Game Updates/Changes/2015

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A Far Green Country (2015-08-28)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
A Far Green Country 2015-08-28 Wooden Roadsign -- (Legacy related features)
Added: Wooden Roadsign (Legacy:Milestone related)

A Sound Badgering (2015-09-01)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 Badger -- (New Implementations)
Added Badgers
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 Stinging Poultice -- (New Implementations)
Added a "Stinging Poultice" to heal Deep Cuts and Swollen Bumps
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 Mirkwood Offering -- (New Implementations)
Added a "Mirkwood Offering" early curio for fast LP at high XP cost.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Meat types (Bear, among others) should present correctly.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Bear Tooth Talisman should give usual stat increases
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Wooden plow repairs with wood
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Objects with setting time count from when the construction object was placed, rather than completed
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 Cupboard -- (Fixes)
Cupboards cannot be placed in container objects (boats, carts, &c) if there is anything in the cupboard.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Dream Catchers & Tables can be destroyed
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Leantos should now be inherited properly
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
You may now only own one leanto
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Leantos now graphically indicate when they are owned with a small note on them.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Swithced places for "Learning Points" and "Experience Points" in the character sheet (Abilities screen) to better indicate the actual flow of points. Also changed "Cost" to "Learning Cost", to avoid confusion.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Curiosities state an "Experience cost" rather than "Experience points"
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should now get an error message when not able to plant grapes due to lack of winemaking.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Scrollbar should no longer cover the second digit of wounds in wound list.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should now be able to run with the cart on beach terrain
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should now be able to log back in again if you logged out while mounting a wild horse
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should now be able to lift dead horses
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should now be able to enter minehole while carrying something
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
The hotkey indication in the Actions Grid (bottom right corner) should now stand out more, orange & bold as it has been made
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
The party chat texts have been brightened for better readability
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Pushing "Make level" in a land survey should now properly abort drinking, open containers, &c.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should now properly need a sharp tool to butcher small animals
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
The horse's stamina meter should now have a tooltip
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Food & water meters in chicken coop should now have tooltips
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Honey now has quality
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Palisades now have the correct cost
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 Palisade, Brickwall -- (Fixes)
Corner posts can now be sealed.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 Rootfill -- (Fixes) ... seems more a bug fix candidate.
Rootfills can now treat Cruel Incisions.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
All stones, trees & bush seeds should now give discovery LP (better late than never, right?).
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Party Arrows have been restored to full functionality, and can now be used to find friends.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (We Didn't Fix)
Presently the setup is such that a claim which finishes building becomes owned by the person who placed the construction object, while the person who finishes the build project gets the bond for the claim. I received this as a bug report, but after due consideration we have decided that no alternative regime is better (for various reasons), thus this is working as intended.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (The Store)
The store layout has been changed. Subscriptions are now presented before "Game Time", which in turn is presented last, and which has for that matter been renamed "Subscription Token".
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (The Store)
Play Time is now awarded weekly instead of monthly.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (The Store)
Free Play Time has been increased from 12 hrs/month to 7 hours/week.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (The Store)
Verified Account Play Time has been increased from 24hrs/month to 14hrs/week.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (The Store)
Support Items (hats) are no longer lootable. If you buy an item in the store, or receive one with a subscription, it becomes rather a one-time permanent upgrade to your account. You can at any time withdraw or re-withdraw that item/hat from your Hearth Fire, and any other copies of it in the game world (on a wall, or whatever) should then disappear. Other characters cannot have your item/hat in their inventory, and should they try to take it, it will vanish in smoke.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (The Store)
The reasoning behind this change is as follows: Hats/items were not intended as anything other than cosmetics. They have no other utility than their show-off value, and the problem with having them lootable is that they completely lose said show-off value, as wearing them paints a huge target on the wearer, making them essentially useless.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (The Store)
Now you can wear your support hat/item openly, without risking losing it. If you get eaten by ants, if we reset the server, if you drown, if you get eaten by nasty bagousers, whatever happens, your hat/item should still be there in your Hearth Fire, ready to be worn.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (The Store)
Anyone who has purchased a hat should find that they now have an entry for that hat with this described functionality in their Hearth Fire, regardless of what has or hasn't happened to their purchased hat before tonight.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (The Store)
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (The Store)
Any instances of hats already withdrawn from a Hearth Fire before this update, will also remain as legacy items as they are, irrespective of where and how they are, with their old functionality of being a normal item completely intact. Consider these now epic l3wt legendaries a bonus for the early bird punter who hasn't yet managed to lose his hat.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> -- (The Store)
This also means that you can no longer buy multiple copies of the same hat/item, but no one had, and why would you, so who cares.
A Sound Badgering 2015-09-01 <No Pages> --
You also cannot receive mutliple copies of a hat/item when buying subscriptions. Each hat/item can be gained only once.

Without Batting an Eye (2015-09-03)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Wounds now heal while you are offline.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
You now take Asphyxiation damage when you run out of stamina in the water, instead of drowning instantly.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 Stockpile -- (New Implementations)
Added a stockpile for hides. Takes both raw and prepared.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 Bat -- (New Implementations)
Added Bats.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 Gauze -- (New Implementations)
Added Gauze. Gauze can be applied to Cruel Incisions, Deep Cuts, Fell Slashes, and Blunt Trauma.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations) ... unspecified.
Added two new Lores/Experiences.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Increased Brick & Clay stockpiles from 34, 40 to 80, 80 respectively.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Your character now uses his shovel when digging for clay, and clay digging speed is also improved when using a shovel.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Planting a tile now requires five seeds, as was always the intention.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Food tooltip now says "Energy" rather than "Stamina"
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Bearcape should now give intended stat modifiers (Not that you deserve it)
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Can no longer drink from hotkeyed vessels while swimming. Hotkeying to activate items should generally check the same permissions as right-clicking.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Chat button now illuminates whenever you have unread chats -- blue for village, orange for party, and red for PMs
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Chat list entries now illuminate whenever there are unread messages in them, same colors.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
You can now scroll the list of chats using your mouse wheel. Shift + Mousewheel selects active chat.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Can no longer pull cart through swamps at anything but crawl speed
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Carryable items should no longer interrupt travel along roads
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
You can now interact with Land Surveys from anywhere within their area
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Names over memorized/kinned Hearhtlings should now be persistent
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
The "Display" option when right-clicking memorized/kinned Hearhtlings should now work as intended (i.e. open your kin list with the person in question highlighted)
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Lady's Mantles & Dewey Lady's Mantles should now be properly differentiated
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should now always be able to drop items on cursor while swimming
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should now not be able to pick items to cursor while swimming
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
When you rebuild your Hearth Fire it should now correctly burn in a saturated green to indicate that you are online
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Skill entry button says "Known" rather than "Current"
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Tealeaves, Morels, Toy Chariot and Mug, should now have their qualities properly influenced by their respective driers.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Tar kiln now makes "foff"-sound when lit
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
The poor transition from wading to jumping a ridge, or vice versa, should now be fixed.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Changed the UI Fraktur font to a perhaps slightly more readable one. Cry everytiem, nevar forget.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (We Didn't Fix)
I received a bug report telling me that you could shoot people without "Rage". Yes, you can, but only on your own claim, and this is intended. You may also attack people on your own claim.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (We Didn't Fix)
I received a bug report telling me that spamming the shoot button would allow you to hit your target every time. No, that does not appear to be the case.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> -- (We Didn't Fix)
I received a bug report telling me that you can aggro another person without rage if that person is in combat with an animal. No, that does not appear to be the case.
Without Batting an Eye 2015-09-03 <No Pages> --
I received a bug report (with screenshots, so it seems legit) informing me that a character can become seated in the boat in a twisted kind of way if he/she enters the boat while the boat is is moving. I would love some more steps to reproduce this, because it is at least not quite that simple.

Leeching Dry (2015-09-08)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 Leech -- (New Implementations)
Added Leeches to swamps. Leeches will convert Swollen Bumps, Bruises, Unfaced & Blunt Trauma wounds to Leech Burns, which in turn heal slowly over time.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 Bat Wing -- (New Implementations)
Added Bat Wing (cape)
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 Badger Hide Vest -- (New Implementations)
Added Badger Hide Vest
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 Cavedog -- (New Implementations)
Added Cavedog (sausage)
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 Still Life -- (New Implementations)
Added Still Life (decorative curiosity)
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 Torch -- (New Implementations)
Added Torch (carry fire around, look cool)
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 Wooden Sign -- (New Implementations)
Added Wooden Sign (write on)
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 Stockpile, Tree Bough -- (New Implementations)
Added Bough stockpile
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Can no longer pull aurochs hair from dead animals, this to prevent infinite gains
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
May now rotate/zoom camera with arrow keys. Home key resets to default view.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Clay cauldron now repairs with clay
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Clay cauldron easier to destroy
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Ropewalk no longer liftable
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Feathers go in the trash stockpile
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Chieftain's Hat has stat buff
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Solved a wonky interaction with ash stack qualities.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a text issue with Rustroot extract talking about tanning fluid when crafting without appropriate container
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed this bug with timers.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
All hearthfires are now traversable by everyone
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix. (potential split candidate)
Fixed a bug where splash damage from new walls could be used to damage old walls. Walls now only deal splash damage to walls with the same or lower soak than themselves.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Bronze recipe now correctly yields three bars
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
You should no longer be able to "Study" curiosities out of a knocked-out person's study report without theft.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Villages no longer (contrary to personal claims) provide attack/crime permission without prerequisite skills
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should now be able to withdraw store items only from your own Hearth Fire
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Lifting a log, boulder or animal carcass now properly interrupts carving/chopping/chipping from those same
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Herbalist Tables (at least those built after tonight) should now have proper qualities set.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Animals should no longer be lethal when engaged by several people, as per this bugreport.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug which caused some inventory windows to be possible to interact with after they were closed
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
You can now always drop objects where you stand, (except if blocked by other objects).
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should no longer be able to (it was only ever) visibly carry people in looms as per this bugreport.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Character should no longer rise to point out direction home if attempting to hearth when knocked out.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should now get an error message when you attempt to pave, stomp, plow or plant grass on a terrain that cannot be derped with in that manner.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed text refering to hearth secrets as homestead secrets
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Made it so that walls cannot be built within three tiles of water
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Lock installation should now abort if lock is dropped to ground or inventory
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Lock installation is now somewhat slower to prevent volatility
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Skills are now red in skill list when unable to afford them
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
There is now a reset button next to the buy button in the abilities screen
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should be able to read runestones on claims
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Should no longer be able to use land survey on undiggable terrain.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Claims override leantos if the claim is older than the leanto's latest ownership change. Leantos claimed before this update count their ownership from this update.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Gauze should now turn into a bloody rag as soon as the wound it was applied to has been healed.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Bats should now seek trees to idle in when outside
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
There should now be fewer bats in smaller clusters
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Bats should now be less aggressive
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug which made tarkilns slow to the point of never finishing.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Nicks & Knacks now heals 4 times as fast
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Bruises now heal naturally
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (We Didn't Fix)
I received a bug report telling me that the last piece of food you eat before triggering a levelup can create a particular satiation for the next levelup bar. Looking at the timing, and testing, this seems impossible. We suspect that the reporter has confused a preexisting satiation jumping to top of list post levelup with a new one, or somesuch.
Leeching Dry 2015-09-08 <No Pages> -- (We Didn't Fix)
We've mostly been fixing bugs, so we didn't quite deem this patch worthy of a patch item.

Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' (2015-09-10)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 Yellowfeet -- (New Implementations)
Added Yellowfoot Mushroom
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 Wagon -- (New Implementations) ... Merged.
Added Wagon. Hitch a bull to it and ride around. Takes a bunch of objects, four guys in the back and two upfront. Pretty much as in Legacy. We haven't done the raft to ford rivers with it yet, and it doesn't track ownership, but it might in the future.
Do note that the wagon uses a movement mode of its own, with a whip cursor. If you click away the cursor, just right-click the wagon again to get it back.
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
All animals should now have their own, unique, quality fields
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Modified animal baseline qualities somewhat
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Fate-based herbs require proper levels of perception and exploration
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Removed underground building restrictions causing this problem.
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Can no longer disembark over terrain as per this bugreport
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Dryads can no longer walk through walls.
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Animals should no longer be able to attack from a different game world as per this bugreport
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Animals should no longer spawn under village claims (suck it)
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Live animals should no longer be considered liftable
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug where a NULL-name in the kinlist would crash clients as per this bugreport.
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed an inverted condition which may have caused a general declining tendencey in crop qualities, instead of the opposite. This bugreport may be relevant.
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Firebrands made with the Light Fire command should now have quality.
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with which dropped barkboat qualities would be affected by player skill when picked up. Also potentially relevant for small animals.
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Bearcape should now set hair properly
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Pickaxe now takes hardmetal, rather than castiron
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Smithy's Hammer now takes hardmetal, rather than castiron
Rollin'-rollin'-rollin' 2015-09-10 <No Pages> -- (Fixes)
Cavedogs and Cow chorizos should now have proper hunger fill

Paving the Way (2015-09-15)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
You may now pave with all stone types, as well as with yellow brick. Existing paving is considered gneiss.
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
We have implemented a plethora of new skills which, when you have all of them, increase the yields from treeplanting, forging wrought iron, unraveling silk cocoons, mining ores, and farming, to what they in Legacy were on +5 nature/industry personal beliefs respectively. This means that your character can now be great at everything, provided you invest the LP. Consider this a half-way implementation.
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Druid's Cloak is now craftable
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Animals should no longer thrash wildly/escape when beaten in combat during taming.
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Tamed animal qualities should now be set and implemented correctly
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Butchering tamed animals is now quality limited by Farming, rather than Survival
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Ye olde wall extension bug should now be fixed.
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Play time should now be accurately accrued on account pages.
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
There is now an error message when logged out due to lack of game/play time.
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Pickaxe no longer requires branch, but rather boughs
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Minehelm requires hardmetal, rather than castiron
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Bloated bolete should no longer have a 90% satiation event
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Ashen Robes should have proper stat gains
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Herbalist table now requires Plant Lore
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Steel Crucible now requires Steel Making
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Dreams/Dream Catchers should now have qualities. Old dream catchers permanently terrible. Rebuild.
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Small animals should now be correctly quality modified when picked up to cursor. Relevant bugreport.
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Loom qualities should now be set properly. Old looms forever useless.
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be able to plant grass on dirt or plowed terrain
Paving the Way 2015-09-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
We didn't quite have the time to fix a new store item -- and also we've mostly been bugfixing -- but feel free to buy an old one if you feel like it!

Spit'n'Polish (2015-09-17)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 Timber House -- (New Implementations)
Reimplemented Timber House.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 Tunneling -- (New Implementations)
Implemented a skill "Tunneling", which improves ores you find a fair bit. Metallurgy less important for ores by that same amount.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 Stone Column -- (New Implementations)
Implemented a Stone Column, which acts as a slightly improved mine support
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations) ... unspecified.
Implemented 2 new experiences/lores
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed an inverted condition causing industry skills to yield less, rather than more, wrought iron.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
In response to this report we have introduced a stronger general upward trend in crop quality development per generation. Each quality dimension should have a chance per generation of losing as much as 2 points, and gaining as much as 5.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
On some level I think we all know that we were having a wee bit too much fun, and thus archery damage now scales by the square of the aim-meter.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Paving tiles should now have hopefully nicer transitions
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug which allowed you to steal without leaving theft scents by teleporting out of claims using a roadsign.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a problem with mining not checking for vandalism crime.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug which could accidentally pick up zero-quality for Bee Skep produce.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Should now always be able to log back in as per this report.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Bonds of Blood & Soil should renew automatically and free of charge when inheriting claims as per this report.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Attack!:ing a new target when already in combat should set the new target as your primary fighting relation as discussed here
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be able to pave caves and mountains
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Objects with a flower menu should now properly cancel active flower menus if tampered with, fixing this bug.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Can now both see and place construction signs for Authority objects and Hearth Fires without knowing their materials, fixing reports made in this thread that you could see but not place them.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Error message "Can't build there" changed to "You cannot build that on this type of terrain."
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Cutthroat Knuckles should now improve damage of: Haymaker, Punch, Low Blow, Knock his Teeth out, and Left Hook.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Chicken Coop now checks for straw before checking for thatching. This was apparently very important.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Itsy Bitsy and his web should now be created with the proper qualities of whatever you were picking when you found them.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added explanatory text to: Keys, Lock, Walls & Fences submenu, and Bee Skep.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Skulls and prepared hides can be hung on walls.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
When digging for soil, your highest value of farming or survival, is used to determine your quality hardcap, rather than simply survival being used, all per this suggestion.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Tea Pots & Mugs should now have symbel values.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
A player dying when mounted should dismount the player
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Coop now has reasonable flatness requirements thanks to this report.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Object carrying objects (Leanto, Cart, Boat, Wagon) being destroyed should now properly scatter the objects in them, rather than delete those objects.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Plant Fibre now has a proper input type.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Built Mineholes can now be destroyed
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Shovel should now aid in the removal of old stumps
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be possible to leave a village even if you are the lawspeaker, thus resigning your lawspeaker position.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Land surveys now time out after 1/3 of a week (one ingame week) of no use. Press "make level" once to keep active.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Cauldron now takes the same amount of fuel as a Fireplace, rather than more.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Cauldron should now properly update when water is taken from it
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with the cave entrance's bounding box.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with the stone mansion's door blocking cupboard placement unnecessarily.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You no longer need the trespassing skill to enter or exit caves as per this report.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced Tar Kiln soak.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Dragon Flies should no longer spazz out on non swamp/water tiles, but rather simply never leave swamp/water tiles.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Mechanic Clarifications)
Each batch of a crop which is planted in the same area (roughly two minimaps), time (roughly five hours), and of the same type(carrots, peas, barley, &c), will be given the same random quality modification uniformly, and planted tiles of that batch will thus all have their qualities affected in the same way. This was intended to reduce what we perceived as the simple hassle of having to inspect each seed stack individually, and then perform the rather boring operation of simply selecting the best one. If you wish to maintain different crop "strains" -- presumably to have more samples with different random seeds to select from when replanting -- you may do that by planting several different fields at distances in time or space. We are not entirely sure how farming and potential crop selection should ideally work to be the most fun and engaging. Feel free to discuss.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Mechanic Clarifications)
Qualities of Bee Skeps do not matter for the quality of their produce.
Spit'n'Polish 2015-09-17 <No Pages> -- (Mechanic Clarifications)
Again, mostly bug fixes, so no new hat this time.

Musical Qualities (2015-09-22)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Implemented instruments
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Equip instruments and Right-click them to play them.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Play instruments using the Z, S, X, D, C, V, G, B, H, N, J, M keys, modified by the Shift and Ctrl keys.Implemented Adventure -> Inspect, which reports qualities of objects.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 Lingonberries -- (New Implementations)
Added Lingonberries
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Swimming characters should now be logged out with the server in the event of a server shutdown, hopefully preventing this from ocurring. Server should also generally speaking completely prevent you from logging in on deep water, instead forcing relog to Hearth, hopefully also preventing this problem.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Hopefully fixed the silly bug which could freeze the interface when using drag-select area operators.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Metal axe is now more stamina efficient than the stone axe when chopping down trees.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Ranger boots should now have armor.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Water qualities are capped downward to Q10 regardless of Survival.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Columns & Mine supports can be built pretty much everywhere.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Column now requires Tunneling.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Deep Artifice now requires Tunneling.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Poppy Flower is now a curiosity as in Legacy.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be able to resmelt slag for small chance of iron.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Right-Clicking your ancestor's corpse should no longer give you the option to "Steal", but instead "Take".
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be possible to put cauldrons into wagons, fixing this bug.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Stumps should now yield quality blocks fixing this bug.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should no longer be able to raise terrain in caves using soil as reported here.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Boats, carts and wagons now recall the last person driving them, who, being the owner, can always pick them up/drive them, even off hostile claims, hopefully alleviating, if not fixing, this problem.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Bait info should now update on switch, fixing this bug.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now need Trespassing to view the "Steal" inventory, fixing this bug.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with armor using the same value twice, fixing this bug.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with roasting spit not properly updating, hopefully fixing this, this, and this.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Leantos should no longer decay under claims, fixing this.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with some baked goods yielding No-Q ashes
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (We Did Not Fix)
I received a bugreport telling me that leather keeps consuming tanning fluid after it's done. Testing cannot reproduce.
Musical Qualities 2015-09-22 <No Pages> -- (We Did Not Fix)
I received a bugreport complaining that moving a boat while a passenger is fishing doesn't interrupt the fishing. Indeed, and nor does it IRL. Working as intended.

Steady Drumbeat of Progress (2015-09-24)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 Milestone -- (New Implementations)
Implemented new roadtype "Milestone", made from stone. Can hold 4 trails.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 Drum & Sticks -- (New Implementations)
Added Drum (video).
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Trails/roads can now also be connected to an already existing road marker upon creation, rather than only by placing a new, initial road marker.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
The instrument interface should now grab keyboard input entirely, making it possible to walk and play instrument, among other things.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Soil can now be placed in a stockpile. The previous ability to place a single unit of soil by right-clicking ground is no more, but you can still place one unit and pick up another by holding down shift and right-clicking the ground.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Stone can now be used in the world as landfill to raise terrain just as soil can.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Instruments should now interact better graphically with claypipe.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be able to dig away plants from trellies using the Destroy command on the plant itself.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed some minor graphical issues with the cylinder hat as reported here.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should no longer starve when missing a game session, fixing this problem.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Starvation damage should now have a prettier distribution over the energy scale. Do note that this means that starvation deals more damage sooner than previously. Damage on the lower end of the energy meter should be less extreme.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug which caused several beehives to influence the same crop several times, causing them to grow ultra fast as was reported here.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Steel crucibles should now need to be refueled every 12 RL hours, fixing a problem reported here.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug preventing mass planting from more than one seed stack if one of the stacks was of irregular size.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug causing cauldron timers to go bonkers when cauldron ran out of water while map was unloaded.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Tables should now drop their contents when destroyed, fixing this.
Steady Drumbeat of Progress 2015-09-24 <No Pages> -- (We Did Not Fix)
It was reported the the Cylinder hat gives no stat buffs. Currently working as intended, but contemplating equipment buffs in general.

Valhalla Rising (2015-10-02)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
If a player has worthy, dead, characters (INT 50+, LP 100k+) he may now as one of them visit The Hall of the Gods by exiting the character creation room using the Rainbow now appearing to the left of the starting pool. The Hall of the Gods lies in the midst of a field of neverending battle. Weapons and armor of every kind lie scattered, and death is a passing condition in this twilight realm. In the Great Hall itself a mighty swine hangs ever roasting, and when you partake of its flesh your combat relevant stats (strength, agility, constitution, unarmed & melee) are instantly buffed to wherever you want them. Eating of the swine also restores your stamina and health. Feast and do battle until the End of All Times!
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Players may now build a Great Hall
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
You can now pave and build with Cat Gold, which generally counts as stone.
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 Combat moves -- (New Implementations)
Added "Shield" block.
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 Combat moves -- (New Implementations)
Added "Parry" block.
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with paving preventing caveins.
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Caveins no longer damage objects with soak
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
All fights are now initiated with a cooldown active. Initiating a new combat relation gives you a cooldown. The defender has a slightly lower cooldown than the attacker.
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
"Chop" now requires one IP.
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug causing "Dawn Breaking" experience to trigger during dusk as well as dawn.
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with Ranger's Cape not setting hair properly.
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a textual error in the description for slave keys.
Valhalla Rising 2015-10-02 Experience Points -- (Assumed, non patch-notes related, additions.)
Added: Experience "A Great Hall".

Bugskatchewan (2015-10-06)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 Badger Botillo -- (New Implementations)
Added new sausage "Badger Botillo"
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 Stitch Patch -- (New Implementations)
Added new treatment "Stitch Patch", for healing Cruel Incisions & Wretched Gore
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
"Grind Flour" recipe now requires five seeds, rather than 25, making barley to flour ratio 5x better.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Unmaintained claim poles (without presence) should now actually decay, as was always the intention.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Bonds of Blood & Soil can now be used (Right-Click them) by the claim owner to declaim their corresponding plots.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
All newly built personal claims now start with negative 720 authority, meaning that there is at least some window of opportunity, before claims go live, during which they can be destroyed.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
All personal claims beyond the first cost 4000LP to finish building. All claim fixes taken together hopefully alleviating this problem.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Should now be possible to describe memorized characters to others as per this.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Engaging fight moves while in combat should now never cause your character to extend the pursuit range by waiting. Case in point, "Taking Aim" while in pursuit should not cause you to stop and wait until the maximum range of Take Aim has been reached.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug where ashes from spitroasting were counted as Q 0.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which stuff in vessels was not protected by the theft skill.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which Field Cairns would try to throw trespassing warnings. They no longer should.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 funny bugs -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which animal babies would be cannonaded over walls on birth. Babies are now placed inside the mother's bounding box if no legal space can be found.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Tool quality no longer relevant when butchering bones as per this.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Can no longer mass plant without farming skill as reported here.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Can no longer study Bonds of Blood & Soil without Yeomanry, fixing this.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Cave exits should now exclude building by having a small bounding box, fixing this.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Can now load mirkwood logs onto Wagons.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Anvils should now be possible to destroy, the previous impossibility of which was reported here.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should no longer be possible to get "Striking the Root" experience when lifting bushes from container objects as reported here.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
"Shield Up" should now block sweeping attacks as intended, and as reported here.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
"Parry" should no longer fire attacks when it itself isn't targeted, as reported here.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should no longer be possible to drive a wagon if knocked out.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should no longer be possible to shift-steal out of claimed stockpiles.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should no longer be possible to take claimed tree resources without theft.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be possible to plant grass using seeds from an equipped bucket, as reported here.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be possible to stockpile cat gold as stone, as reported here.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be possible to use stone to "Make level" in a land survey. Should also be generally possible to put earthworms into soil stockpiles. All as reported here.
Bugskatchewan 2015-10-06 <No Pages> -- (We Did Not Fix)
We've received several reports of people harvesting zero quality grapes, but believe that the explanation may be a legacy from the old quality bug affecting grapes, that should not apply to grape seeds from after the fix of that bug. The explanation would thus be that several planted grapevines may have been set to Q0, may actually have been Q0 at the time of planting, even though the seed stacks may have displayed meaningful quality. Dig up and replant with fresh seeds.

A Few Little Things (2015-10-08)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 Plate Greaves -- (New Implementations)
Added Plate Greaves
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 Cloth Chair -- (New Implementations)
Added Cloth Chair
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 Hemp Cloth -- (New Implementations)
Added Hemp Cloth
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 Mushroom Mash -- (New Implementations)
Added Mushroom Mash
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 Red-Shred Salad -- (New Implementations)
Added Red-Shred Salad
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug causing logged in characters on offloaded maps to be untrackable.
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with authority objects decaying on claim.
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Hopefully fixed a bug (reported several places) causing surveys to cause permission problems.
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with precious metals being counted as Q0, rather than not at all.
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with caves and mountains not being possible to repave.
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a minor text issue with oaths of allegiance.
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Generally improved focus handling for invisible or unfocused widgets. For example, open PM-chats are not given window focus when they get new messages. This may have broken other things, so keep an eye out for that.
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Linen Crate can now be built with any cloth
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with hair peeping through boar tusk helmet.
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Hatching eggs in chicken coops now have a progress indicator as reported here
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Quality of pearls should now be unaffected by boiling as reported here.
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Ranger's Shirt & Pants should now have their traditional stat buffs as reported here.
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with tasty emmentaler/cellar cheddar.
A Few Little Things 2015-10-08 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Now checking permissions when digging clay.

Bugapalooza (2015-10-13)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Made it so that scents, if built over, can be harvested when bumping into the edge of the object built over them.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Hopefully fixed a bug causing ridge traversion to not update state properly, causing swimming ontop of ridges and running in water.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Made it so that you are logged out from, but can never log on to, claims where you are trespassing. It used to be that you remained logged in while trespassing -- which was intended, as it is a nice thing if you, say, drop your internet connection while visiting someplace, or such -- but the new solution was deemed the lesser evil. Also made it so that the buddy list online status indicates whether a buddy has a game session with a particular character or not, rather than whether the character is in the game world or not. All after this report. Should also solve this report, and most of this one as well.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Made a temporary fix to make it possible to summon people from Wagons by holding a relevant scent and right-clicking the wagon.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug where carried objects would visually remain carried if you were thrown out of a house being destroyed.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with some terrains being possible to raise by decaying soil.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with flour ending up in buckets not giving a discovery.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You can now empty flour buckets.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with curding tubs not curding when on unloaded maps.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a better (hopefully) system for handling theft of substances, thereby fixing this.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
There is now a limit (5) on the amount of land surveys you can place in a day. Everytime you remove a survey, however, one is also subtracted from your survey count for the day. This should hopefully fix this. We can't have nice things.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You should now get an error message when trying to extend walls too close to water, as per this.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Implemented a temporary fix hopefully alleviating this problem with gate placements.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug causing cauldrons to boil when they shouldn't.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Plows should now disable before breaking, as reported here
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should no longer be possible to steal plows by plowing them off-claim, as reported here.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a terraforming bug causing extreme holes to be impossible to fill. This should have fixed the previous ability to create ridges as well.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which, if you left a claim while carrying something with theft permissions off that claim, only to then lose said theft permissions while still carrying the object, you could get stuck.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with stone column range not being checked for properly.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with the area selection tool freezing.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Adjusted chances of animals producing multiple offspring, pigs now most likely to, as per here.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with female hair bleeding through farmer's hat.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You can now put skeletons in wagons as reported here.
Bugapalooza 2015-10-13 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Wagon, Chef's hat, Ashen Robe, Vapntreyiu, Ranger's Shirt, Pants & Cape, Lawspeaker's Hat & Robe, Bandit's Mask and Carpet, Primitive Casting Rod, now require cloth instead of linen cloth.

Lucid Lynx (2015-10-15)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 Lynx -- (New Implementations)
Added Lynx
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
It is now possible to dig Acre Clay from the natural dirt flats, as it was in Legacy.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Animals should now wreck shit if boxed in.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 Glazed Grazer Dog -- (New Implementations)
Added "Glazed Grazer Dog", food
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 Steak & Tubers -- (New Implementations)
Added "Steak & Tubers", food
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 Tuber Mash -- (New Implementations)
Added "Tuber Mash", food
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 Liver & Onions -- (New Implementations)
Added "Liver & Onions", food
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which an animal slaughtered while tethered could resurrect after death.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with Bonds of Blood & Soil not being studyable when you already had one in the study.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which you could get "Sensing the Beast" from dead animals.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with inventory windows not resizing properly when plundering inventory boosting equipment.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added a requested error message when attempting to Hearth while carrying an object the removal of which would be theft.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Buffed silk moth life time as suggested here.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with bats spawning on claimed land.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Made it so that chickens count an average of water and swill qualities, rather than effectively "hardcapping" on both, as observed here.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced the bounding box of cattle as suggested here.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now receive discovery when butchering fish, rather than when picking up butchered filets, as reported here.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a minor bug with dream catchers producing dreams very soon after harvesting. Much gaem braek.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which attacks created by blocks could reach over dimensions by not checking for that. (Bat hitting a player having left the cave world).
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced the amount of rennet required per cheese curd by a factor of five. One liter of rennet is, thus, now good for 50 curds.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced stamina consumption when building trelli from 35 to 20.
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Chicken salad icon requesting boiled egg sets correctly as reported here
Lucid Lynx 2015-10-15 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed hair bleeding through Winged Helmet.

Lettuce Imagine (2015-10-20)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 Lettuce Crop, Lettuce Leaf, Head of Lettuce, Seeds of Lettuce -- (New Implementations)
Added Lettuce to your local Windsown Weed.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 Salad Greens, Beetroot Leaves, Lettuce Leaf, Stinging Nettle -- (New Implementations)
Added generic input type "Salad Greens", presently matched by Beetroot Leaves, Lettuce Leaves, and Stinging Nettles.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 Earthenware Platter -- (New Implementations)
Reimplemented Earthenware Platter from Legacy.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General fix.
Quality percentage modifiers for tamed animals now go from 100% to 200%, rather than from 50% to 100%.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a small client crash bug which had reportedly been used offensively to crash people's clients. I'd like to remind everyone that using bugs offensively against others is frowned upon, and if anyone could -- now that it has been fixed -- be so forthcoming as to inform us of how they managed to trigger the bug in question on demand, that'd be swell. Also stop being retards, thanks.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 Field Cairn -- (Key Fixes)
Village Claims can no longer be extended from Field Cairns. Authority objects can, thus, not be built in an area claimed only by Field Cairns.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a typo in the satiation events for Steak & Tubers.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a small bug by which passengers in boats hearthing home would cause the boat to face the wrong way even if in motion.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a small bug by which people in boats would block eachother from getting out of said boats, hopefully thereby fixing this problem.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed some small bugs with horses fleeing unnecessarily fast and using the wrong animation. Cape awarded to jorb for finding this.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a small bug with trying to leash multiple wild animals to the same hitching post not throwing an error message. Wolf Cape awarded to jorb for finding this.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which roaming animals would eat from all swill containers (coops, barrels). It occurs to us that this may be why some of you have reported suspiciously high food consumption on your chickens.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a few issues with animals breaking objects too aggressively, hopefully fixing this.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug which caused the close-the-window-X on animal character sheets to do nothing. Hermine Cloak awarded to jorb for finding this.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 Milk, Aurochs' Milk, Sheep's Milk, Cow's Milk, Goat's Milk -- (Small Fixes)
Made it so that you can mix various kinds of milk into generic milk, as suggested here.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Made it so that minehole soak ticks up over time as it should, as reported here.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which roundpole fences next to water could not be extended on account of being walls.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 Hearth Fire -- (Small Fixes)
Made it so that you need vandalism or claim to destroy other people's hearthfires.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 Raft, Dugout, Rowboat -- (Small Fixes)
Lifting a boat now evicts anyone logged out in it, preventing him or her from relogging to the boat. This to prevent teleportation by boat.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 Stockpile, Beetroot Leaves -- (Small Fixes)
Beetroot leaves now use leaf stockpile, rather than trash.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 Chicken Salad, Red-Shred Salad, Rabbit Food -- (Small Fixes)
Chicken Salad, Red-Shred Salad, & Rabbit Food now require Salad Greens rather than Beetroot Leaves/Stinging Nettles specifically.
Lettuce Imagine 2015-10-20 Toy Chariot -- (Small Fixes)
Toy Chariot now requires acre clay, rather than any clay.

Coat of Many Colors (2015-10-27)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 <No Pages> -- (Custom Imagery)
You may now, from your account page, upload images to our server, which can then be crafted ingame to be displayed on items and objecs such as battle standards, tabards, and village flags, using a pigmentation system.
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 <No Pages> -- (Custom Imagery)
Each image you upload is analyzed and reduced to the cardinal colors the game uses -- presently: red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, turquoise, white, and black -- and measured for number of color fields and amount of contours. A breakdown of the results is presented on the webpage, and you may preview the image you uploaded as it would appear on the various objects the imagery can be placed on.
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 <No Pages> -- (Custom Imagery)
Images may have a resolution of up to 512x512, but need to use power-of-two numbers. If the dimensions of the image uploaded are not power-of-two numbers, they will be rescaled to fit, so your mileage may vary on that.
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 <No Pages> -- (Custom Imagery)
With an image uploaded on the website you may then, ingame, craft a "Sketch" for the image in question, using various pigments, linseed oil, &c. The resources required by the crafting recipe are determined by the analysis of the image.
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 <No Pages> -- (Custom Imagery)
You need one page from a Sketchbook per Sketch crafted. Sketchbook pages can be bought from the store, or crafted using a rare fatespawn.
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 <No Pages> -- (Custom Imagery)
The number of color fields in the image uploaded determines the amount of linseed oil required for the Sketch. Sketches cost 0.05 liters of linseed oil per color field.
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 <No Pages> -- (Custom Imagery)
The amount of contours in the image uploaded determines the amount of Psyche your character needs to craft a Sketch for the image in question. You need 0.5PSY per contour.
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 <No Pages> -- (Custom Imagery)
Once you have a Sketch you simply provide this to the recipe or construction object you want to have the image on. This consumes the Sketch.
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 <No Pages> -- (Custom Imagery)
Notice that the Sketch is a voluntary input for, for example, Village Flags. This means that the construction will be finished as soon as it has all necessary inputs, so make sure to provide the Sketch before completing the rest of the project.
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 Meatpie -- (New Implementations)
Added Meatpie
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Made it -- derp -- so that qualities actually affect symbel/feast/table item values. Essence affects the FEP-mod, Substance affects the Hunger-mod, and Vitality affects (and was the one among them that actually always did) the Wear.
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Gave Flotsams spawning values. They should now spawn. Sorry about that.
Coat of Many Colors 2015-10-27 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a minor bug causing lettuce seeds in buckets to crash the client.

Samhain (2015-10-29)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Samhain 2015-10-29 Wheelbarrow -- (New Implementations)
Added "Wheelbarrow". Right-Click the Wheelbarrow to move it around. Right-click a stockpile to draw from the stockpile to the Wheelbarrow. Right-click a stockpile while carrying load to dump to that stockpile. Right-click the ground while carrying load to place and dump to a new stockpile. Right-click the Wheelbarrow while carrying load to drop the Wheelbarrow. Right-click anywhere while not carrying load to drop the Wheelbarrow.
Samhain 2015-10-29 Pumpkin Lantern -- (New Implementations)
Added "Pumpkin Lantern". Build, light, enjoy.
Samhain 2015-10-29 Painting (Item), Custom Image Sketch -- (New Implementations)
Added "Painting". Wall item which can accept Custom Image Sketches.
Samhain 2015-10-29 Wooden Roundshield, Custom Image Sketch -- (New Implementations)
Added optional support for Custom Image Sketches in the Round Shield.
Samhain 2015-10-29 Linseed Loaf -- (New Implementations)
Added "Linseed Loaf", bread
Samhain 2015-10-29 Cottage Throne -- (New Implementations)
Added "Cottage Throne", furniture
Samhain 2015-10-29 Cottage Table -- (New Implementations)
Added "Cottage Table", furniture
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
It is no longer possible to teleport along trails while in combat, as suggested here.
Samhain 2015-10-29 funny bugs -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed the damn cliff bug for the Nth time. Now stay dead.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Moved Cake Knife from "Symbel- & Tableware" to "Forks, Knives & Cutlery" as suggested here.
Samhain 2015-10-29 Battle Standard -- (Small Fixes)
Battle Standard is now a wall item.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Should now learn Linseed Oil properly when pressing.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Trees should now grow at accelerated pace on all forest terrains.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
If trees stand on a forest terrain, they will also spread that particular forest terrain when growing up, rather than wald specifically.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Terrains with the same draw order will now be second-hand orderd by name, thereby making overlaps consistent over time, place and randomness.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added a descriptive text to dowsing rods explaining their functionality. Dowsing rods should now also give error messages when dowsing from the highest local point in the water table. Hopefully fixing this.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Updated descriptive text on "Parry" block to avoid this confusion.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced the hitbox of chairs a bit.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced the amount of water removed per thing boiled in the cauldron's inventory from one liter to 0.2 liters, fixing this. Also reduced passive water consumption when boiling to half.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reverted a change that cause branches to not take quality from the axe used to split them, fixing this.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which chickens did not drink water, as reported here.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Arrow-shattered arrow should now take quality from the arrows used to create it, fixing this.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be able to put dead tamed animals of all genders and types into the wagon, fixing this.
Samhain 2015-10-29 Raw Meat -- (Small Fixes) ... not sure due to bird meat.
Added input types for generic mutton, pork, and beef, which accept meat from both domesticated and wild animals, thus fixing this. Recipes have been updated to mirror.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Can now eat Beef raw as in Legacy Haven.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with differing standards for raising and lowering soil, as reported here.
Samhain 2015-10-29 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with the Gold plate.

Leniency Central (2015-11-03)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 Stockpile, Cloth -- (New Implementations)
Added Cloth stockpile
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 Wool Cloth -- (New Implementations)
Added Wool Cloth
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 Birchbark Basket -- (New Implementations)
Added "Birchbark Basket", container
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 Bone Marrow -- (New Implementations)
Added "Bone Marrow", food
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 Worm-Eaten Apple -- (New Implementations)
Added "Worm-Eaten Apple", curiosity
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Changed quality tracking to floating point to track quality fractions. Qualities gathered from nature are almost always integral. Most qualities belonging to "cycling" processes are made integral by rounding to nearest: crops, silk, tree planting, cattle, &c. Building qualities are made integral by rounding to nearest. The short item tooltip always displays qualities as rounded to nearest, and the long item tooltip displays qualities to the first decimal, except when qualities are exact integers, when the long tooltip also displays them as such, and without decimals. This is a fairly invasive change, and we have not been able to test every single quality mechanic or interaction beforehand, so we have taken the precaution of making a server backup in case this blows up entirely. Hopefully, however, this fixes the problem of poor quality tracking of substances and fluids. Feel free to keep your eyes on this and report any suspicious activitiy.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Seed piles of varying qualities no longer mix automatically when harvesting.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed two reported (albeit highly situational) walljump bugs. Thank you for reporting, rather than exploiting.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed the road bug.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed the index out of bounds client bug.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Made it so that you cannot aggro over walls, hopefully fixing the problem with hitched animals despawning.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Improved bumpmap for brick tiles
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Polished female character mesh slightly to avoid hand distortions.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Made Round shield a wall item.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a problem with shield equipping poorly.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug causing discovery of shield recipe to require sketches
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Hogs, sows, piglets, calves and lambs now have avatar views set properly
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Candles only cost one wax rather than two
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Strawdolls only cost four straw rather than six
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Wheelbarrow costs leather, rather than hard leather (Inb4, "Dzorby y u no reimburse?! UNFIAR! D:<")
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Wheelbarrow can carry a full stockpile, rather than 40 units.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Wheelbarrow can now dump content to other objects if applicable. E.g. coop, trough, tarkiln, &c.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with wheelbarrows interacting poorly with ridges.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added sound to Wheelbarrow
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced water consumption when boiling cocoons and mussels from default 1 liter to 0.2 liters.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Flaxfibre and hempfibre drop to ground when harvesting, instead of being placed in inventory
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Flaxfibre and hempfibre last ~two hours, rather than one, when dropped
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Carrots, beets and beet leaves, and lettuceheads, last two hours when dropped, rather than ~40min
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Bones last longer before despawning
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Seed piles last ~an hour, rather than 40 minutes, when dropped.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Building a Minehole takes significantly more stamina
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Crafting by alloying crucible generally faster
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Birch has two units of bark, rather than one
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added new animation when using frying pan. Unfortunately it has a synch issue, but we shall have to live with that for the time being.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added animation to harvesting beeswax and coal.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added explanatory text to Wrought Iron crafting.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added explanatory text to Firebrand.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Hopefully fixed a small graphical issue causing the pumpkin lantern to flicker at times.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Metal stockpile now holds 25 rather than 14.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Barkbread can now be made with any bark, rather than just birchbark
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Opening natural galleries should no longer repave for you, as reported here.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Can dig away paving in caves using the dig command. Fixing this.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with custom images breaking the profile avatar.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with declaimed, inherited claims still existing for purposes of claiming cost.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Buffed chances of quality increases when planting trees and bushes, hopefully fixing this.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Widened the female river ford in the character creation room, fixing this report.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Made the deep water minimap texture a deeper blue as per this suggestion.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You can now turn hardened leather (back) into leather by Right-click:ing it to "Crack & Soften", allowing for quality shenaningas as per this suggestion.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Soil now decays significantly slower, as suggested here.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Input icon for tea now asks for "Cured Tea", rather than green tealeaves specifically, as reported here.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Improved interaction between Druid's cape and female hair and jackomask, partly as reported here.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Slightly improved setting of Winged Helmet, as suggested here.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now display name overlays on known Hearth Fires, as suggested here.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Qualities determined when butchering chickens now use the highest value of Survial or Farming, rather than only Survial, as suggested here.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which you could destroy objects, notably bodies, by logging out close to unmined tiles.
Leniency Central 2015-11-03 <No Pages> -- (We Did Not Fix (or did we?))
For various reasons I've had reason to suspect that hitched wild animals can for some reason despawn. This has not been possible to reproduce, and loftar doubts the existence of such a bug, and believes someone aggroing the animals to be the likely explanation. We are therefore, in light of above fixes to prevent aggroing over walls, calling this fixed until someone reports it again.

Cuck-Hombre (2015-11-05)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (OOOOOPS)
So, when pushing this patch we had a major ooops moment, in that we pushed this change
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (OOOOOPS)
Mineral qualities were calculated suboptimally. They should now be improved, which means you should probably be finding more of them.So, yeah, they did, and it was a bit OTT. So we shut the server down and ninja-nerf'd it. But the damage was already done, so we again changed it back to what it first was.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (OOOOOPS)
So, basically, for the remainder of this world, we will be rocking some pretty high baseline quality minerals, which shall certainly prove to be most interesting.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (OOOOOPS)
Also we will be doing backups before pushing patches from now on. Sorry about that!
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 Cucumber, Cucumber Crop -- (New Implementations)
Added Cucumber to your local Wild Windsown Weed
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Claims only begin accumulating authority eight hours after construction. Claims no longer start at negative authority, but instead at zero. Perhaps doing something do alleviate this.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
You may now build authority objects on the lower cave/world levels, provided you have already claimed the corresponding tile in the level immediately above, fixing this.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a problem with the battering ram causing it to ignore soak when determining damage.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Had a look at livestock eating patterns and realized complete fuckup. Domesticated animals ate 0.2 litres of swill/RL-day, 2 litres/day when pregnant, chickens 0.5 and chicks 0.2. We have now instead made it so that livestock eat 0.45 litres of swill each day, and 2.25/day when pregnant. Chickens eat 0.15liters/day, and chicks 0.05 liters/day. Fixing this and this, and maybe some other reports as well. Sorry about that. Hope this seems reasonable.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Significantly reduced the RNG to crop timers, hopefully alleviating this.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You can now aggro through open gates, and you should receive an error message when attempting to aggro over walls, fixing this
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Aggroing is no longer strictly tied to movement, meaning you can aggro, for example, from a passenger seat of a boat, or other mount. Fixing this
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You can no longer use an existing wall to build a new cornerpost through a minehole.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Dragonflies, Silk Moths, Bats & Ladybugs should now be able to fly over deep water. Bats can cross objects. Cape awarded to jorb.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed an old annoying bug by which freshly mined out cave tiles were not updated to proper mineral tiles if they were on map borders.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a very old map update bug that has been with us since Salem, by which the map failed to update sometimes when teleporting, causing data from the place you ported from to linger.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Inventory should now fill up properly when cleaning bats, fixing this.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which you could raise acre clay fields with any landfill under some circumstances.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Animal paths no longer count as acre clay. Sorry about that.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Boats can no longer be rowed out from land, fixing a bug by which the character would be lost entirely from its boat offset.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Urns and Pots can be placed in wagons.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Can put seeds in buckets again. You're welcome.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Minimap now updates when terrain changes.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Pickaxes count 2x their qualities when determining ease of mining.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Changed hardness levels for mines in that levels one and two are easier to mine, but levels below are somewhat harder.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Mineral qualities were calculated suboptimally. They should now be improved, which means you should probably be finding more of them.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You can now burn boards in Tar Kilns. Draw your own conclusions.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Forging Wrought Iron now has a slight chance of reducing or increasing the qualities of the end product, as it was in Legacy.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Should now be possible to dig for stone on mountains and rock. Work in progress, but you should be able to get stone this way, at least.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Livestock properties should now generally have significantly higher chances of increasing over breeding cycles. A fair amount of the quality fixes suggested, and fixing, this.
Cuck-Hombre 2015-11-05 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Made it easier to exit timber houses and stonemansions, thereby fixing this.

Le Petit Fix (2015-11-10)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Le Petit Fix 2015-11-10 Cornucopia -- (New Implementations)
Added "Cornucopia", curiosity, food, symbel item.
Le Petit Fix 2015-11-10 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Combined symbel items changed from geometric to arithmetic progression, as it was in Legacy, thereby fixing/alleviating this and this. Tables now display their sums.
Le Petit Fix 2015-11-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Cucumbers now influenced by beehives
Le Petit Fix 2015-11-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a small bug by which lettuce seeds disappeared when splitting heads with full inventory.
Le Petit Fix 2015-11-10 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Claims take 8, rather than 24, hours to activate, as was always the intention. Reported here.

Castles in the Sand (2015-11-12)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Castles in the Sand 2015-11-12 Stone Tower -- (New Implementations)
Added "Stone Tower", building.
Castles in the Sand 2015-11-12 Sand -- (New Implementations)
Re-implemented Sand, now required for glass.
Castles in the Sand 2015-11-12 Sand Castle -- (New Implementations)
Re-implemented Sand Castle.
Castles in the Sand 2015-11-12 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
As some of you may know we are currently toying with several ideas with an aim toward improving the social dynamics of the game, making larger civilizations and, ideally, open cities, possible. While most of this is still on the fairly raw idea stage, this one idea suddenly stood out us as so simple and elegant, yet potentially game changing for the better, that we simply decided to go ahead and implement it, as a test, if nothing else: Whenever you pass through an open, claimed Gate -- on a claim, village or private, which you are not a member/owner of -- you become a visitor of the claim in question, and can no longer commit crimes against said claim for the duration of your visit, i.e. until you leave it. You might want to explore this implementation carefully, as it may contain bugs, unforseen consequences, or strange edge cases we haven't thought of, but, theoretically, we believe that this means that you should more or less be able to leave your gates open to strangers, as said strangers should be unable to commit crimes inside your settlement. We would also like to include an option to evict visitors from the claim, but haven't been able to think of a good implementation yet.
Castles in the Sand 2015-11-12 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Changed combat delta formula -- affects comparisons between attack & block weights, and agilities -- to a cuberoot of the ratio of the compared values. Character development should now matter a bit more in combat. Let us know what you think.
Castles in the Sand 2015-11-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Cellars built after this patch should have walls.
Castles in the Sand 2015-11-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Wheelbarrows can now be put in wagons, fixing this. Arguably a bit odd, but at least consistent with boats and carts.
Castles in the Sand 2015-11-12 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which the battering ram could be used to ram over walls.

Dem Feels (2015-11-17)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added support for emotes, and six of them.
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 Boar Spear -- (New Implementations)
Added spear, "Boar Spear". Can be used as a melee weapon, and as a ranged weapon.
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Added "Sting", attack to Spears and Swords.
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Activating fighting actions no longer interrupts other actions.
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Punch attack weight reduced from 1 to 0.8
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Chop is now Sweeping in addition to Striking.
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (Combat Changes)
Cleave is now Back-Handed in addition to Oppressive, and deals 1.5xDamage, rather than 2x.
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Village Idols cannot be activated until 24hrs after completion.
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Visitor buffs should now on login check whether they should persist, thus hopefully alleviating, if not fixing, this. Visitor buffs may still linger due to mounts, but fixing that is a bigger deal.
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Initiating a combat relation with a tame animal on a claim should now be a crime of vandalism, rather than not a crime at all, as reported here.
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Players should now display their names in Valhalla.
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Greaves, shields, bows, arrows and spears should now appear in Valhalla.
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Animals should now dehitch when slaughtered. Cape awarded to jorb.
Dem Feels 2015-11-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Gave arrows a generic input type, fixing this.

A Touch of Fix (2015-11-19)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations) ... unspecified.
Added a new curiosity that can be found.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 Fishpie -- (New Implementations)
Added "Fishpie", food
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 Emotes -- (New Implementations)
Added "Shrug", emote
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations)
Slag is now a proper rock and can be paved/built with, as suggested here.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Sparring should no longer break armor, as suggested here among lots of places.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Implemented a Right-Click->Shoo command for domestic animals as suggested here, among other places.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Animals should no longer attack while fleeing. Cape awarded to jorb.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Cleave should actually be fixed according to last patch's note, fixing this.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Cloth stockpile better adapted to its bounding box size, fixing this.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Perception/Exploration demands for Peculiar Flotsam are the same as they were in legacy, fixing this.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Reduced crafting time required for loom, spinning wheel, rope walk, and churn, as suggested here.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Sand castle gives 7500lp base, rather than 2500.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Stone Tower costs stamina to build, fixing this.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Beech nuts are edible as suggested here.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
There is now a preview for paintings, as requested here.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a combat text inconsistency.
A Touch of Fix 2015-11-19 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Actually committed previously mentioned changes to female path in character creation room, fixing this.

Le Happy Merchant (2015-11-24)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Le Happy Merchant 2015-11-24 Barter Stand -- (Barter Stands) - Potential split/merge candidate.
Re-implemented Barter Stands. Barter Stands are automatic vendors which trade items from containers in exchange for specified goods, placing the acquired goods in a(nother) container. Each barter stand can hold five offers. To setup an offer with trade links to appropriate containers, first withdraw the taking and giving hands -- abstract linking items -- corresponding to the particular offer you'd like to set, and place them in appropriate containers. The stand has a range of ~225 tiles, and requires the Stand owner to have theft permissions on the relevant container. Items will be drawn from the container with the giving hand (green), and sold in exchange for specified items, to be placed in the container with the taking hand (red). The product on sale need not be specified, but rather is automatically drawn and presented as such from the container with the giving hand. You specify the type of goods you expect in return by pressing the "Change" button and clicking an item of the kind you want. If the item you are thusly imprinting as desired trade good has multiple item types available, you will be presented with a choice among its various types. You can also specify amount of items, and minimum qualities desired.
Le Happy Merchant 2015-11-24 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
For example: I wish to trade beetroots for 3 chantrelles a piece. I place the giving hand in the container containing my beetroots, and the taking hand in an empty container. To set the cost in chantrelles, I click "Change", and click a chantrelle with the scroll cursor, then choosing chantrelles as type, rather than mushrooms. I set quantity on desired item to 3, and leave the qualities unchanged.
Le Happy Merchant 2015-11-24 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
There are several things left to do on the implementation which we will be looking at on Wednesday, but we figured we could at least push what we do have. The stands should be functional and possible to use as such.
Le Happy Merchant 2015-11-24 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
Reduce barter stand GUI to fit buyer's perspective
Le Happy Merchant 2015-11-24 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
Introduce custom imagery to barter stand signs.
Le Happy Merchant 2015-11-24 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
Display goods on barter stand
Le Happy Merchant 2015-11-24 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
Add small marking signs that can be placed in the world, imprinted with and displaying any inventory icon (somewhat unrelated).
Le Happy Merchant 2015-11-24 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
Coins (somewhat unrelated).
Le Happy Merchant 2015-11-24 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
One thing to note is that, much as in Legacy, the stand can only accept items which have input types set for them (internal mumbo-jumbo, but loosely corresponds to items used in crafting). We are looking to fix this, but the imagined fix is more involved.
Le Happy Merchant 2015-11-24 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
You cannot presently request compound quality. Unsure on how necessary it is.
Le Happy Merchant 2015-11-24 Grilled Frog Legs -- (New Implementations)
Added "Grilled Frog Legs", food

Dubloons (2015-11-26)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Dubloons 2015-11-26 Coins, Coinpress -- (New Implementations) - Merged.
(added) Coins & Coinpress. The coinpress, much as in Legacy, presses bars of metal to stacks of 100 coins. A coinpress can, optionally, be named. Coins produced in a named press are unique items which do not mix with other coins of other types, and which are not matched as coins of other types by barter stands. This means that you can, for example, create a stand which accepts only your own fiat currency. 100 coins of any type (named or otherwise) can be re-smelted into a bar of that same metal.
Dubloons 2015-11-26 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Archery now enabled in Valhalla.

Apperances of Fix (2015-12-01)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 Display Sign -- (New Implementations)
Added "Display Sign", buildable object. Small, wooden sign which can be assigned and display the icon of any inventory item.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 Parchment, Written Parchment -- (New Implementations)
Re-implemented Parchment. Can be written upon to leave notes, quite simply.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 Stockpile, Coin -- (New Implementations)
Added coin stockpile.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 Emotes -- (New Implementations)
Added "Facepalm", emote.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 Silver Rose -- (New Implementations)
Added "Silver Rose", curio.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 Golden Tooth -- (New Implementations)
Added "Golden Tooth", curio.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
Barter stands graphically display goods for sale in them.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
Barter stands employ variable materials in the ownership sign.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
Barter stand ownership signs can have custom graphics applied to them. Hold a sketch and right-click the ownership sign to apply or reapply. This consumes the sketch.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands)
Can now renounce ownership of barter stands.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Barter Stands) SKIPPED: General bug fix. (potential split candidate)
Fixed some bugs related to barter stands. Quality fields now accept zero as input value, barter stand generally updates better, and barter stand distance checks safer.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added "Production & Processing" subcategory to the first build menu, and put Bee Skeps, Herbalist Tables, &c in there.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 Written Sign -- (Small Fixes)
Renamed "Wooden Sign" to "Written Sign", and gave it a descriptive text.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Spear, Hunter's Quiver, Hunter's Bow, Saws, Shovels, Sledgehammer, Scythe, Pickaxe, and pretty much all equipment, should now be possible to hang on walls. Not all items have great native orientation, so your aesthetic mileage may vary.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Animal butchering and sheep shearing check for crime permissions. Reported here.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Odd Tuber has a meaningfully long decay rate. Reported here.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Wheelbarrows should now remember their last driver as owner, making it possible to recover them from claims you bump into. Reported here.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Wagons should be unable to cross ridges, but able to cross shallow water. Reported/suggested here.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Curding tub should be possible to put into wagon, reported here.
Apperances of Fix 2015-12-01 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Land surveys are now properly exclusive, fixing this. Also selectively fixed a small update problem with large surveys.

Leather Feather (2015-12-03)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Leather Feather 2015-12-03 Stone Casket -- (New Implementations)
Added a "Stone Casket", container.
Leather Feather 2015-12-03 Stockpile, Leather, Hardened Leather -- (New Implementations)
Added a stockpile for leather, and for that purpose a common type for leather and hardened leather called any leather.
Leather Feather 2015-12-03 Stockpile, Feather -- (New Implementations)
Added a stockpile for feathers.
Leather Feather 2015-12-03 Claim, Personal Claim, Village Claim -- (Key Fixes)
Fairly invasive overhaul of claim checks during player movement, especially as relates to mounts, aiming at correcting the problem of mounts entering claims without notification, trespassing and theft requirements, village name presentation, &c. This can potentially cause unintended consequences, so keep an eye out for that. Fixing this and this.
Leather Feather 2015-12-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed titlebar for large chest. Cape awarded to loftar.
Leather Feather 2015-12-03 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Moving with a wagon should close open containers.

Animash (2015-12-09)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Animash 2015-12-09 Squirrel -- (New Implementations)
Added squirrels.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations) ... where to add ...
Added/re-added "Smoke & Fire" buff from smoking pipeweed.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug with Dawn on the Mountain appearing at dusk.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
The weight of Melee attacks has always been sqrt(Vitality of weapon * Melee Skill), but this has not been properly indicated in attack descriptions, and I received a bug report probably rooted in this. The descriptions are now updated.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Made it so that you can attack intruders on a personal claim, despite having a visitor debuff, if you have trespassing permissions to the personal claim in question. Fixing this.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Characters whose players are not presently logged in should always auto-yield. Hermine cloak awarded to loftar.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Animals that can be picked up can also be run over by carts and wagons, fixing this.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Weapon quality should now affect parry damage as reported here.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
"Satiation reduction" on symbel items and tables renamed "Hunger reduction" for terminological consistency, as reported here.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Quarried stone goes to cursor rather than disappear, as reported here.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Quarrying now costs stamina, as reported here.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Black Coal can no longer be quarried, as reported here.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Caveins no longer give curiosities when dug, as reported here.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which corner posts could present you with option to build gate even though a gate was already built, as reported here.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Cutting down small trees should sometimes yield branches.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Ground pepper now stacks to 500g, rather than 50.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Tooltip for peppered things now state that they have been peppered.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Exiting mineholes now checks for tile obstruction, fixing this.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You now exit mineholes on the side of the ladder, fixing this.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a bug by which certain object angles obscured targeting erroneously.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Tanning fluid is now consumed per unit of leather, rather than per unit of hide, fixing this.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Projectiles can no longer go through cave walls, fixing this.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Flotsam is no longer a flower, but Frog's Crown now is, as erroneously double reported here.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Poppy garland significantly better, fixing this.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Wheelbarrows can be dumped to containers, as suggested here.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
The old bug with the HHP counter not updating with wounds healing should now be fixed.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Bought sketchpages are now withdrawn one at a time from your Hearth Fire, rather than all at once, as suggested here.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
All Jewelry actually requires the skill Jewelry.
Animash 2015-12-09 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Tin Fly now requires Metalworking, rather than Jewelry. Hermine cape awarded to loftar.

Seasons Greetings (2015-12-17)

Patch Date Pages -- Remark
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 Quest -- (New Implementations)
Added quest system. When you start a new character you are given quests to help get you into the game. We've done a few to start with, and will add more continously!
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations) ... Potential target page?
Added a targeting arrow indicating your active target when in combat with multiple enemies.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 Moose -- (New Implementations)
Added Moose and some related produce.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (New Implementations) ... unspecified.
Added a new attack.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 Snow -- (New Implementations)
Added snow. You can dig it from a snow biome (on mountain peaks) near you.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 Flint & Steel -- (New Implementations)
Added "Flint & Steel". Craft, light fires.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 Snowman -- (New Implementations)
Added Snowman, can be built, and most hats can be placed on it.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 Snowball, Valhalla -- (New Implementations)
Added Snowballs. Craft them and throw them by right-clicking. There's also some snow in Valhalla now if you want to try it out.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 Egg Cake -- (New Implementations)
Added "Egg Cake", food
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Curiosities now have varying amounts of Wear, meaning that they can be used several times, losing one point of wear per use. Curiosities thus no longer use compound quality to determine their effectiveness, but rather: Substance increases the amount of Wear the item can take, Essence affects the amount of LP given per study cycle, and vitality reduces mental weight, approaching a reduction to half of base. The amount of LP given also scales linearly with the amount of wear left on the item, meaning that items give less LP per study iteration the more worn they are. Not at all sure if the amount of wear each curiosity has been assigned is at all reasonable, so feel free to suggest changes.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
Made it so that animals only selectively bash objects on claims, hopefully alleviating/fixing the exploit used here.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (Key Fixes)
It is now possible to Evict a visiting player from your claim (Right-Click->Evict), forcing him to travel to his Hearth Fire. If travel home is impossible for some reason, such as a crime buff, or a combat relation, the visiting player will instead be knocked out.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
You now get three Goldbeater's Skins per Suckling's Maw, rather than two.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a small update problem with Sheep indicating shearability. Cape awarded to jorb.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes) SKIPPED: General bug fix.
Fixed a small bug from last update which made water tiles impermeable to arrows.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
It is no longer possible to build roundpole fences indoors
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Harvesting now somewhat faster both with and without scythe
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added explanatory tooltip to barrel, demijohn, cheese tray.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Retouched the bindings in the drying frames for big hides.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Added a proper terrain object for chantrelles as dropped.
Seasons Greetings 2015-12-17 <No Pages> -- (Small Fixes)
Gave Teapot a hotkey, as reported here.