn't I'm not entirely sure what the fix could be. This is why we can't have nice things?
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Palisade soak increase formula should now apply to Brick Walls as well. Reported in PM.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Made it so that knocked out animals can be traversed by players.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Improved Robo-Walker's moose camouflage. Should now perhaps appear more moose-like. Reported here.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Looked at a bunch of bugs concerning various problems with animal pathfinding, accentuated by animals targeting riders. The real fix to these problems is to introduce floating point coordinates, which will happen at some point regardless, but for now mounts should at least not block pathfinding.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Quiver should look better when placed on walls. Reported here. Fuck you, coles.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Sling is a wall item.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Troll skull is a wall item (your mileage will vary), as suggested here.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Troll now uses minimap icon
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General gfx fix.
Added overlay texture to: Claim Pole, Wilderness Beacon, Village Idol, Wooden Roadsigns, Milestones, and Barter Stand
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which parchment could be written upon telepathically.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Slaughtering and skinning should now require Hunting. Reported here.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Snow should now melt on logged off characters, as reported here.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Horses can now be put on rafts. Reported here and in PM.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug which caused animations to set on load. Reported here.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
There is now an input type for any Horsemeat, which is also what glazed grazer now asks for. Reported here.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced the building cost of the Knarr a fair bit.
Mammoth 2016-03-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Bandit's Mask should now give +2 Stealth as in Legacy. Reported here.

Burning Harmonica (2016-03-30)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 Bonfire -- (New Implementations)
Re-implemented Bonfires from Legacy. Eat and feast together and get a hunger bonus based on the tables near the fire, the charisma of the participants, and the charisma of the person lighting the Bonfire.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 Knarr, Wagon, Rocking Chair, Loom -- (New Implementations)
Added variable materials to: Knarr, Wagon, Rocking Chair, and Loom.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 Wagon --
Metal now required for wagon, mostly for color larping purposes.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 Knarr, Knarr Sail --
Added possibility to put a sketch image on the Knarr's sail.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 Harmonica -- (New Implementations)
Added Harmonica
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Animals should only give one combat discovery during their lifetime.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Wells can now be built anywhere above ground, irrespective of the water table, but their material cost instead depends on the height of the water table. Dowsing rod functionality more questionable than ever, I guess, but it is not like you were using them anyway. Changed the ground water distribution a bit.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which snowmen melted instantly upon build completion.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which snow stockpiles would melt when unloaded.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 Snow, Snowman -- (Small Fixes)
Snow now melts in 12h at sealevel, rather than five minutes. Snowmen now melt in ~3.5 RL days at sealevel, rather than five minutes.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added input types for Troll Loot, and they should now all give discoveries.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Scythe uses hard metal, rather than cast iron.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Frying Pan requires two bars, rather than one.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 Bat Wing, Bat -- (Small Fixes)
Bats should no longer attack batmen.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Bats should update their animations when dropping aggro, fixing this.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Animals should now only be possible to "Shoo" when roaming, i.e. not when pulling a wagon or tethered. Not sure if 100% better, but it should fix this.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Bushes should now be destroyed if scattered to tiles they can't be on, fixing this.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You should now get less junk when fishing, and more on beaches, as per this suggestion.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Miner's Helm is now armor, per this suggestion.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Tables should now calculate plate amount properly when containing food items larger than 1x1.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Food Trough and Hitching post should now require less flatness.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 Cauldron, Clay Cauldron, Metal Cauldron -- (Small Fixes)
You may now put out cauldrons.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with the damage dealt from Storm of Swords growing weaker, rather than stronger.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You may now inspect a growing tree/bush to see how far grown up it is.
Burning Harmonica 2016-03-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Inspect tool should now longer accept clicks on objects with nothing to report.

Catapult Metallic (2016-04-06)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 Catapult -- (New Implementations)
Added support for variable materials on catapults.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 Paving -- (New Implementations)
Added/Re-added Metal Pavings. In Legacy this was leniently costed at one nugget per tile, but here we went with the obviously more reasonable one bar per tile. Metal paving recently suggested here and here. You may use any metal.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Claim shields now regain 300HP per hour, rather than 1000.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
A claim shield that has been broken (Reduced to zero HP) goes online again at 2400 HP, rather than 8000 as previously, to maintain the relationship that it takes eight hours to go from broken to online again.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Shields can take up to 5000HP damage per hour, rather than 4000, with diminishing returns still kicking in after 2000HP damage.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Newly established claims begin without shield, and have to charge it up.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 Catapult -- (Siege Changes)
Catapults (now) have a one hour initial drying period before they can be fired, rather than six hours. They still have a cooldown of one hour after repairs. ...
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 Charter Stone -- (Siege Changes)
Charter stones now disable when their shield goes below 55000HP, rather than 48000.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Geysers now spawn 300 brimstone globally per day, rather than 100. We cautiously set this lower than our initial suggestion.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 Catapult -- (Siege Changes)
Catapults now have their range slightly randomized upon build. They should now also have their range indicated by a range circle when using the catapult.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
All localized resource nodes (crystals, geysers, trees, salt basins, &c) can now be inspected to see how much resources they have buffered presently.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed the inventory expansion items bug!!! Aw yeah!!!
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which it was possible to bypass visitor debuff by mounting mounts.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which wheelbarrows could be remote controlled and bypass the visitor debuff. Wheelbarrows can also no longer be used while mounted.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Hopefully fixed a bug by which it was possible to walljump using Great Halls.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Made it so that a character cannot be inherited until eight hours after his birth, as (kind of) per this suggestion, this to disincentivize spamming a cycle of death and inheritence with harrassment characters.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You can now visit Valhalla with any living character, rather than dead ones.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Made wall items out of troll loot. Tails, tusks, hair, eyes, nose, bones, ears, as per this suggestion.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Made rowboats stashable in everything except other rowboats (knarr, leanto, cart, wagon, &c), as per this suggestion.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug whereby Knarrs required sketch discovery to be buildable. Reported here.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Inheritance runestones should display runes again. Cape awarded to loftar.
Catapult Metallic 2016-04-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed one and two bugs relating to female hair mesh-bleeding through Pilgrim's hat and bronze helmet.

Grade-A Milk (2016-04-12)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 Material Account -- (New Implementations)
Added Material Accounts and Teaching. Hold an item the types of which you'd like to teach to someone else, and right-click either him/her, or a blank parchment. You can thus either teach the material types directly, or create a document which does. Do note that you never get discovery LP from things taught to you.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Changed Food Satiations. Rather than remove some amount of Food Satiations every time you level up, we now instead remove only the most satiated type as soon as you have 4 satiation types below 50% -- i.e. you may only ever have 3 types satiated below 50%, and as soon as you get your fourth type below 50%, the most satiated type is cleared entirely. Loftar and I have both been playing with this alternative regime for some time, and have found it more interesting. Rather than quickly cleaning out all satiations and effectively never having any, you now instead generally speaking will build and have a more ongoing list of satiations targeting various food groups to manage, which will hopefully make it more relevant to consider the satiations, and perhaps also somewhat reduce the effectiveness of spamming strategies.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 Wine, Milk -- (New Implementations)
Added new mechanic for drinks. All drinks restore stamina much like water, but they also buff particular food satiations. ...
Also note that drinks will count as half-quality if you drink them from a non-preffered vessel (i.e. drinking wine from anything but a wine glass). Drinking vessel type does not affect the effective quality for stamina regeneration purposes.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Tea buffs Forage by 1%, Bread by 0.5%, and Food by 0.1%. Tea gets an effective quality bonus of 20 when piping hot.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Milk buffs Vegetables by 2%, and Berries by 1%. Milk debuffs Dairy, rather than Milk specifically.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 Seeds of Sprouted Barley, Malted Barley, Barley Grist, Barley Wort, Beer, Seeds of Sprouted Wheat, Malted Wheat, Wheat Grist, Wheat Wort, Weißbier -- (New Implementations)
Added/Re-Added Beer. Germinate Barley on a Herbalist Table. Roast Germinated Barley in a Kiln to get Malted Barley. Grind Malted Barley to Barley Grist. Craft Wort using hops and grist, and then store the wort in a Demijohn until it transforms to glorious Beer. Beer buffs Meat and Sausage by 0.5% and 1% respectively, per gulp at Q10.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Reworked tanning fluid production. You can now simply toss bark into water to get tanning fluid. Tanning fluid has a concentration percentage depending on how much tanning material -- bark -- you have put into it. Do note that tanning fluid needs to have a concentration of at least 5% to be active. You're welcome.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Made it a crime of trespassing to enter claimed mine holes/ladders.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which mounted players could leave claims without losing visitor debuff.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Reduced the effect of Bonfires by an order of magnitude. Nothing to see here, move along.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Rafts can no longer carry siege machines, at least for now.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Made it so qualites are capped downward at 1, rather than no quality, fixing this
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which emotes interrupted ridge climbing.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Knarr should no longer require sketches. Really! Re-reported here.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Stockpiles should no longer block digging.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Increased Beet & Carrot stockpiles from 35 to 60, and Soil Stockpile from 80 to 250. Recently suggested all the time, everywhere.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Increased drop expiry time for stone, catgold, petrified seashell and strange crystals.
Grade-A Milk 2016-04-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Created an action menu submenu called "Cooking & Ingredients" under "Processing & Materials", and moved a bunch of relevant stuff in under it.

Rekt!-ing Ball (2016-04-19)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 Wrecking Ball -- (New Implementations) (merged changes)
Added Wrecking Ball. The Wrecking Ball is intended to more or less take the place and function of the present battering ram.
Wrecking Ball dries after 24 hours.
Wrecking Ball cannot move, but rather has to be disassembled, carried, and reassembled, giving it another 24 hour drying period.
Wrecking Ball deals 40 + operator's damage per hit.
Wrecking Ball takes no damage from hitting.
Wrecking Ball requires no brimstone to build or repair.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added +2 FEPs. Whenever a +2 FEP triggers, you gain two points of the corresponding stat, rather than one. Rebalanced some foodstuffs with this in mind, see below.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Re-implemented Wine Rack from Legacy. Fancily store bottles of wine.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 Wheelbarrow, Metal Cauldron, Cauldron, Charter Stone -- (New Implementations)
Added variable materials to Wheelbarrow, Metal Cauldron, and Charter Stone.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 Charter Stone -- (New Implementations)
Changed Charter Stone building material from hard metal to any metal to allow for more variation.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 Sturdy Bed -- (New Implementations)
Cleaned up an old implementation of variable materials on the Sturdy Bed. You can now apply three different cloth materials to mattress, duvet, and pillow respectively. Increased cloth cost for bed by one to make it an even two cloth per variable material.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Battering Ram now dries in 4 initial hours.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Battering Ram now dries in 2 hours after repairs.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Battering Ram has 1250HP, and becomes unusable at 500HP.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Battering Ram deals 7.5 damage to itself per hit.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Depending on the people manning it, Battering Rams deal between 23 - 92 damage per hit.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Battering Ram takes ~2.5 damage per map pixel it moves, giving it a range of ~300 pixels from fully repaired to unusable.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Battering Ram requires brimstone to build and repair.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Battering Ram now has 8 soak, rather than 4.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 Catapult -- (Siege Changes) (merged changes)
Catapults now have 6 soak, rather than 3.
Firing a catapult now requires having criminal acts on.
Should no longer be able to interact with drying catapults.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which character inheritance was only 30% if the skeleton had been buried before inheriting.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Merged the recent client optimizations to the default client.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Wine and grapejuice should no longer decay in wine bottles. Reported here.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be able to gift store hats again, after teaching accidentally removed that.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be able to add pure water to tanning tubs directly.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Bear meat now gives 1 Str+1, and 1 Str+2, rather than 3.5 Str+1.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Mammoth meat now gives 2 Str+2, and 2 Cons+1, rather than 5 Str+1, and 3 Cons+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Troll Meat now gives 6 Str+2, and 4 Psy+2, rather 15 Str+1, and 10 Psy+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Sunlit Stilton now gives 75 Csm+2, and 25 Con+2, rather than 100 Csm+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Midnight Blue Cheese now gives 50 Str+2, rather than 75 Str+1.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Brodgar Blue Cheese now gives 10 Str+2, rather than 15 Str+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Jorbonzola now gives 35 Int+1, 15 Int+2, and 10 Psy+1, rather than 50 Int+1, and 12 Psy+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Musky Milben now gives 10 Str+2, and 10 Int+1, rather than 10 Str+1, and 10 Int+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Harmesan Cheese now gives 15 Csm+2, and 10 Con+1, rather than 25 Csm+1.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Cave Cheddar now gives 10 Str+2, and 10 Prc+1, rather than 20 Str+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Cellar Cheddar now gives 10 Str+1, and 5 Agi+2, rather than 12 Str+1, and 3 Agi+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Tasty Emmentaler now gives 10 Csm+1, and 5 Int+2, rather than 7 Csm+1, and 5 Int+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Mothzarella now gives 5 Prc+2, and 3 Csm+2, rather than 5 Prc+1, and 3 Csm+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Creamy Camembert now gives 7 Agi+2, and 5 Csm+1, rather than 7 Agi+1, and 5 Csm+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Generic Gouda now gives 5 Con+2, rather than 5 Con+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Roast Pork now gives 3 Str+2, and 3 Con+2, rather than 3 Str+1, and 3 Con+1
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Delicious Deer Dog now gives 6 Agi+2, 2 Int+1, 2 Prc+1, rather than 10 Agi+1, 2 Int+1, 2 Prc+1, 2 Csm+1. They also satiate Sausages, rather than Berries.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Elk Dog now gives 3 Int+2, and 3 Str+1, rather than 4 Str+1, 3 Int+1, and 2 Con+1.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Steak & Tubers now give 2 Str+1, 2 Con+2, and 2 Csm+1, rather than 3 Str+1, 3 Con+1, and 2 Csm+1.
Rekt!-ing Ball 2016-04-19 <No Pages> -- (Food Changes)
Carrots now Satiate Vegetables, rather than Berries.

This Little Light O' Mine (2016-04-26)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added icons to the Character selection screen to indicate subscribed and verified account status. Update your clients to notice this.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 Candelabrum -- (New Implementations)
Added/Re-added Candelabrum from legacy.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 Grub Pie -- (New Implementations)
Added Grubpie, food
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Authority objects now lose their soak if their village is out of authority.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Newly built authority objects cannot be further expanded from, until 12 hours after completion.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
You can no longer repair things that are currently being destroyed.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
You can now only deal damage to claim shields by attacking walls and authority objects. Claim shields still protect everything under them from siege machines.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
We reduced the amount of brimstone from 300 globally per day to 200.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
You now get a system message whenever you log in on a claim without a full shield.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
You can now apply brimstone to a Village Idol or Claim Pole, to restore its shield by 250 points. You may buffer/apply up to five units of brimstone at once, and the Idol/Pole then "restores" one unit every 30 minutes. So you may apply brimstone once every 30 minutes, or five times every 2.5 hours, or whatever in between. Newly built villages count as having a buffer of 20 brimstone to work through, and they can thus only be boosted after eight hours.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
You now need 50 strength, 50 perception, and 50 marksmanship, and a new skill "Siegecraft" to fire a catapult, or use a battering ram. Siegecraft is also required to build catapults and battering rams. All siege machines can still be moved without Siegecraft.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
If you siege a siegeable object -- wall or authority object -- and that object is covered by both a private claim and a village claim, you now deal damage to both claims' shields, rather than just one or the other. If either shield is up, that shield will count.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which charter stones ignored the variable materials used to build them, and always defaulted to standard materials. You will have to rebuild if you want special materials. Sorry about that.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which it was possible to at least temporarily duplicate store hats.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which the character would visually bleed through the bed when sleeping.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which capes were hung upside down on walls.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which Gauze would bleed through Bear Cape head.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Spindly Taproots restore some amount of energy when eaten. Suggested here.
This Little Light O' Mine 2016-04-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Curding trays should now start ticking as normal if re-filled up without being removed from cheese rack. Reported here.

My Kind of Patch (2016-05-03)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 Gilding -- (Equipment Gilding)
Implemented "Gilding", in an implementation similar to the Artifice system in Salem. Rather than having intrinsic stat bonuses, pieces of equipment now instead have slots, into which Gilding items can be slotted, to confer their bonuses to the wearer of the piece of equipment. Hold the Gilding item you wish to add, and right-click the piece of equipment you wish to add it to. Every time you add a Gilding item to a piece of equipment, you have a certain chance, presented to you before you gild the equipment, to open up a new slot for another item. If you fail the roll, and no new slot opens up, no further Gilding items can be added to the equipment in question, and it is permanently completed. Gilding as such is always successful.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Equipment Gilding)
Gilding items, and equipment, each have a chance span, and a set of associated attributes. The chance spans for the gilding item and the equipment you add it to, are multiplied with eachother to create the actual chance span, and your actual chance within that span is then determined by your stats in whichever attributes are matched between the gilding item and the equipment.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Equipment Gilding)
Bottom line: Increase your chances of opening up new slots by matching the attributes (Farming, Stealth, Agility, &c) of the equipment you are gilding, with gilding items in those same dimensions, and then increase your character's values in those attributes.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Equipment Gilding)
The qualities of Gilding items are always softcapped by the quality of the equipment they are gilded onto.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Equipment Gilding)
As a part of this we made it so that no stat bonuses, or combinations of them, can ever push you beyond twice of what you already have natively. This partly to reduce the effectiveness of dressed up alts.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Equipment Gilding)
Redid pretty much everything equipment related except armor as a part of this change, significantly so by removing most native stat bonuses. We mean for armor values to be more integrated with this system as well, but we want to have a better damage model before we move forward with that, so this all mostly applies to clothing for now.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Equipment Gilding)
When setting the values for equipment and gilding items, one ambition has been to make it so that the old equipment bonuses should be fairly easy to reproduce in the new system. This hasn't been zealously carried through, but it's there.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Equipment Gilding)
All equipment should now display their bonuses in tooltips.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Equipment Gilding)
Of course, added a bunch of Gilding items, and made some old items gildable.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 Torchpost -- (New Implementations)
Added/Re-Added Torch post from Legacy. You can stash and retrieve a torch from it at your leisure.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 Stockpile, Sand -- (New Implementations)
Added a sand stockpile, as recently suggested here.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Claim shields can now be attacked by shooting at houses. House walls should no longer be a thing, if ever they were.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Eviction now requires line of sight.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Gave lettuce seeds an input type, as reported here.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Made it so that bushes cannot be dug up from ground in which they cannot be planted, fixing this report.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Some Leniency in the Birchbark Bream department, as suggested here. Requires less resources, and has the same cooking time as most everything else.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Cold compresses should now decay in about twice the time snow decays, as reported here.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Buffed Birthday Cake, as suggested here. Now gives 10 and 3 +2 Feps, rather than 20 and 5 +1.
My Kind of Patch 2016-05-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Removed some spurious error messages from grape seeds, as reported here.

Inbetween (2016-05-10)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Inbetween 2016-05-10 Hemp Shirt, Hemp Pants -- (New Implementations)
Added Hemp Shirt & Pants.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 Wool Shirt, Wool Pants -- (New Implementations)
Added Wool Shirt & Pants.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 Quilted Wadding -- (New Implementations)
Added Quilted Wadding, gilding.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 Fancy Buckle -- (New Implementations)
Added Fancy Buckle, gilding.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 Reinforced Hem -- (New Implementations)
Added Reinforced Hem, gilding.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
You can now recycle old completed pieces of equipment. Hold a completed piece of equipment, and right click another completed piece of equipment of the same kind. The item held will be consumed to repair the clicked item. Your final product will be one item of that type, with a clean slot, and with qualities averaged. You then roll once for each gilding in either of the pieces of equipment -- chance being half of what your normal chance to gild the item would be -- if you succeed you keep the gilding as slotted into the new end product, and failing that you have another chance (50%) to keep the gilding as a loose, available, gilding.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Ranger's Cape now allows you to fail twice at slotting it, setting the precendent that items which occupy more than one equipment slot often do that.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Instead of having multiple slots, Bear and Lynx capes have been given back ~2/3 of their original stat bonuses, i.e. +6 STR, versus +4 AGI.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
All gildable items now display a small number on them, indicating how many times they have been gilded.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 Milestone, Wooden Roadsign -- (Key Fixes)
Made it so that milestones check for crimes against all the endpoints of all the trails connected to that milestone (by endpoint we mean the big base version of the road, and not just the point where it happens to end). If any endpoint on the trail would prohibit or impair actions against iself due to claim, and if none would explicitly allow it, destruction, extension, and reconnection, of the milestone also counts as a crime. Bottom line: As long as one endpoint of the trails of a milestone is claimed, and as long as no such endpoint allows vandalism for the character, the entire road should be protected by claim.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Made it so that the quality of drying frames increases their drying speed, as suggested here. Previously built drying frames have no qualities and are unaffected.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Buffed Big Bear Banger FEPs from 10 Str+1 to 4 Str+2, and 6 Str+1.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which field cairns allowed villagers all fighting actions without leaving scents. Reported here.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Character sheet should now update when you gild items. Fixing this.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now get LP from discovering cucumber seeds. Reported here.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Increased cork oak seeds from 2 to 8 since sabinati just kept going on about it. Also recently suggested here.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed black pepper barrel/bucket resources. Reported here.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which Hearth Fires of deceased characters could stay lit. This shouldn't happen anymore, but existing lit hearthfires won't go out.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Removed an old limitation to interaction with party members over distances, as suggested here. You can now kick, assign leader, and display at a distance.
Inbetween 2016-05-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
We're now signing the Legacy client with our certificate. Should be easier to fire up for what it's worth.

Sonic Youth (2016-05-17)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 Hedgehog, Quills -- (New Implementations) (Supposedly fixed in "Thy Kingdom Come" patch, or shortly-after it => )
Added Hedgehog. Only exists on four forest, and two grass biomes. Gives quills.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Made it so that you can, instead of describing a memorized person to someone else, describe that person to a blank parchment. The parchment can then be used by someone else to memorize the described person. Recently suggested here
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 Omelette -- (New Implementations)
Added Omelette, food.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 Silkspun Seam -- (New Implementations)
Added Silkspun seam, gilding.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 Forager's Brooch -- (New Implementations)
Added Forager's Brooch, gilding.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Reversed a previous siege change in that: Overlapping Claim Shields (again) have a symmetrical relationship in that: If either is down, the other is also down. Thus: If a Village Shield is down, underlying Private Claim Shields do not apply, and if a Private Claim Shield is down, then a Village Shield over it does not apply. If you fire at an object covered by a Private Claim and a Village Claim, you will target the private Claim's Shield. A Claim without Authority/Presence is disregarded, so if the Private claim lacks Presence the Village Shield applies, and if the Village lacks Authority, the Private Claim Shield applies.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
New Villages again start at full shield.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
There is now an option to dismount riders from their horses. If you are unmounted yourself, and can get close enough, you can dismount a rider by right-clicking the horse, and choosing "Dismount Rider", quite simply. You need at least half the strength of the rider to accomplish this, and if the rider is dismounted he is also stunned for a few seconds, longer depending on which angle you dismounted him from. Short stun when approaching the rider head on, medium stun from the sides, and long from behind. The horse has some chance of fleeing when a rider is dismounted in this fashion.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Changed the escape behaviors of horses. Tamed horses now dismount their rider and flee when dealt damage, instead of attacking. Wild horses dismount their rider and flee when attacked.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Satiations should now display both name and icon in tooltip. Suggested here.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Hopefully fixed a bug with Storm of Swords. Reported here.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Improved barter stand graphical behavior on account of this. Still has some suboptimal interactions, but we know what the problem is now, at least. Generally speaking they should now display their items most of the time.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a small problem with black pepper's small bucket icon.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced mental weight for Squirrel Tail from 8 to 6.
Sonic Youth 2016-05-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Buffed base chance to slot Ranger's and Lawspeaker's gear, Cylinder Hat, Merchant's Robe, and a couple of others.

Approaches to Combat (2016-06-07)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (Prelude)
So, we've been whittling away at combat over the course of three weeks, and while we aren't quite done with it yet, and thus not in a position to push what we have to the real server, we nevertheless do feel that we may have enough of a something to at least warrant taking some feedback. Thus we have decided to run a combat test server through to at least the next week.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (New Combat Rules)
Characters have Offense and Defense meters, much as in Legacy. These load up over time, or through the use of moves.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (New Combat Rules)
All offense in your offense meter is (usually) spent when you attack, and the amount spent determines how many points of defense are needed to prevent the attack from dealing damage.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (New Combat Rules)
The defense meter soaks attacks in all attack-dimensions, usually at a rate of two points of offense removed for each point of defense spent.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (New Combat Rules)
Localized blocks/buffs, and attack-dimensions, are still things, and they work much as they already do on the presently running server. Localized blocks block attacks at a rate of one point of their health meter spent for each point of offense removed from the attack. Do note that localized blocks only block attacks which match their own attack-dimensions.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (New Combat Rules)
Attacks, blocks, and maneuvers all have various, variously timed, ad-hoc effects, which give IP, increase defense or offense, or convert one of those into something else. Each of these effects is described in the descriptive text for that particular move.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (New Combat Rules)
A combat school may now hold up to ten different attacks, blocks, or maneuvers -- one full combat hotbelt -- and you always have access to all of the moves in the belt while in combat.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (New Combat Rules)
Increasing the amount of a move in your combat school increases the efficiency of that move, usually by reducing its cooldown, or increasing its gain. There is, again, no longer any random selection of attacks. Moves generally increase from 100 to 150% effciency with one point of the move in the school, as compared to five.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (New Combat Rules)
You have 30 points to assign to moves per school, with a maximum of five per move. We plan to make this a value you level up.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (New Combat Rules)
A combat school can thus have, for example, 5 Flex, 5 Punch, 5 Take Aim, 4 Haymaker, 2 Paid in Blood, 2 Left Hook, 1 Dash, 5 Hunker Down and 1 Chop, with the more heavily weighted ones, again, being precisely more efficent. All of the moves in your School will always be available to you, regardless of weighting.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (New Combat Rules)
The character "μ", as it appears in formulas in the descriptive texts for moves, means 1.0 if you have one copy of the move in your combat school to 1.5 if you have five copies in your school. The weight of the move in your school, thus.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (Related Fixes)
You can now switch targets in combat using Ctrl+Tab
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (Related Fixes)
You will no longer attack your own party members if you happen to click on them with the attack cursor. Leave the party or kick them out if you really want to fight them.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (Related Fixes)
While in combat in Valhalla, you can no longer heal by eating from the giant pig. Not sure if it makes it any more meaningful to fight there, but it's something.
Approaches to Combat 2016-06-07 <No Pages> -- (Related Fixes)
New client code has been pushed to its own branch in the git repository if you wish to use your own clients.

Approaches to Combat pt. II (2016-06-14)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Approaches to Combat pt. II 2016-06-14 <No Pages> -- (Test server combat changes)
Attacks and maneuvers no longer have color dimensions.
Approaches to Combat pt. II 2016-06-14 <No Pages> -- (Test server combat changes)
Combat buffs no longer have their own defense bars, and no longer block attacks. Instead they have effects, quite simply.
Approaches to Combat pt. II 2016-06-14 <No Pages> -- (Test server combat changes)
Queued attacks are (again) interrupted by moving.
Approaches to Combat pt. II 2016-06-14 <No Pages> -- (Test server combat changes)
Several/most attacks and maneuvers have been changed in one way or another. Notably steal thunder, parry, and shield up should all be less OP. Flex and jump are both faster. Quick Dodge regenerates less and has more cooldown.
Approaches to Combat pt. II 2016-06-14 <No Pages> -- (Test server combat changes)
There is now a stat cap of 300 in Valhalla, and all characters there start at that level. You can lower your stats by eating if you so desire. General item quality in Valhalla should be higher.
Approaches to Combat pt. II 2016-06-14 <No Pages> -- (Test server combat changes)
The combat hotbelt now uses the hotkeys 1-5 and QWERT, instead of 1-0.
Approaches to Combat pt. II 2016-06-14 <No Pages> -- (Changes pushed to the real server)
Natural resources now inform you, upon inspection, of the time left until their next resource spawn.

Bagpipe Brawl (2016-06-20)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 Bagpipe -- (New Implementations)
Added Bagpipe.
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes Pushed to Real Server)
Lowered the angle spread of ranged weapons. Ranged weapons should generally speaking be more accurate.
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes Pushed to Real Server)
Lowered the aiming speed of ranged weapons significantly. Ranged weapons now aim slower.
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes Pushed to Real Server)
Reduced the base damage of bows to ~60%. Left it as was for slings. Increased it for spears.
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes Pushed to Real Server)
Bow reloads automatically after firing.
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes Pushed to Real Server)
Increased combat cooldown after firing a ranged weapon from 30 to 50.
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes Pushed to Real Server)
Arrows have 5% armor penetration.
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes Pushed to Real Server)
There is now a 50% aiming speed debuff whenever you are mounted.
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes Pushed to Real Server)
There is now a (short) minimum distance required for all ranged weapons. I.e. you can't shoot effectively at things you're standing next to.
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes Pushed to Real Server)
Reduced the relative importance of Agility for determining cooldowns in close combat. Values are now what they were in Legacy.
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes Pushed to Test Server (including the above))
All unarmed attacks have 25% armor penetration, and all melee attacks have 10%.
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 Combat moves -- (Combat Changes Pushed to Test Server (including the above))
Added "Sidestep" move. Costs 5IP to remove 20+ % Defense.
Bagpipe Brawl 2016-06-20 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes Pushed to Test Server (including the above))
Increased the cooldown on "Hunker Down" from 175 to 200.

Loose Ends (2016-06-28)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 Spicy Salad -- (New Implementations)
Added "Spicy Salad", food.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Made it so that ranged damage scales linearly with the aim meter, rather than quadratically. Generally speaking this should increase damage significantly. One thing we didn't properly consider when we remade archery last week was precisely the aim meter's effect on damage. With the increased accuracy we added it should be possible now to hit with, say, about only half the meter charged, or whatever, but doing so of course reduced damage more than was perhaps intended. Cautiously trying this for now, but wouldn't be entirely opposed to buffing base damage back up a bit if it's too little.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Reduced the aim penalty from being mounted from 50% to 75%.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which ctrl-clicking to move did not properly indicate aiming direction.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Made it so that you do not dismount another rider by hurting his horse, if you yourself are mounted. You can still hurt and knock the horse out.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Made it so that when you siege an object, all shields covering that object take damage. I.e. if a personal claim and a village claim overlap to both protect the object hit, both shields take full damage. If one of two overlapping claims has no shield left, the object and the still charged shield both take damage.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Siege Changes)
Made it so that extending a personal claim reduces its shield by the same factor with which it was extended. (E.g. claim is increased in size by a factor 10, shield drops to 1/10). If such an extension would reduce the shield beneath 2400, the shield will also go inactive.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which mount passengers could interact with containers remotely.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Snowball fights now meaningful as per this suggestion.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added an error message when you can't place a well due to terrain. Reported here.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Made it so that scythe quality reduces stamina drain from using scythe. Suggested here.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Gave Troll meat some satiation against Meat. Reported here.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a problem with teleporting while on wagon.
Loose Ends 2016-06-28 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed the wall rotation of Völva's Wand. Reported here.

My Log has Something to Tell You (2016-07-27)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 <No Pages> -- (Prelude)
There are patches, and then there are patches. Some are maintenance, others explore and expand on some previously established design space, and then there are those precious few that actually add new design space. I hope this one is of the latter category. I try to not be too sure of too much in life, but I at least have some hopes that this patch could be a good one. In the long run, if not in the immediate first implementation. Here's hoping.
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 <No Pages> -- (Quests)
Various actors in the world will now give you quests on a recurring basis.
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 <No Pages> -- (Quests)
You should receive a summons to your first quest before long simply by playing.
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 <No Pages> -- (Quests)
Completion of quests is rewarded by LP, XP, Hunger, and Random generated items. Bigger quests generally give bigger rewards. (Lots of design space to expand on this in various ways down the road.)
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 <No Pages> -- (Hearth Magic)
Since there's now a semi-reliable source of XP generation we've felt comfortable implementing some ideas we have had for XP for quite some time. Hearth Magics are pseudo-magical abilities, somewhere in the borderland between magical and mundane, that cost XP to activate. We've implemented three for now.
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 <No Pages> -- (Hearth Magic)
"Commune With Nature", gives you a quest to visit a quest-giver in the relative vicinity.
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 <No Pages> -- (Hearth Magic)
"Kindle", allows you to light a fire with the snap of your fingers.
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 <No Pages> -- (Hearth Magic)
"Quell the Beast", peace out an active combat relation with an animal.
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 Scarlet Gown -- (New Implementations)
Added "Scarlet Gown", clothing.
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 Woodsman's Tunic -- (New Implementations)
Added "Woodsman's Tunic", clothing.
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 Onion Rings, Fishsticks, Batter -- (New Implementations)
Added/Re-added "Onion Rings", "Fishsticks", and "Batter", food.
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 Ant Farm -- (New Implementations)
Added "Ant Farm", curiosity.
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 Great Wax Seal -- (New Implementations)
Added "Great Wax Seal", curiosity.
My Log has Something to Tell You 2016-07-27 Seer's Spindle -- (New Implementations)
Added "Seer's Spindle", curiosity.

Breath of Air (2016-08-10)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Breath of Air 2016-08-10 Hearth Magic, Gilding -- (Hearth Magic)
Gilding Song: Adds a gilding slot to an otherwise finished Artifact.
Breath of Air 2016-08-10 Hearth Magic -- (Hearth Magic)
Horse Whisper: Convert Horse energy to pony power.
Breath of Air 2016-08-10 Hearth Magic -- (Hearth Magic)
Contemplation & Meditation: Halve the remaining study time on a curiosity.
Breath of Air 2016-08-10 Hearth Magic -- (Hearth Magic)
Fishers Request for a Catch: Buff fishing success rate and speed.
Breath of Air 2016-08-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Pushed a fairly critical and invasive change to the plot handling system, in expectation of future needs. Keep an eye out for unusual claim behaviors. Feel free to test.
Breath of Air 2016-08-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Expanded the map a fair bit in all directions.
Breath of Air 2016-08-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Ice Spires and salt pools should now be initialized as more or less depleted.
Breath of Air 2016-08-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Removed level caps.
Breath of Air 2016-08-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Palisades can never be hand bashed after they have soaked entirely the first time.
Breath of Air 2016-08-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced salt hunger reduction from base 50% to 20%.
Breath of Air 2016-08-10 Mirkwood Offering -- (Small Fixes)
Increase Mirkwood Offering costs to 100XP and 2hr study time.
Breath of Air 2016-08-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Increased aiming speeds for ranged weapons by 25% generally.

Thy Kingdom Come (2016-08-24)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Players may found Realms. Realms are political orders distinct from Villages.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Realms radiate a claim, much like a Village. A Realm claim does not protect things beneath it in any way. Commiting crimes in a Realm leaves no scent, or anything like it, but rather...
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Any Experience points earned benath a Realm Claim, are also added to that Realm's authority. This is not a tax on the earner, but rather each point of experience earned within the Realm is also, additionally, added to the Realm's authority. It does not matter whether the earner is a member of the Realm or not.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Realm claims are vast, and can be expanded easily through the construction of cheap Border Cairns.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Border Cairns can be challenged by other Realms. Challenges cost 10000 Authority initially, increasing with each additional challenge your Realm places simultaneously, and leaves an "Ominous Smoke of War", which can be used to track down the challenger's Realm.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Two RL hours after a Border Cairn has been challenged, it can be attacked and destroyed. Destroying a Cairn takes a fair amount of time ~30 minutes depending a bit on your strength and whatnot, and only one person at a time can attack the cairn. If you destroy a Border Cairn (which is not yours) your realm gains 5000 Authority.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Realm Objects can, symmetrically, be attacked without challenge for two RL hours upon first being built.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Realm Objects can be attacked without challenge when the Realm has less than 24 RL Hours worth of Auth Drain left.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Coronation stones drain 500 Auth/RL Day
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Border Cairns drain 10 Auth/RL Day.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Realm Members may toggle indication arrows pointing out all active challenges against the Realm's Border Cairns, and are also notified that there are active challenges against the Realm when logging in.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Realms have a number of distinct abilities that their members can use, at a cost in Realm Authority.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
"From the Public Coffer": By drawing on the Public Coffers you can draw Experience Points from your Realm's Authority. You always gain 1000 Experience Points when using the ability, but the authority cost increases the more often the ability is used within the Realm. Over time the authority cost returns to normal. Cost: 2000 Authority, modified with increased use.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
"State Funeral": By granting a fallen Hearthling a State Funeral, his heirs will receive an additional 30% of his character values as inheritance. Cost: 50000 Authority.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
"Last-minute Diplomacy": With some Last-minute Diplomacy you can stall all pending challenges to your Realm's Border Cairns by one hour each. Cost: 5000 Authority per challenged Border Cairn.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added a button to abandon quests.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added icons to quest arrows.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Differentiated cheese made from Sheep's milk, and added 12 new Sheep's Milk Cheeses with various tier and maturation paths of their own. Previously existing curds have been rendered as Cow's Curds. Mixing Sheep and Cow milk yields generic curd, which can only result in equally generic Gouda.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Knarr -- (New Implementations)
Added the ability to put locks on Knarrs. If you do, the key will be required to sail the Knarr.
Also made it so that you need Siege Engines to damage a Knarr, but on account of that lowered their HP from 7500 to 2500.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Lawspeaking -- (New Implementations)
Added/Re-added "Lawspeaking", skill required to form Villages and Realms.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Giant Puffball -- (New Implementations)
Added "Giant Puffball", herb.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Bay Bolete -- (New Implementations)
Added "Bay Bolete", herb.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Waybroad -- (New Implementations)
Added "Way Broad", herb.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Royal Crown -- (New Implementations)
Added "Royal Crown", equipment. May only be worn by Kings.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Hermine Cloak -- (New Implementations)
Added "Hermine Cloak", equipment.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Hermine Cape -- (New Implementations)
Added "Hermine Cape", equipment.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Royal Throne -- (New Implementations)
Added "Royal Throne", chair.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Fine Sofa -- (New Implementations)
Added "Fine Sofa", sofa.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Leather Fabric -- (New Implementations)
Added "Leather Fabric", cloth.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Straw Twine -- (New Implementations)
Added "Straw Twine", string.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Extra Stitches -- (New Implementations)
Added "Extra Stitches", gilding.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Feather Stuffing -- (New Implementations)
Added "Feather Stuffing", gilding.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 Metal Arrow -- (New Implementations)
Added "Metal Arrow", duh.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations) ... unspecified.
Added ten new Experiences/Lores.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Hearth Magic)
"Dig Deeper": By digging a well deeper you can reach lower, cooler, and ever fresher sources of water, increasing the water qualities of the well. Digging Deeper becomes more expensive the farther down you get. Cost: 20000 XP, doubling each time you dig the well deeper.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Hearth Magic)
"Vengeful Incantation": By drawing deep breaths of vengence served cold, and on your utmost knowledge of the dark arts, you may send a Nidbane most fearsome after a hated enemy. Cost: 7500 XP.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Hearth Magic)
"Polish the Silver": By Polishing the Silver you may remove all Wear from a symbel item. Cost: 250 XP.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Slings now retain 80% of the aim meter after firing, rather than 70%.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Bows now retain 40% of the aim meter after firing, rather than 0%.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a small bug with the Runestone bounding box.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Removed the -1 agility debuff from bark reinforecement and added it to the nettle shirt and pants instead.
Thy Kingdom Come 2016-08-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Wool Stuffing now fits Sewing, in addition to Agility.

King's Bounty (2016-08-30)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
King's Bounty 2016-08-30 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Characters now earn authority for Realms on basis of the location of their Hearth Fires -- i.e. a Realm gains authority whenever a Character, whose Hearth Fire is located within that Realm, earns Experience Points -- rather than on basis of the location of the characters themselves. Characters who have no Hearth Fire do not earn Authority.
King's Bounty 2016-08-30 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
You can now found new Realms within already existing Realms, as an act of rebellion, by simply constructing and activating a new Coronation Stone. While this will create two overlapping Realms, further expansion by Border Cairns (of either Realm) will still only be possible where this does not imply further overlap between the claims. The idea being that you can liberate your claimed over village, but only really expand your Realm once you have taken out the Border Cairns presumably covering it.
King's Bounty 2016-08-30 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
If more than one Realm covers a Hearth, both Realms will earn authority from it.
King's Bounty 2016-08-30 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Realms can now be expanded underground if there is a Realm claim directly above the relevant cave level, as per how Villages already work.
King's Bounty 2016-08-30 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Added permissions settings to Realms. A pox on all of your houses.
King's Bounty 2016-08-30 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
Added special Authority objects to Realms which provide Realm wide buffs for anyone within the Realm. You may build and maintain multiple copies of these objects.
King's Bounty 2016-08-30 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
"Menhir": Costs significant Authority upkeep (500/Day), but increases the Strength, Farming and Exploration, by one point each, of anyone within your Realm (i.e. all players on the Realm's Claim).
King's Bounty 2016-08-30 <No Pages> -- (Realms)
"Grotesque Idol": Costs significant Authority upkeep (500/Day), but increases the Perception, Unarmed Combat and Survival, by one point each, of anyone within your Realm (i.e. all players on the Realm's Claim).
King's Bounty 2016-08-30 <No Pages> -- (Hearth Magic)
"Raw Hide!": Bellow forth a mighty whoop to startle any horses in the vicinity, and cause them to rear for some duration of time. The closer the horse is, the longer it will be startled. Cost: 2500 XP.
King's Bounty 2016-08-30 Exquisite Rot -- (New Implementations)
Added "Exquisite Rot", tanning material.
King's Bounty 2016-08-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
"Mandrake's Shriek" should now give 250 XP.
King's Bounty 2016-08-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Improved descriptive text for Catapult (build icon) slightly.

Bumfights (2016-09-21)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Prelude)
We've made significantly enough invasive changes to the combat system to merit thinking of it as a new system. These are the details.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Combat Schools & Discoveries)
The presently running Combat School system has been scrapped in favor of the one we used in the last attempt at a new fighting system, i.e...
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Combat Schools & Discoveries)
Players may have up to ten different combat effects (Attacks, Restorations, Maneuvers & Moves) per Combat School.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Combat Schools & Discoveries)
Players have 30 points to spend weighting combat effects when creating a Combat School, and may spend a maximum of five points per effect.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Combat Schools & Discoveries)
Spending more points on a combat effect increases the efficiency of said combat effect in that school. The meaning of increasing the weight of some particular combat effect is indicated in the descriptive text for that combat effect by a μ-symbol (Mu). The actual value of μ ranges from 1 to 1.5, depending on your weighting. Usually, a higher weight for some particular combat effect will serve to reduce its cooldown, increase its damage, or the like.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Combat Schools & Discoveries)
You have a chance of gaining a new combat effect whenever you kill an animal. All animals have a unique list of combat effects that they may give on death.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Attacks & Damage)
The primary effect an attack has, is now to add an "Opening", to the target. Openings are color coded along the usual four different attack dimensions -- Striking (Green), Sweeping (Yellow), Oppresive (Red) and Backhanded (Blue) -- and are correspondingly called "Off Balance", "Reeling", "Cornered", and "Dizzy". Openings are built up from 0 to 100%, and all attacks add some amount of Openings to their target.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Attacks & Damage)
Attacks specify some percentage of openings which they add to their targets, for example 20% "Reeling". If an attack says that it adds 20% "Reeling", that means that it will add 20% of whatever is left until the target has an opening of 100%. For example: If a target is already 40% Reeling, and is hit by an attack which adds 20% Reeling, the attack will add (1 - 0.4) * 0.2 = 0.12 = 12%, and thus bring the target up to 52% Reeling. This, of course, then modified by the Attack and Block weight comparison between the player's respective combat values, which still works as it always has.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Attacks & Damage)
The secondary effect an attack has, is to deal damage to the target. Damage is as usual specified per attack, weapon, strength bonus, &c, but is also modified by the target's Openings. The more Openings a target has matching the Attack Dimensions of the attack, the more damage the target will take from the attack. If the target has no openings matching the attack (On the first attack of a fight, for example) it will also be dealt no damage.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Attacks & Damage)
The base damage of an attack, modified by the strength bonus, is multiplied with the square of the Opening, to determine final damage. Example: A red attack, with a total damage of 50, hits a target with 50% "Cornered" opening. The target takes 50 * (0.5 * 0.5) = 12.5 points of damage. Had the target instead been 60% "Cornered", it would have taken 50 * (0.6 * 0.6) = 18 points of damage.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Attacks & Damage)
If there are multiple openings matching the attack -- many attacks target more than one attack dimension -- the inverse of these are multiplied to determine the product to be squared to determine the final damage. Example: A yellow and blue attack, with a total damage of 50, hits a target with 30% "Reeling", and 50% "Dizzy", that is the yellow and blue openings respectively. The total amount of matching Openings are thus 1 - ((1 - 0.3) * (1 - 0.5)) = 0.65, and the target takes 50 * (0.65 * 0.65) = 21.125 points of damage.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Attacks & Damage)
Cute math, but the bottom line is simply that more Openings in the target yield more damage per attack, and that damage scales better than linearly with the amount of Openings.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Restorations)
The old blocks are no more, and have instead been reimplemented as "Restorations". Restorations are combat moves which reduce Openings in the fighter using them. Like the attacks (and the blocks from the old system) these are color matched to the Attack Dimensions.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Restorations)
All Restorations reduce Openings in their matched dimensions by some amount, specified per Restoration and dimension.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Restorations)
A restoration redcuces its targeted Openings by some percentage of what they already have. Example: A Restoration reduces the blue (Backhanded/Dizzy) dimension by 20%, and the fighter using the Restoration is presently 50% Dizzy. The fighter will lose 0.2 * 0.5 = 0.1, i.e. 10%, Dizzy, and will, after having used the restoration, thus have 40% Dizzy left.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Restorations)
You will notice how we, relative to the old system, effectively have inverted how blocks and openings work. A player now always begins a clean fight in a state of maximum protection -- with no need to explicitly build up defenses -- where he before would inversely be in a state of maximum vulnerability at the start of a fight. The new regime reduces the gankiness of the system significantly.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Maneuvers)
All players always have a Maneuver active. These are a concept borrowed from Legacy Haven's fighting system, and they work pretty much as they did there. Bottom line is that Maneuvers have two functions...
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Maneuvers)
The primary function of the Maneuver is to determine which Character value -- Melee or Unarmed -- is used when determing the fighter's Block Weight, i.e. which fighting value he relies upon.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Maneuvers)
The secondary function of the Maneuver is that many maneuvers have some effect which is activated every time an opponent uses an effect against the target using the Maneuver. The Maneuver "Death or Glory", for example, gains the fighter using it some amount of IP every time an opponent uses an effect against him/her.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Maneuvers)
Maneuvers are highly relevant in fights against multiple opponents, where they will be activated frequently.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Maneuvers)
Maneuvers differ from other combat effects in that they are gained by learning skills, rather than through Combat discoveries, and in that you will, thus, only ever be able to put one copy of any one of them in your combat school. You may still have several different maneuvers, of course.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Moves)
Combat moves are simply Combat effects that do not have an immediate offensive or defensive effect. "Take Aim", for example, simply gains initiative points for the person using it.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Armor & Armor penetration)
We have made some changes to how armor works.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Armor & Armor penetration)
Armor used to subtract all hard soak from incoming damage, before distributing the damage over the armor parts to remove the soft soak and deal damage to the armor. This had the effect that one piece of armor would protect not only the player, but also other pieces of armor on him. This has been changed, so that damage is first distributed over the armor parts, which then subtract hard and soft soaks individually.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Armor & Armor penetration)
All attacks have been given some amount of armor penetration. The philosophy that we have used is to give more armor penetration to attacks with lower base damages. Unarmed attacks usually have around 30%, and Swords usually around 5%, with axes somewhere inbetween, &c. The game will at some point present this dynamically.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea & Observations)
We have been very happy with how this system has played out in testing. There are a lot of interesting decision points, the system is relatively straight-forward, and I think it is arguable that it should be uncontroversially considered better than what we have had in the past.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea & Observations)
That being said there may, of course, be all kinds of crazy imbalances that we haven't spotted. There are 41 different Combat Effects in total, and matching, weighting, and testing the full possibility space is impossible for two people. Feel free to help out.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea & Observations) ... unspecified.
We have added several attacks which target more than one opponent. This, of course, precisely to aid when fighting multiple opponents.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea & Observations)
Animals again give some amount of learning points when killed. Have fun with that.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea & Observations)
All animal fighting behaviors have pretty much been reimplemented from scratch, and they may thus be significantly more dangerous than you've known them. Mammoths and Trolls in particular should be engaged with caution.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Miscellanea & Observations)
I can't preclude all possible questions and issues in this post, so I'll take questions and update the OP.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 Lynx Claws -- (New Implementations)
Added "Lynx Claws", curio, gilding.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 Cheesecake -- (New Implementations)
Added "Cheesecake", food.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added "Dressed Salad", food.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Buffed Grotesque Idol and Menhir to give +3 to each stat, rather than +1, at a cost of only 250 Auth/Ingame day, rather than 500.
Bumfights 2016-09-21 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Gilding Song base cost is now multiplied by 2 for each time the Artifact has been sung to, and by 1.5 for each Gilding in it. This rather than by 2 for either.

Dust & Mud (2016-09-27)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Leashed animals now follow along if you travel, hearth home, enter houses, caves, &c. Could be all sorts of terrifying/fun!
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Animals now leave a trail of blood when they are wounded and flee. You roll to see bloodspatter in much the same way as you would herbs. Animals take some damage when they bleed, so they may die from their wounds.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
You may now shift-click things from your inventory to stockpiles.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 Sublime Portico -- (New Implementations)
Added a "Sublime Portico". A village may construct this Authority object, and use it to travel to Charter stones.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 Cavedust -- (New Implementations)
Added "Cavedust". Appears whenever you mine out a tile next to a collapse tile. Curiosity.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 Stockpile, Rope -- (New Implementations)
Added Rope stockpile.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 Leather Tablecloth, Hemp Tablecloth, Wool Tablecloth -- (New Implementations)
Added Leather, Hemp, and Wool tablecloths.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 Box of Matches -- (New Implementations)
Added "Box of Matches", lights things.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 Mud Ointment -- (New Implementations)
Added "Mud Ointment", heals Scrapes & Cuts, Unfaced, and Punch-Sore.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Weapon quality no longer affects effective agility or attack weight when using melee weapons, but rather only the damage. We're considering how this should work in a more ideal world, but for now it should at least be possible to create openings using a melee weapon. Tri-quality again becomes less meaningful.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Fyrd Sword now buffs your effective agility by 20%.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
There is now a 5% speed bonus when pursuing (When on foot. The bonus does not apply when mounted).
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Combat actions now conflict with normal/main actions again. I.e. you can't use combat actions while drinking and whatnot.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Combat weight deltas now scale with the fourth root, rather than the square root. Bottom line being that stats matter less. Since fights in the new system are bound to last longer, it seems reasonable to scale down the stat advantage per action.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Openings do not decrease of themselves while you are in movement and have open fighting relations.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Bloodlust and Combat Meditation now only consume half of their meters when activating.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Death or Glory should now give more IP.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
All maneuver cooldowns have been reduced from 50 to 25.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
You can now drag already set combat effects in the Combat School UI, and already set effects can also be clicked to select them in the list. You may also rename combat schools. Suggested here.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which it was possible to spy through a road without it displaying an eye (boat passengers).
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which ranged attacks would give a huge Opening when firing upon someone using parry.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which Combat Meditation was unavailable.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You may now name barter stand hands, as suggested here.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Leeches now always add Leech Burns, irrespective of whether they also transform other wounds or not.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Scrapes & Cuts can now split off to Deep Cuts if they grow large enough.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added tooltips to "Smoke & Fire" and "In the fog" effects.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 Candelabrum, Torch -- (Small Fixes)
Increased burn time on candelabrum and torches. Torches burn for ~15 RL hours, and candelabrum for ~48 RL hours.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added a small amount (3/1) of armor to Wooden Shield.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced "By Weeping Willows" event from 500 to 75 XP. You are welcome.
Dust & Mud 2016-09-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Antcid Burns now heal faster.

Market Garden (2016-10-05)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Market Garden 2016-10-05 Clay, Gray Clay, Cave Clay, Bone Clay, Pot, Urn, Kiln, Clay Cauldron -- (New Implementations)
Added/Re-added Gray, Cave, and Bone clays from Legacy, and implemented variable materials for existing clay objects -- pot, urn, kiln, and clay cauldron -- along with that.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 Garden Pot, Blueberry, Chantrelle, Chives, Clover, Dandelion, Kvann, Lady's Mantle, Parasol Mushroom, Uncommon Snapdragon, Stalagoom, Stinging Nettle -- (New Implementations) ... potential Kvann order problem.
Added Garden Pot. Fill a Garden Pot with four soil and one liter of water, and it allows you to replant some (not all) of the otherwise wild herbs. Currently Blueberry, Chantrelle, Chive, Clover, Dandelion, Kvann, Lady's Mantle, Parasol Shroom, Uncommon Snapdragon, Stalagoom, and Stinging Nettle are plantable. Growth times vary significantly, and using Guano and/or Spring Water both increase the payout, or chance thereof.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 Compost Bin, Mulch -- (New Implementations)
Added Compost Bin. Fill a Compost Bin with compostable materials and, after some time, retrieve Mulch instead. Mulch functions as soil.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 Kvann -- (New Implementations)
Added "Kvann", herb.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 Blacksmith's Bauble -- (New Implementations)
Added "Blacksmith's Bauble", curiosity, gilding, wall decoration.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 Tafl Board -- (New Implementations)
Added "Tafl Board", curiosity.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 Seer's Stones -- (New Implementations)
Added "Seer's Stones", curiosity.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added variable materials to Winepress.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Tentatively lowered the pursuit speed bonus from 5% to 1%. Considering.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which soft damage was applied after hard damage, causing significantly more damage total than was intended to be assigned.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Overlapping realms no longer both earn authority from XP gains under them. Instead, authority is awarded primarily to the Realm the earner belongs to, and otherwise, if the earner is not a member of either Realm, randomly.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with Coronation Stones having their soak and HP set wrong.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Nidbanes used to wait three ingame days before attacking their targets if offline. They now, rather, wait exactly 26 RL Hours.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Whenever you complete a quest, the game will automatically select the quest with the geographically closest next quest target.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Animal produce quality is now soft-capped by each projectile you shoot/'sploit into them. You're welcome, now go be men.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 Tar Kiln -- (Key Fixes)
Made it so that Tar Kilns contribute some qualities to wood burnt in them.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You can no longer aggro your mount. Not sure if more or less fun than before. Hermine cape awarded to jorb.
Market Garden 2016-10-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Removed a minor attempted texture animation from Menhir and Grotesque Idol, as they were incompatible with variable materials.

Traveling Circus (2016-10-12)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
All domesticated animals now track their last user, that is to say the Hearthling who last rode, or leashed them. The last user of an animal may interact with that animal on claims, even if he would otherwise not have permissions to do so. Thus you may, for example, tether your cow to a hitching post on someone else's claim, where you lack permissions, and still re-leash it again to lead it away. Do note that anyone with actual permissions on the claim may still become the last user, by leashing or riding the animal, overwriting "your" status.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 Branding Iron -- (New Implementations) ... potential merge candidate.
Added "Branding Iron". A Branding Iron can be heated in a kiln or a fire place. When hot, it can be applied (Hold and right-click) to an animal, to brand the animal with the mark of whomever the Branding Iron is presently attuned to. An animal branded with your mark will always be available to you, even if the animal is on a claim where you have no permissions, and someone else is the animal's last user. Thus, you can ensure access to an animal by branding it with your mark.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
An animal branded to someone else may, as a crime of vandalism, be re-branded, as long as you have relevant permissions if it is on a claim (i.e. you can't rebrand animals on someone else's claim, even as a crime). An animal can be re-branded any number of times.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Branding Irons are initially attuned to the person who crafted them. Anyone may right-click a Branding Iron and "Set your mark", to attune the Iron to themselves. The owner of an animal may trade or give it to someone else by re-branding it with a Branding Iron attuned to the intended new owner.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
In summary: Claims still prevent all interactions with animals on them, except if the hearthling interacting is either the owner of the animal by branding, or the last user of the animal. Branded animals can still be interacted with as normal when off-claim, and the branding offers no special protection per se. The purpose of branding is to ensure persistent access to the animal even if it happens to be on someone else's claim, with someone else as the last user.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
You may now tether animals to trees.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 Packrack -- (New Implementations)
Added "Packrack", A Bull or Cow equipped with a Packrack may carry two objects, and 5x5 items.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 Saddlebags -- (New Implementations)
Added "Saddlebags", A Horse equipped with Saddlebags may carry 4x4 items.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 Lynxalami -- (New Implementations)
Added "Lynxalami", sausage.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 Stoneware Vase -- (New Implementations)
Added/Re-implemented "Stoneware Vase", tableware, from Legacy.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 Porcelain Plate -- (New Implementations)
Added/Re-implemented "Porcelain Plate", tableware, from Legacy.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added/Re-implemented "Porcelain Doll", curiosity, from Legacy.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations) ... unspecified.
Added one new experience.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Increased the effect of Bloodlust from x3 to x5.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Combat meditation reduces your attack weight to 25%, rather than 50%.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
In addition to other effects, Oak Stance also increases block weight by x1.5.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Shield Up increases block weight by x2.5, rather than x1.5.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Parry gives +10% Cornered, rather than +5%.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which the character inventory could be filled with any number of items. Cape awarded.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which you could gain authority for your Kingdom by destroying cairns.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a critical bug, albeit a little late.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed the bug by which horses could be resurrected using "Raw Hide!".
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Kingdoms without a coronation stone should no longer gather authority.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Pots should now be quality affected by kiln and fuel quality when being fired.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Planted Four-Leaf Clover now normally grows to common clover, but any clover also has a chance to sprout to Four-Leaf Clover.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Pipeweed now drops to ground like other crops. Reported here.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Can now use Kindle on items, for example to light your pipe. Pimp cape awarded to jorb.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You can now teleport with wild horses.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You can now grow Yarrow.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Meat, apple & pear cores, plant fibres, pipeweed leaves, and flowers, are now compostable.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Decreased the wait before teleporting using roads.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which it was possible to, once under a blue moon, deal damage during spars.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You now gain a small amount of XP every time you complete a quest objective.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 Wagon, Horse -- (Small Fixes)
You may now hitch horses to a Wagon. Horses pull the wagon faster than cows and bulls.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You may now shift-click a container to take everything from it.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Beehive quality now softcaps the qualities of its produce. Sorry about that.
Traveling Circus 2016-10-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Unfired Treeplanter's pot now more graphically consistent with other large, unfired ceramics.

Map Rabbit (2016-10-26)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added Map support. The client now caches discovered maps locally, and displays them in a map window newly made for the purpose (Ctrl-A). You can place and name markers on the map, with natural wonders and quest givers being automatically marked. Do note that you won't have access to "your" map on another computer, since the map files are precisely cached locally. There are a number of features arguably missing: zoom, ability to display arrows indicating direction to targets on the map, and perhaps better category managment for markers, but it's a start.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 Rabbit Hutch -- (New Implementations)
Added "Rabbit Hutch". There are now buck and doe rabbits, and they can be bred and kept in a Rabbit Hutch. They need food and water, and the females eat more when with bunny. Not much to add.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 Garden Shed -- (New Implementations)
Added "Garden Shed", storage facility. Takes four objects and 8x8 items.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 Stone Throne -- (New Implementations)
Added "Stone Throne", ass parking.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 Kozhukh -- (New Implementations)
Added "Kozhukh", clothing.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 Hunter's Shirt -- (New Implementations)
Added "Hunter's Shirt", clothing.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 Merchant's Pants -- (New Implementations)
Added "Merchant's Pants", clothing.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 Feather Garland -- (New Implementations)
Added "Feather Garland", tableware.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 King of the Woods -- (New Implementations)
Added "King of the Woods", sausage.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 Dark Effigy -- (New Implementations)
Added "Dark Effigy", curiosity.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
You can no longer build houses on claims to which you lack permissions, even as a crime. We have some plans for future siege changes, in case this makes siege impossible entirely.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Changed the crime permissions so that the user/owner of a head of cattle should have permissions to access the inventories (saddlebags/packrack) of said cattle. May have unforseen consequences, so keep an eye out for such.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which Field Cairns did not properly check the visitor debuff when carrying objects off them.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You now right-click objects straight into wagons, knarrs, and pack animals, without having to specify their placement. Suggested here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced the size of the plow's bounding box. Suggested here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You should now be able to use multiple people to destroy Realm authority objects if you have permissions. Reported here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Female hair no longer bleeds through Royal Throne. Reported here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You may now clean out garden pots at any stage. Reported here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You may now use bonfires as fires. Reported here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which quest arrows pointing to quest givers underground or in houses would not show. Reported here. Should now indicate house or corresponding above ground position.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Adjusted tricorne a bit to better fit females. Reported here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added a visual indicator on bee skeps for beeswax on account of this thread.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Pearl mussels, flowers, and all types of bone, can now be mounted on walls.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Hops, entrails, intestines, and feathers are all compostable. Reported various places, among others here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Improved monocle placement on character, reported here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Garden Pot can now be placed in object-carrying objects with UIs. Reported here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added mild sound when pouring fluids.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added error message when trying to fight while carrying an object overhead. Reported here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Garden pots should now check crime permissions properly. Reported in PM.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Headwaters covered by village claim should now check crime permissions properly. Reported in PM.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Client should no longer crash if shift-tabbing on title screen. Reported here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Domestic animals should no longer bleed. Reported here and here.
Map Rabbit 2016-10-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a minor bug with visitor debuff not being cleared when leaving a claim under special circumstances. Reported here.

A Taste of Wheel (2016-11-01)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
A Taste of Wheel 2016-11-01 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added crafting buffs for certain food input types. Some generic input types -- any meat, salad greens, milk and butter, fish, mushrooms, &c -- now deterministically influence the FEPs of their end products, depending on what input was actually used to craft the item in question. A meat pie made from bear meat will, thus, be different from one made from fox meat. The effects the various inputs have are, again, deterministic, but they vary with both the base FEPs of the item being crafted, and with its item type. Long story short: Certain food items can now be given a lot of variation by using varying input types to craft them. The same inputs will always generate the same end product. We have no clue if this is imbalanced or crazy, or whichever, but it increases the meaningfulness of adding, say, new flour, egg, or spice types, or whatever, and could thus hopefully add some depth to the cooking.
A Taste of Wheel 2016-11-01 Potter's Wheel -- (New Implementations)
Added Potter's Wheel. The Potter's Wheel is an optional crafting station for relevant ceramic recipes: Pot, Urn, Garden Pot, Treeplanter's Pot, Teapot, Mug, Stoneware Vase, and Earthenware Platter. You can still craft these things without a potter's wheel, but doing so now halves their qualities, and takes twice as long. The potter's wheel, much like any tool, also adds its qualities to the end product, so there's that angle as well. Also gave the pottery stuff from Odds & Ends a crafting submenu of its own, all of which was recently suggested here.
A Taste of Wheel 2016-11-01 Butcher's Surprise -- (New Implementations)
Added "Butcher's Surprise", sausage.
A Taste of Wheel 2016-11-01 Jotun's Morsel -- (New Implementations)
Added "Jotun's Morsel", food.
A Taste of Wheel 2016-11-01 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Realms now receive authority both from subjects whose Hearths are within the Realm, and from people who are within the Realm's borders. If you are both a citizen and within the Realm's claim when you have an experience, the Realm thus receives authority twice, i.e. an experience of 150 points XP will, in that case, net the Realm 300pts of authority.
A Taste of Wheel 2016-11-01 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Destroying the coronation stone of a Realm no longer dissolves that Realm, but rather "only" reduces its authority to half, and prevents the Realm from earning further authority. The Realm retains its members, and any member with territory management permissions may construct a new coronation stone somewhere within the Realm's territory.
A Taste of Wheel 2016-11-01 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
If you have territory management permissions in a Realm, you are no longer time limited in how fast you can smash the authority objects of said Realm.
A Taste of Wheel 2016-11-01 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Reduced damage on boar spears from 120 to 80, and decreased aiming speed by about ~25%.
A Taste of Wheel 2016-11-01 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Chantrelle & Onion Pirozhki is now called Mushroom & Onion Pirozhki, and takes any edible mushroom, rather than chantrelles specifically.
A Taste of Wheel 2016-11-01 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Mushroom mash now uses three any edible mushroom, instead of chantrelles and yellowfeet specifically.
A Taste of Wheel 2016-11-01 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Introduced a distinction between raw meat and raw filets. Fish can, thus, no longer be used to craft most meat recipes requesting any meat. Do note that this will cause you to lose the roast recipe until you see a meat type again.
A Taste of Wheel 2016-11-01 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Beehive graphics should now update properly when picking wax. Reported here.

Red Wheat (2016-11-09)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Red Wheat 2016-11-09 Study Desk -- (New Implementations)
Added "Study Desk", You will automatically draw and study new curiosities placed on your study table, whenever you finish studying a curiosity. I'm sure this doesn't negate the problem of auto-study bots entirely, but it can perhaps mitigate it a bit, and the desk makes for nice decoration if nothing else.
Red Wheat 2016-11-09 Wheat -- (New Implementations)
Added "Wheat". Wheat has its own flour and beer, and is thus an alternative cereal crop to Barley. The baking recipes now require any flour, rather than barley flour specifically. Do note that you will have to rediscover flour and whatnot. Honey Buns now require wheat flour specifically.
Red Wheat 2016-11-09 Red Onion -- (New Implementations)
Added "Red Onion". Red Onions are a type of Onion. All recipes previously requiring yellow onion will now rather ask for any onion. You will need to rediscover onions.
Red Wheat 2016-11-09 Fruit Pie -- (New Implementations)
Added "Fruit Pie", food. Can be made with both Fruit and Berries, and takes various buffs depending on what you use to craft it. Will add more things using various fruits, nuts and berries down the road.
Red Wheat 2016-11-09 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Added cached drawing for objects using variable materials, and for animated objects when not actually animated (eg chests). Might imply some performance gains.
Red Wheat 2016-11-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
There is now a slight cooldown (~15 seconds) after a player has stopped destroying an object, and before the object can be repaired again.
Red Wheat 2016-11-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which bear could flee even if raging. Also made rage significantly scarier.
Red Wheat 2016-11-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Locks now have a tooltip indicating if they have been attuned to a key or not.
Red Wheat 2016-11-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Crafting recipes now prioritize equipped sources ahead of inventory, meaning primarily that water should be drawn from buckets before water flasks and the like. Reported here.
Red Wheat 2016-11-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a memory leak which sometimes caused the client to stutter until relog after some exploration.

Milling Time (2016-11-30)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Milling Time 2016-11-30 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations) SKIPPED: General development note.
Floating point coordinates. With tonight's patch we will, at long last, be converting the live server map from integer to floating point coordinates. This may have all manner of consequences know and unknown, in terms of object placements and movement interactions, and whatnot, so report any new and unexpected behaviors. It feels good to finally push this, at least.
Milling Time 2016-11-30 Windmill, Milling Machine -- (New Implementations)
Added "Windmill". A Windmill is a large house in which you can build a "Milling Machine". The machine is built separately from the Mill itself, in anticipation of other machineries that we may add in the future. Fill the machine with millable seeds, and watch it turn into glorious flour. There is no quality impact from the machine, and the resulting flour thus has the same qualities as the seeds.
Milling Time 2016-11-30 Wall Shelf -- (New Implementations)
Added "Wall Shelf". You can craft and hang a wall shelf on a wall, and it then functions as a container.
Milling Time 2016-11-30 Strongbox -- (New Implementations)
Re-added "Strongbox". The strongbox can't be built on claims without access to them, and also can't be moved.
Milling Time 2016-11-30 Locks & Bolts, Wooden Lock, Metal Lock, Steel Lock, Wooden Chest, Large Chest, Stone Casket, Coffer, Garden Shed, Strongbox -- (New Implementations)
You may now place locks on chests, large chests, stone caskets, coffers, and sheds.
Milling Time 2016-11-30 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
There is now an informal weight system which allows us to specify weights on carried objects, and, thus, you may now carry lighter things -- pots, and whatnot -- at significantly increased speeds. A net result of this is that most things are, quite simply, a lot easier to carry. Carrying speed also increases with character strength.
Milling Time 2016-11-30 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General graphics fix.
Stinging nettle hangs better on walls.
Milling Time 2016-11-30 Yarrow -- (Small Fixes)
Yarrow is now a flower, and can be hung on walls

Hairy Mallard (2016-12-14)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Hairy Mallard 2016-12-14 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added Hair customization. There is now a Reflecting Pool in the Character creation room, by which you can set hair and beard, color and style. Females have been given a wide selection of the male hairdos as additional options, to compensate them for their lack of beards. The jury is still out on how/if/when already existing characters should be able to modify their looks. Feel free to post additional hairstyles you'd like to see, and do report conflicts between hairdos and other equipment.
Hairy Mallard 2016-12-14 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Remade the equipment system so that equipment can be hotswitched from the equipment screen. You can, thus, hold a hat and click the equipment screen, to directly switch the hat for your already equipped hat, without first having to explicitly unequip the latter. Long overdue.
Hairy Mallard 2016-12-14 Toolbelt, Exquisite Belt, Grand Belt, Hunter's Belt, Poor Man's Belt, Reedweave Belt, Snakeskin Belt, Troll Belt -- (New Implementations)
Added toolbelts. All belts now have a varying amount of tool equipment slots. Tools in toolbelts will be automatically switched in to relevant hand slots as needed. For example: If you have a saw in your toolbelt, the character will automatically try to switch in the saw to an available hand slot when you go to saw boards, scythes will switch in when you go to harvest crops, axes when you go to chop wood, &c. If you assign a tool or weapon to a hotkey, you will switch it in and equip it, from the tool belt, using that key.
Hairy Mallard 2016-12-14 Roundpole Fence, Dry Stone Fence, Palisade, Brickwall -- (New Implementations)
Added bigger gates, When you place a cornerpost in preparation for a gate, you may now choose to place the second cornerpost two or three tiles apart, by simply holding the placement cursor farther away. If the latter, you will place and build a three tile wide gate, rather than a two tile wide one. Otherwise pretty self-explanatory. May add even larger gates in the future.
Hairy Mallard 2016-12-14 Cistern -- (New Implementations)
Added "Cistern". A fixed fluid container which holds 2000 liters.
Hairy Mallard 2016-12-14 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Sketches can now be applied to indoor walls! Have fun with that.
Hairy Mallard 2016-12-14 Mallard Drake, Mallard Hen -- (New Implementations)
Added Mallards. Quack, quack! (Also implies a new input type for Poultry to discover if you want to see your Beeted Bird Breast again)
Hairy Mallard 2016-12-14 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Cavedust in bucket now has a proper inventory icon. Reported here.
Hairy Mallard 2016-12-14 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added a terrain object for Royal Toadstool.

Merry Christmas! (2016-12-20)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Merry Christmas! 2016-12-20 Gift Box -- (Just some small things.)
Added "Gift Box". Inventory item with 3x3 inventory of its own. You can wrap gifts in it, and give to your friends, or throw it in the water, like we did.
Merry Christmas! 2016-12-20 <No Pages> -- (Just some small things.)
Threw a bunch of randomly stuffed gift boxes in the water.
Merry Christmas! 2016-12-20 <No Pages> -- (Just some small things.)
For the remainder of the season, quest givers sometimes give gift boxes as rewards.
Merry Christmas! 2016-12-20 <No Pages> -- (Just some small things.)
For the remainder of the season, snow does not melt.
Merry Christmas! 2016-12-20 <No Pages> -- (Just some small things.)
For the remainder of the season, re-added "Santa's Cap" and "Four Thousand Snowballs" to the store.