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Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Skill(s) RequiredSpecific needed skills.<br>The default skills every hearthling starts off with, Oral Tradition, Primitive Tools & Wilderness Survival), are ignored. Yeomanry
Object(s) Required Initial Cornerpost:

Subsequent Cornerposts:

Wall Sections:


Repaired With Block of Wood
Can be Lifted No
Hit Points 2500
Soak Value 30
Go to Objects

Icon keyboard.pngBuild > Buildings & Construction > Walls & Fences > Palisade

A sturdy dried wall, covered by an active claim, is indestructible without the aid of a Siege Engine or a Wrecking Ball.

Constructing a properly built wall should be of immediate, if not the first, concern of someone staking a new claim.

How to Acquire

Begin by constructing a cornerpost. Right click on the cornerpost to extend the wall. Use "Prepare for gate" to place another cornerpost 2 tiles away in any direction, when the second post is finished, a gate can be built between them. Be sure to build your gate falling outward, as if it's going over a moat around your wall, this is important for locking.

(WIP) Regular and visitor gate work differently! If you have no idea what the difference is, only build visitor gates!

A freshly built palisade's soak will increase slowly from zero to full over the course of three days. This means that it can be broken with a starting character with only 10 Strength. After 24 hours they require higher strength or a ram to break.
The drying time speeds up for wall segments that have fully dried neighboring segments. A single new segment connected to two dried segments takes for example just one real day to dry.


A cornerpost has the option of being sealed after being built. This prevents any additional extensions from being built off that post. Warning: sealing a cornerpost is permanent. Sealing used to be highly recommended, but building walls without claim permissions has been disallowed. (You can't do it even as a crime.) Same applies to sealing itself.

Cascade damage

When a palisade, or brick wall, segment is destroyed, it has a chance to take adjoining segments down with it. This chance is rolled again for the adjoining segment, which can break another adjoining segment. Ultimately this results in a damage cascade, whereby destroying one segment usually results in a large number of destroyed segments. Sometimes even up to 20 or more.

When a cascade destroys a cornerpost that branches off into different directions, multiple cascades can occur, continuing in each direction.

  • Cascade damage can only happen between wall parts with the same, or higher, soak value.
  • Cascade damage will only happen between properly aligned wall-segments. (this includes corner-posts)

Potential bug (ie: not verified by dev's as bug or no-bug)

  • Cascade damage will not effect wall parts that have some obstruction/object at there center-point (ie: blocks cascade damage from progressing). Like for example some misplaced (or not) chopped down tree log, or some random dropped cave-in related boulder. The exception here are gates. Gates, open or closed, will ignore any objects inside them and as such are always susceptible to cascade damage.
    • Caveat: Unless the tree-log, inside a wall segment, is not out of reach on the outside of your wall, they can of course be potentially removed by the attacking party.

Although it take a massive amount of blocks and a equivalent amount of work. Building a cascade proof wall, without resorting to tree logs, is a innate game possibly. Either way will not prevent a wall from being breached, it will just minimizes the initial breach. (its has however a repairing downside compared to a regular tree-log spiked wall.)

  • Cascade damage will also not effect wall parts that are under construction (a single block suffices). Allowing, for example, the building of standalone gates (As in: Destroying the gate cornerposts before finishing the partial build gate. Don't do this unless you know the potential down sides.).


Gates can not be lockpicked, regardless of type and quality of the lock. Any quality wooden lock will secure your base just fine.

Palisade and Brick Wall give players two options when building gates, a normal gate or a visitor gate.

Normal gate, when opened, allow any players to pass through normally with no exceptions.

Visitor gate however, will apply a Visitor buff to any players (except the owner) who pass through it. The Visitor buff prevents a player from committing any Criminal Acts, including initiating or engaging in combat, even if the criminal acts are toggled on. Thus, these gates are ideal for letting in strangers or players that you do not fully trust for making a trade or a tour of your base, or to provide a peaceful public area within your claim for a market or inn. Visitor gates are marked with two red flags as shown below.

  • WARNING: Visitor gates prevent anyone in combat from passing through it (both PvP and PvE combat), even the owner (Animals excluded!). It is recommended to have both normal and visitor gates on your claim, even if you intend to utilize visitor gates on most parts of your base, so that you can pass through your walls safely (via normal gates) when being chased by animals or other players while still in combat.
  • Note: there is no way to remove the visitor buff while inside the claim, it can only be removed by exiting the claim.
  • The direction of visitor gates does not matter. They apply the buff no matter which direction you pass through it.
  • WARNING: The claim priority matters! If person got visitor debuff for village, it can commit crimes on private claims inside the village if it not cover the gates. (ref: HnH Post: Gates questions (04 Dec 2020))
  • You could be shot throught any open gates (both visitor and normal).
  • WARNING: Visitor buff does not prevent looting from knocked out characters. This issue might also extend towards all objects that have their own built-in claims, such as hearth fires, leantos and tents. [1]

Gates Example.png A Normal Gate next to a Visitor Gate.


  • For couple of reasons related to security and griefing, you should extend the claim at least one tile beyond the wall.
  • Palisade sections allow for a maximum terrain slope of 5 units. (checked per selected build section!)
  • You can't build walls within 6 tiles of water. You also cannot build walls on a claim you have no rights to (not even with Criminal Acts).
  • If a copy of your Master Key gets stolen, but you have a spare, you can install a new lock with the old Master Key in your inventory.
  • You can right click your Master Key onto a new lock in your inventory to make them match. This is useful if you have multiple walls, or if you're using an 'airlock' as outlined below.
  • A gate can be made more secure by building an airlock system. Going through one gate and closing it before opening the other makes sure someone can't rush in while you're going outside.
Palisade airlock.jpg
  • When trying to extend a wall onto forest terrain, you can get an error message saying you can't build there. You can remedy this by plowing, then either paving or stomping to dirt.
  • Extreme caution should be used when building palisades near cliffs as areas that appear usable, and may even allow the laying of stone or brick, may NOT allow the placement of a palisade.
  • You can continue building from a palisade segment that is connected to a sealed cornerpost and this means that you can seal a cornerpost immediately after building the segments in the directions you want to build to. You can also build a gate to a sealed cornerpost if the adjacent cornerpost is not sealed.
  • A palisade will keep you almost as safe as a Brickwall as long as you keep an active claim over the palisade and check regularly for siege engines and battering rams. Brickwalls only stand up longer to bashing and require characters with a higher total strength to operate the ram, but that won't make much of a difference.
  • For practice, one may try building a small Roundpole Fence. The game mechanics for building the fence, Palisade, and Brickwall are identical. If you make a mistake with the fence, it's easy to see where you goofed up and correct. The only thing that is not the same is the building being blocked by water, fences can be built closer to water than Palisades or Brick walls.
  • Wagons fit through two tile wide gates, though it can be a bit hard to position them correctly. It is suggested to build a three tile wide gate if you plan on using a wagon.
  • It's possible to build 3 tile wide gates. To do this you need to choose the option "Prepare for gate" and move the mouse to the 4th tile from the cornerpost.


  • You will need at least 121 strength to damage it with a battering ram solo. Two characters with around 36 strength each is enough to do damage with a battering ram. Other tools, such as a pickaxe, do not help while using a battering ram, according to loftar. (Verify, does this refer to state before or after the Bog Turtle Boogaloo (2019-04-18))
  • WARNING: Walls do not block ua/melee attacks, which have a slightly bigger range(15) than a wall it thick(11). So don't stand to close to a wall when there is a hostile on the other side. ref:[2]


Game Development

  • World 15 (2023-10-13) >"Removed the mechanic where walls need to be repaired up to full health over a significant amount of time. This was already a holdover from a previous siege regime and hasn't been necessary for quite some time, so this is really just a clean-up."
  • Hairy Mallard (2016-12-14) >"Added bigger gates, When you place a cornerpost in preparation for a gate, you may now choose to place the second cornerpost two or three tiles apart, by simply holding the placement cursor farther away. If the latter, you will place and build a three tile wide gate, rather than a two tile wide one. Otherwise pretty self-explanatory. May add even larger gates in the future."